

  • kkenny0146
    kkenny0146 Posts: 66 Member
    I have had trouble with this too. I am a teacher and in all of my "spare time" I work at Starbucks, so I usually bring my half gallon jug to work with me and fill it up there. The tap water where I live is just like drinking out of a swimming pool. Otherwise I try to buy the gallon jugs from Walmart for about 60 cents.

    I saw a post somewhere else on here that I found interesting. Make a game out of it. Put 8 rubber bands on one wrist and as you drink a glass of water remove one of them. Try to get them all off by the end of the day. It will serve as a constant reminder that you need to drink.
  • boo333
    boo333 Posts: 53 Member
    I drink 60 ounces at work then 40 ounces in the gym:drinker:
  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    I find it's easier to drink more water when it's room temp instead of straight from the water cooler and cold.
  • volschick96
    volschick96 Posts: 19 Member
    I love sparkle ice water... comes in several different flavors and no calories or sugar and it has a fizz to it.. but can only find it in about 3 stores where i live.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Hi guy!!!! I am having a hard time drinking my water today!!! I did sooo good yesterday!!! BUt today I have been out all day and have not had time to drink!! I should have taken a bottle with me like many of you suggested. I hope I can catch up with my water! I am drinking now!!!!!! :) Hope you guys are all keeping up with your water challenge!!!!!!

    Pam :)
  • phelpsmamma
    I use to have the worst time drinking water! I downloaded the waterlogged app on the iphone and I love being able to visually see how much I have drank during that day because if I'm not tracking it then I forget! I drink about 120-150oz a day. Which is a bit more then I should be drinking. I should be drinking about 110oz a day. I keep a 25oz (750ml) bottle with me at all times. I put a quarter of a lemon in at the beginning of the day and it last me until my last bottle at night. I also make it a competition with my husband on who can reach their goal amount of water first. :)
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Well, I made my goal yesterday! I drank 8 glasses and i've started in on my 5th glass today!! I never realized how little water I drink!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Well, I made my goal yesterday! I drank 8 glasses and i've started in on my 5th glass today!! I never realized how little water I drink!

    Excellent!!! I also made goal yesterday and today!!!! Let's keep it up!!!!!
  • lisasmith1968
    lisasmith1968 Posts: 13 Member
    OMG I've never had to pee so much in my life....wow!!! it must be working...:drinker: :drinker:
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    the bathroom thing gets me. I teach primary school and i can't be leaving my class every 15 minutes to pee! Does it get better?
  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    10 glasses today!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    10 glasses today!
    Great job! I had 7 glasses today. I will start drinking my water earlier tomorrow.
  • ActivePhelps
    the bathroom thing gets me. I teach primary school and i can't be leaving my class every 15 minutes to pee! Does it get better?

    I'm on day 3 of 114oz and I still have to go at least 4 times an hour. Hopefully it does ease up!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    I just watched the first episode of this season's Biggest Loser.... I am sure glad nobody has to be eliminated from our group!!!

    Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!


  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    OMG I've never had to pee so much in my life....wow!!! it must be working...:drinker: :drinker:

    I know the feeling!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! Good Job!!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    10 glasses today!

    Awesome!!!!!! Keep it up!!!!!
  • LeighAnnaMS
    the bathroom thing gets me. I teach primary school and i can't be leaving my class every 15 minutes to pee! Does it get better?

    I'm on day 3 of 114oz and I still have to go at least 4 times an hour. Hopefully it does ease up!

    I found it got better... I am on day 4 ... I am hoping today I get to 16 cups (132 oz - which is half my body weight!)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Biggest Looser Participants!!!! Are we drinking our water????:drinker:

    I made it through Day 3!!!! Besides living in the bathroom....it feels great!!!!!!!!!!! Drink up!
  • Ngwarai2012
    Got myself up to 8 cups yesterday! :smile: ... shooting for 10 today.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    the bathroom thing gets me. I teach primary school and i can't be leaving my class every 15 minutes to pee! Does it get better?

    This was always my problem.....my classes got additional bathroom breaks when I first started with the water. I do 64 oz during ths school day and anything extra is at the gym to keep myself hydrated. It seems to be better now. I only have to go when they take the scheduled breaks am/pm.