IT'S MONDAY!!! (week 6)

lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
Good Morning Everyone!
How was everyone's New Year? Any resolutions this year? Did you stay on track through this holiday season?

My resolution is leaving the old unhealthy me back in 2011 and I have managed to lose 5lbs between Christmas and New Years despite of all the junk I ate. I kept up with my workouts and have started the Supreme 90 day workout yesterday. I can tell its going to be a good year! :) Keep up the wonderful work and effort ladies! I am so very proud of each and every one of you for trying to change your life for the better!


  • angel2874
    angel2874 Posts: 59 Member
    I am having a wonderful time visiting family and friends, so no set goals this week except to do what I have been doing watching what I choose to eat and make the best choices, have some busy days this weeek so hopefully that will help me stay away from bad choices. One week to go then I can get back on track especially with the exercising didn't do very much cardio since I have been gone besides playing with all the kids. Next Monday will be back at it in strong force, hopefully I haven't done too much damage.
    Awesome job losing 5 pounds during a very tough season job well done. I am so proud of you keep up the great work!!!

    I am going to make 2012 my year!!!!

    All the best for each of you in 2012, may all your goals be reached and all your dreams come true!!!
  • vandychick
    vandychick Posts: 12 Member
    I didn't do too badly over the holidays--not in comparison to some past years anyway. We had one kid or another get sick all though the month of December, so I had lots of schedule disruptions. I stuck to my exercise videos, doing them when my little one was napping. And I did all my usual holiday baking--just didn't eat it to excess. So I am pretty pleased with myself. I maintained my loss, which for me is a win.

    I rejoined the gym (well, a new one because I need childcare and my old one didn't have it) and I feel good about that. Going to gym was a part of my everyday life for years and it feels good to get back to it again. Next week I will be all fired up to go, but I want to start slowly with a manageable, flexible schedule.

    Great job you guys. Best of luck in the New Year. I agree--2012 is our year :)
  • birdielosingit
    birdielosingit Posts: 34 Member
    My name is Sarah, and I am new to the group! I gained over the holidays, but nothing I can't undo. I started with my new resolutions and my new goals on 1/2, and I am super excited about all of it! Looking forward to making some new fellow mama friends in this group. :)
  • birdielosingit
    birdielosingit Posts: 34 Member
    My name is Sarah, and I am new to the group! I gained over the holidays, but nothing I can't undo. I started with my new resolutions and my new goals on 1/2, and I am super excited about all of it! Looking forward to making some new fellow mama friends in this group. :)
  • lexik09
    lexik09 Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome Sarah! We are looking forward to having you as a group mate! :) I like to make weekly check in posts just for people to check in and share their progress and keep things on track! If you need a push or a little encouragement, I can be your go to girl for that! I am a very self motivated individual that won't stop for anything!!! We all just have to get over the thought of calling it a diet...its not a "diet" its a lifestyle change! :) I hope you find that people in this group are very motivational and inspirational. We are all here for the same thing so let get it DONE! :happy:
  • lorim621
    lorim621 Posts: 16 Member
    A little late here...but I am new to this group as well. I am pledging to stay on track and just get healthy this year. I actually maintained over the holidays which was good and I am back on track this week. Good luck everyone!