January 4 Check In

RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
I am trying to keep a daily post going so people can check in their workout..... Tonight I will be doing Fire 30 and Stretch 10. Anyone care to join me? Where is everyone at? I was hoping to see daily activity from this group so we could push, motivate, inspire and encourage each other to keep "pushing play". We all got where we are today (overweight and out of shape) by not having a good support system in place so this is our opportunity to come together for the common good of weight loss, firm abs and tights buns!!!!

Come on....let's have some fun!!!


  • RonKay
    RonKay Posts: 85 Member
    Wednesday's are usually my rest days (you might not get many check ins today as its the official rest day on the schedule) but as I had a knee niggle yesterday I made yesterday my rest day.

    Today I completed Fire 30 + sculpt 30- this is one of my favourite workouts but I really couldn't get my head into it, the calories burnt reflected this. But hey! I will draw a line under it and move on! tomorrow is fire 30 + tone 30 so I'll have a chance to redeem myself then :-)
  • jflo2011
    jflo2011 Posts: 31 Member
    I began a 12 week TurboFire/Chalean Extreme Hybrid a week ago. I weighed in today and I am down 4.4lbs! (about 50 to go to for ideal BMI) Yay!! I am doing Fire 45 today...
  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    I will try to remember to post here as well, I always forget the group area! Too bad MFP does not have an area on dashboards for group activity, unless i am missing something. Anyhoo, I did Fire 55 today & last day of 5 day Inferno tomorrow with a Fire 45 & HIIT 20 :) Trying to decide whether to weigh or not to weigh until the end of the month, I hate the scale ;)
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    I hate the scale too.....have to take my share of the responsbility on that one!!!! How long have you been doing Turbo Fire? I started on January 1st and last night was the 55EZ. I hate to admit it but I only lasted for 45 minutes of it. I felt so discouraged but I keep telling myself that the people in the DVD's are in total shape and have been doing it for a long time. Being out of shape with extra weight on makes keeping up with the speed almost impossible. When I jump, I have to weight for everything to land!!! hahahahahaha.

    Anyway, I will keep pressing play and continue building my stamina!!