
  • Mattyfit2014
    Mattyfit2014 Posts: 28 Member
    good yet simple challange this! i could certainly do with drinking more
  • I'm not sure why, I know it's weird but I tend to drink more water when I use a straw. Lol.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Crystal light helps me drink my water..

    I LOVE Crystal light!!!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I'm going to try making a rule for myself that I'm not allowed to have anything else to drink (i.e. juice, soda, coffee, etc.) before I drink 1-2 glasses of water. I'm not sure if that's the best way to handle it, but it's at least a start to getting into a better habit of drinking water. My friend drinks Sobe life water, which has various flavors. Thinking of trying that too unless someone knows of a reason why that's not a good way to go.

    Good challenge for the first week!

    That is a great idea! Variety!!!!!!
  • This is where it gets hard for me, with only one income in our household I can't buy enough bottled water to drink so much everyday, and we live in a city and the tap water tastes like dirt, so that's not happening. Does anyone have one of the cheaper water filters for the faucet that actually makes your water taste good?
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    This is where it gets hard for me, with only one income in our household I can't buy enough bottled water to drink so much everyday, and we live in a city and the tap water tastes like dirt, so that's not happening. Does anyone have one of the cheaper water filters for the faucet that actually makes your water taste good?
    I hear you! I am a stay at home mom and water can be quite expensive. Last year we started using the BRITA pitcher and it really saved money and enviormentally friendly. I just buy bottled water for my girls to take to school. Recently we bought a new fridge and it has a water dispenser with a filter,that should last 4-6 months. So I got rid of my Brita pitcher(it had cracked) and leaked. If you have a BJs wholesale around your area, they always have coupons for the Brita pitcher and the filters.
  • My bootcamp trainer told me that you burn less calories if you are dehydrated. I definitely want to boost my calorie burn, so I plan on getting my 64oz plus in. Sometimes I throw an Emergen-C in to my 24oz bottle for a little flavor and an extra boost of vitamin C.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,432 Member
    For most of my life I really did not enjoy drinking water. I started by just making myself do it. Now it has become a habit and I enjoy water. I guess if all else fails just do it until it becomes a new habit. Good luck on your week everyone!
  • taylorbrown1792
    taylorbrown1792 Posts: 129 Member
    I have it easy, I just have a LARGE mug that hold 64 oz of water >:D it's interesting when other people see it XD
  • This is where it gets hard for me, with only one income in our household I can't buy enough bottled water to drink so much everyday, and we live in a city and the tap water tastes like dirt, so that's not happening. Does anyone have one of the cheaper water filters for the faucet that actually makes your water taste good?
    I hear you! I am a stay at home mom and water can be quite expensive. Last year we started using the BRITA pitcher and it really saved money and enviormentally friendly. I just buy bottled water for my girls to take to school. Recently we bought a new fridge and it has a water dispenser with a filter,that should last 4-6 months. So I got rid of my Brita pitcher(it had cracked) and leaked. If you have a BJs wholesale around your area, they always have coupons for the Brita pitcher and the filters.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I always look at the water filters at the store, but when you're on a budget you don't wanna buy something just cuz it's the one you can afford and then it turns out it doesn't work all that well :/ I don't know if we have a Bj's around here, I'll check that out though. And another thing for me that's kinda weird is i can only a lot of water if it's in a bottle, I can't seem to drink it from a cup, lol. So if I get the pitcher I'll definitely have to buy 4 re-usable water bottles, that way everyone in the family can have their own! Thanks again!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    My son's girlfriend just came home from the hospital after a short stay and they gave her a 64oz bottle to use in the hospital (rather than those little cups). That's how they measured her intake - and she could keep it when she left. It was NICE - and even had a thing in the middle you could freeze to keep the water cold.

    I actually started concentrating on water intake this past weekend. I have been having wicked headaches lately, and over Christmas a friend told me that dehydration can cause that. She also said that more times than not we are actually thirsty when we go seeking a snack (instead of hungry). That's why we sometimes want to eat something but can't seem to find something to satisfy. She says she now drinks a whole glass of water if she wants to snack. She says many times she finds she was just thirsty. And if not, she doesn't eat as much since she's already had a glass of water.

    I had 24 oz this morning, then started in on a 17oz Diet Rite Pure Zero (my treat twice a week). Then it will be back to my water.
  • Lirana
    Lirana Posts: 12 Member
    I also have a Brita pitcher. I know the price can be daunting (you want HOW MUCH for the filters???) at first, but it really is much more economical than bottles. And more environmentally friendly. And if you cut coupons, you can often find coupons for filters. This time of the year, there are often coupons for the pitchers themselves too.

    The 64 oz water bottle helps a lot. I have a giant purple one at work that I got on sale a couple years back.
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    This is where it gets hard for me, with only one income in our household I can't buy enough bottled water to drink so much everyday, and we live in a city and the tap water tastes like dirt, so that's not happening. Does anyone have one of the cheaper water filters for the faucet that actually makes your water taste good?
    I hear you! I am a stay at home mom and water can be quite expensive. Last year we started using the BRITA pitcher and it really saved money and enviormentally friendly. I just buy bottled water for my girls to take to school. Recently we bought a new fridge and it has a water dispenser with a filter,that should last 4-6 months. So I got rid of my Brita pitcher(it had cracked) and leaked. If you have a BJs wholesale around your area, they always have coupons for the Brita pitcher and the filters.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I always look at the water filters at the store, but when you're on a budget you don't wanna buy something just cuz it's the one you can afford and then it turns out it doesn't work all that well :/ I don't know if we have a Bj's around here, I'll check that out though. And another thing for me that's kinda weird is i can only a lot of water if it's in a bottle, I can't seem to drink it from a cup, lol. So if I get the pitcher I'll definitely have to buy 4 re-usable water bottles, that way everyone in the family can have their own! Thanks again!
    LOL!! I am the same way! I have to drink water from a bottle too.
  • I have a saltwater fish tank and I make my own RO/DI water. Well I have a RO bypass that I use to fill my 5 gallon water jugs. It's just like bottled water but at a fraction of the cost! Has been a great investment and it just connects to your sink cold water tap.
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    I find the same thing. I always can drink more water if I either use a straw or in an open cup - not a water bottle.
  • chefchile
    chefchile Posts: 1 Member
    Water with Crystal Light, or plain Seltzer water so I feel like I am having a soda.
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    I have been drinking a lot of water of late. I drink one 16.9 while working out for half an hour and two when I workout for 1 hour. Then I usually have some in the morning right when I get up. I try to drink some throughtout the day. My thing is to try to stop drinking soda, so I need to add more water to my day.
  • prsconch
    prsconch Posts: 20 Member
    It may help to make it your goal to drink one 16 oz bottle before leaving for work. You will be surprised it is easy to do. I hate water, and started having to take medicine with a full glass of water one hour before eating anything in the morning. This is when I realized how easy it is to drink not just one glass of water but a16oz bottle of water first thing in the morning...Then you only have 6 to go.

    I also love flavored lemon lime seltzer water. However, I don't let that count for my water intake. I also like putting a slice of lemon, lime, and/or orange in my water to give it some flavor.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I have a big botttle (70 oz+) of water which carry every where with me. I know I have to finish it by the end of the day.
    Something it get me to drink more than just drink from the cup. Sometime I put some lemond juice in it.
    Since I do Low carb diet so if I start drinking on the 2nd bottle, I put a little of lite salt in there so I can have some extra electrolite and potassium other wise I can't sleep at night.
    Also drink 8oz of water before each meal helps keep me eat less.
  • jmg48
    jmg48 Posts: 2
    This is definitely an area of weakness for me! But I am up to the challenge. What helps me is to use a cup with a straw. I'm more likely to grab and sip constantly if I don't have to open a bottle. Sounds crazy, but it works for me! For Christmas a co-worker gave me a hard plastic cup with screw on lid and straw that doesn't come out, so I just keep it on my desk and refill at the drinking fountain.