Excersise Activities to do with the kids

sylverkat Posts: 55 Member
It's winter where I am, that means snow, cold and not a lot of outside time. Any ideas on activities that you can do mainly indoors with a little one around to help burn some of thos calories?

Right now I play wii bowling with him, we play wrestle, do jumping jacks...


  • ashkas2
    ashkas2 Posts: 32
    I have a 3 year old and an 11 month old. I got Just Dance 3 for the xbox. it's a kinect game so my 3 year old can play it without having to use the controller. it's a blast! There's a line of yoga videos for parents also. we do toddler and me yoga and my daughter and i do baby and me yoga. It doesn't feel like a hardcore workout but it keeps them entertained.
  • I have two boys, 3.5 and 5, and I find regular horseplay is fun and quite a workout! We jump up and down and dance to high energy music (a mix of Disney songs and "Mommy's songs"), I give horsieback and piggieback rides, hot potato, musical chairs, etc. They don't require any extra equpiment or money, just space and time.

    My favorite is giving them "Up & Down" rides. I lie on my back on the floor and bring up my knees. They take turns sitting on my tops of my feet and with their arms wrapped around my calves, I lift them up and down while singing, "up and down up and down" in time with the up and down movments. Since they are 44 and 40 lbs. it's a great workout! Extra calorie burner and endorphin booster: alot of laughter!

    They also love to "exercise with Mommy" when I'm doing my yoga/stretching DVDs, and they absoutely love the Richard Simmons "Dancing to the Oldies" DVD set that my mom gave me a few years ago. I often ask them what exercise games they want to play and sometimes they come up with really creative ones! Recently they wanted to sit on my back while I did my planks...I was definitely sore the next day!
  • sylverkat
    sylverkat Posts: 55 Member
    There's a line of yoga videos for parents also. we do toddler and me yoga and my daughter and i do baby and me yoga. It doesn't feel like a hardcore workout but it keeps them entertained.

    Great idea. I will search for them for sure.
  • sylverkat
    sylverkat Posts: 55 Member
    What a great idea about the richard simmons and excersising with mommy, it hadnt occured to me that he might just find excersising with me entertaining.
  • nathaliasmommy
    nathaliasmommy Posts: 40 Member
    The one thing I do with my daughter (10) is Zumba, its fun for her because its dancing and she keeps me motivated because she constantly asks "can we do Zumba"