Brought it this Week 1?

aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
I know we already had a week 1 thread, but they fill up so quickly I think it would be good to have a start of week thread and then a end of week thread!

So Questions for everyone to answer for WEEK 1!!!!

What was the best part of your week?
What was the worst part of your week?
What is one thing you want to focus on for next week?
Word of advice for anybody who is one week behind you?
What helped you BRING IT everyday? What got in your way?


  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    My best part of the week, was doing the chin ups. Of course they were chair assisted, but it got me excited at the idea of being able to do them without a chair! I really want to see myself excel in this area.

    The worst part was Kenpo X yesterday. My head was not in it. (I was thinking WAYY to much about Boy troubles and everything else) And Yoga x was a close second. I couldn't do the whole thing, but I got 2 20min intervals of it out of the way, and plan to do more next week.

    I'm going to focus on nutrition next week. I have not been following the diet, and I don't think I ever will (I HATE TOMATOES AND SHAKES) But I took the nutrition serving guide and have created a meal plan that I should be able to follow. So here goes nothing.

    Word of advice? Do not get discouraged if you find yourself watching more of the DVD's than participating. Some of the moves are really hard and you cannot be expected to do what they are doing the whole time, they HAVE already completed this program, and you are only on week one, don't fret. You will get better. Just bring to the table all you have!

    My desire to see what I'm capable of helped me bring it. Family/friends got in my way unfortunately.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    What was the best part of your week? Call me crazy but I love feeling sore...feels like I accomplished something.

    What was the worst part of your week? Yoga X. I don't know if I will ever like it.

    What is one thing you want to focus on for next week? Continue to focus on biggest weakness.

    Word of advice for anybody who is one week behind you? It will get easier...don't give up!

    What helped you BRING IT everyday? What got in your way? I keep picturing myself lookin good for my upcoming cruise. Nothing got in my way except dreading!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    The best part of this week was feeling places in my body that I never knew I'd used, sore as heck!!
    The worst part of this week, I have to agree with the previous post..Yoga X is a pain I just kept looking at the time wondering if it was getting lower or higher!!
    Next week: I want to finish stronger and do a little more, not a lot but a little more!!
    Words of Advise: Keep pressing play!! And do what you can, don't try to be fit right off the bat, you might injure yourself!!
    What got in my way: my daughter was a big pain, she's always lingering around when I worked out, she tries to do the same thing I do, but she gets distracting.
    What helped me bring it, is thinking of the face my husband will give me after coming home from a 71/2 month deployment and seeing his new and improved wife!!!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    What was the best part of your week? Making it through ab ripper yesterday.
    What was the worst part of your week? Yoga... I didn't sleep well the night before and I got up late and only did 30 minutes... hard to get into that stretching when the body is not yet awake.
    What is one thing you want to focus on for next week? I have to watch my sodium. It was high this week and I was feeling the bloat.
    Word of advice for anybody who is one week behind you? Take things at your own pace unless you are built like those in the dvd.
    What helped you BRING IT everyday? I want to get stronger. I know my MFP friends are watching :-)
    What got in your way? Having to go to work. I work out in the morning and I wish I had a bit more time instead of stressing on the clock.