Runner's Challenge

Challenge: to run the most miles over the course of 2012.
Please post your daily run distance and your total distance for 2012.
- You can also post your time, calories, etc.


  • Today's run: 1.48 miles
    2012 total: 1.48 miles
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    This is great! Today was my rest day (not a GREAT way to start off the year, but I needed it). I will post my run tomorrow I can get it in (we are travelling tomorrow).
  • I hadn't really planned to do much running...however I did find a great routine: from couch to 5K -10 week training. I found it on a website called pinterest, and it was originally from someone's blog...I'm not sure whose.

    Check it out here: (this link is just to the image of the workout plan, not the person's blog)

    So far we've been lucky with our weather this winter, but I don't know how long it will last! So I was thinking of tackling this in the spring.
  • superflygal747
    superflygal747 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not a runner but I'm prepared to give it a go as it seems to be the best way to burn fat. I've discovered Couch to 5k too and I'm starting it tomorrow. My goal is to enter a 5k race at the end of the programme in 10 weeks time. Here's hoping! Need your support guys!
  • good luck!
  • melissa39437
    melissa39437 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for sharing the couch to 5k site! I plan to start on it first thing tomorrow morning.
  • C25k is awesome! I am half through the program and I am running my first 5k mid-February. It's great if you aren't into running like I was. Now its my go to stress reliever! :) but today is my rest day.
  • I'm not a runner but I'm prepared to give it a go as it seems to be the best way to burn fat. I've discovered Couch to 5k too and I'm starting it tomorrow. My goal is to enter a 5k race at the end of the programme in 10 weeks time. Here's hoping! Need your support guys!

    I think the C25K program is amazing. I did it last summer and went from barely being able to run a mile at a time to running 2.5 miles at a time with ease. I think the last half mile was tough mentally for me. I signed up for my first 5k in April, so I've got to get in shape before then.
  • mquickel
    mquickel Posts: 18 Member
    I have never been a runner but I think that I am going to try the C25K. There is also a couch to 5k group on here that we might want to check out.
  • jgoodgame
    jgoodgame Posts: 10 Member
    Ran 5m

    YTD 5m
  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    2 miles total run/walk, .5 miles running.
  • 01/02/12

    Today: 2.0 miles
    Total: 2.0 miles
  • Walked 1 mile
    Jogged 1 mile
  • superflygal747
    superflygal747 Posts: 40 Member
    2nd Jan: Walked/ran 2miles
  • Jan 2: 1.73 miles
    total 2012: 4.29 miles
  • jgoodgame
    jgoodgame Posts: 10 Member
    ran 5 miles

    2012 : 10 miles
  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    Yesterday I did 3k on the elliptical and 3k on the treadmill.

    2012: 6k
  • Walked/ran 2 miles
    2012 total 4 miles
  • jgoodgame
    jgoodgame Posts: 10 Member
    ran 10 miles

    2012: 20 miles
  • superflygal747
    superflygal747 Posts: 40 Member
    4th Jan: Walked/ran 1.90 miles

    2012 total 3.90miles