
Hello all.
My name is Herve and I do have some kgs (lbs) to loose to feel in a better shape. I am a French man who took some 15 kgs while living in Canada during early 2000s and is struggling to loose them since. After some years back in France I lost some but regain them as soon as I arrived in the USA. Definitely in Europe diet is very different and more healthy.
I am Christian and as a Christian I do think I have to be a witness of God's word. I remember the book and story of Daniel, who had a healthy diet. We must keep him as an example and follow it. Our body is the Temple of God and his Holy Spirit and due to this we must take care of it. Praying for ourself and for each other will keep us stronger to reach this goal : having a healthier diet and workout. We must also remember what Moses told to Josuah : "Be strong and of a good courage" (Josuah 1:6).
Regaining a good shape and health is for me a good way to be a witness of God. So, reading and living His word can help us to find the way to achieve our (His) goal.

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  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    Nice encouraging words. So sad that USA has that effect on people. But with God on our side we can do anything. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
  • Thank you Brenda for your encouraging words.
    I want to keep close to Jesus because of His love. He strengthens me too.
  • LGOllie
    LGOllie Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you, Herve! Good post!