Your Hands

alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
Okay, my fellow boxers: since you started boxing, do your hands show it?

My first 2 knuckles have bruises/callouses on them. I know that that is a good sign that I am punching correctly but I wondered if anyone else has that too.

They don't hurt or anything, they are just rough and the skin is darker just on those first 2 knuckles on both hands.

I use cloth wraps and then wear the gloves over that...

anyway, let me know how your hands are!


  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    This is a great topic!

    I have the same callouses on my knuckles that you speak of, but in my research, I have heard that you shouldn't have bruising. Are you sure it isn't red from increased blood flow to the area?

    I use 180 inch cotton wraps and 16 OZ gloves for most of my work. When I get lazy or want to slip a quick workout in I sometimes use the Everlast slip on gel hand wraps. If I hit the bag too hard, or the wrong way with these on I can hurt my hands, but more often I feel it in my wrists. If I am using 8OZ heavy bag gloves (I use these when I mix kettlebell work and bodyweight exercises in with my bag work) I always use the cotton wraps.

    Make sure you wash (don't dry) the wraps once per week or change them out with new ones. Those little scrapes on your knuckles can turn into pretty bad staff infections because the wraps can harbor bacteria.

    I am 52YO and I have my hands checked every 6 months for signs of arthritis. So far so good.

    There is no substitute for good hand protection. There are great YouTube videos that demonstrate the correct way to wrap.

    One other tip... When you get the bag moving, move your body laterally so you don't make the mistake of hitting a bag that is moving toward you. It can cause real damage to the nerve tunnels in the wrist. if the bag is moving toward you, use a stiff jab positioned at the top part of the bag to slow it before you go overhand or undercut.

    Happy hitting! I have 70 minutes planned for tonite.

  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    The three ingredients

    1 - Good Gloves
    2 - Proper Wrapping (including between the knuckles)
    3 - Punching Form

    When I first started Boxing I would often have problems with my pinky knuckle on my right. With my trainer, I slowed my punch down and we worked out quickly that I was over extending my cross when rotating (meaning I was leading with the pinky knuckle). I concentrated on correcting my form and I've never had a problem since.

    My suggestion, if your having any concerns with your knuckles, then it's worth having a look at the above three ingredients.
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks guys!

    Last night, I talked to the trainer and showed my hands to him. He said that they are callouses not bruising and that maybe I should upgrade my gloves. I am wrapping correctly and punching correctly.

    I do wash my wraps once a week and dry them...does the drying wear them down? I will have to try not drying them.

    What do you do to your gloves to keep them clean?

    Anyway, I guess I just don't have pretty girl hands hands are toughening up. LOL
  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    I spray the insides with Lysol once per week.
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Thanks guys!

    Last night, I talked to the trainer and showed my hands to him. He said that they are callouses not bruising and that maybe I should upgrade my gloves. I am wrapping correctly and punching correctly.

    I do wash my wraps once a week and dry them...does the drying wear them down? I will have to try not drying them.

    What do you do to your gloves to keep them clean?

    Anyway, I guess I just don't have pretty girl hands hands are toughening up. LOL

    What weight gloves do you use and what type of training do you do with them?
  • trkinsky
    trkinsky Posts: 63 Member
    I have a pair of Twins Special Muy Thai leather 16 OZ gloves, a pair of Everlast Protex2 16 OZ, A pair of Protex2 14OZ and a pair of Everlast leather heavy bag gloves 8 OZ. I use the Everlast 16OZ and the heavy bag gloves the most.

    I will use the 16OZ gloves on days where I also do strength work on my legs and back and the 8OZ gloves on days where I plan to do pushups and/or kettlebell work since they have an open grip.

    I use the Twins Specials on days where I only hit the bag for cardio. I find that they are not as comfortable and were built for bashing heads and bodies, not a bag hanging from a rafter. I can't hit the bag as hard with these gloves. I never use the 14OZ anymore.