


  • JayJam
    JayJam Posts: 13
    Hi! I am 43 and the mother of two young boys who are 4 and 6 years old. I am 5'10'' and have always been able to carry more weight, but I have steadily been putting on weight since the birth of my second son and I am ready to start to lose the extra pounds. Since I have young children and I'm not so young anymore, I need to be healthy and fit for them as well. I am looking for support and motivation as I can stray and find excuses too easily! Thanks!
  • Ample2Astonishing
    Ample2Astonishing Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Valarie I am soon to be 46, the mom to three boys Aaron (25), Zachary (12) and Theodore (12) and a grandma of four. I have been married to my best friend of 23 years, Gary, for 15 years next week. I am 5.3 1/2 inches tall and weigh 217 lbs., I gained this weight over the past 14 years always blaming it on something...the menigitis, the brain surgery and the pregnancy of the twins, well all those things happened to long ago to continue to use as an excuse. I am here today with no excuses just a need of suppoert to lose ninty two pounds.

    I look forward to getting to know you and working with all of you!
  • My name is Desiree and I am 45 years old. I have a teenage daughter who just started high school. I have steadily put on the weight over the years after having my thyroid removed and have just reached a point where I don't want to be this way anymore.

    I saw this app on a friend's Facebook page and thought i would look into it.

    Looking forward to this journey and knowing all of you!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Welcome ladies, so glad you found this group!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • fluteymom
    fluteymom Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Marie and I I think this group might be a good fit for me.

    I just had my 41st birthday. I am the mom to 4 children, the oldest is 16, the youngest 8. My youngest has cerebral palsy. About 8 years ago I lost about 70 pounds on WW, and kept it off for about 2 years and even worked as a receptionist for WW. Then, we moved. It was a difficult time- I quit caring for myself, and completely gave into my addiction. I managed to gain back all the weight I lost, plus an extra 15 pounds.

    I am new to MFP, but I'm about at the halfway mark in my weight loss goals. I have lost over 50 pounds since April of this year. I joined a gym and found a small group that works with a personal trainer. Knowing that those 4 people are expecting me to show up at the gym three days a week, has made a big difference. I have never (even at my thinnest), been this fit. Two weeks ago, I ran my first 5K- my time was 34 minutes.

    Major life transitions have always played havoc with my weight. I am facing a new transition soon. After being home with my kids for the last 5 years (ever since the move), I am returning to work in January. I am determined that I will stay the course in my personal fitness and weight loss goals through this transition.
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Opal and I'm 44 years old. I have two kids, a daugther age 20 and a son age 15. I'm married to a wonderful man for over 22 years. I've been overweight for all of those 22 years and never had much success with weight-loss programs until coming to MFP a couple months ago. I've lost 11 pounds almost too easily. I love MFP and am really enjoying the changes I've made in my life since joining.
    I love to exercise but never really made much time for it when my kids were younger. There was always something else to do. Now that my daughter is away at college and my son is in high school it's time to focus on my health. Looking forward to getting to know everyone in this group.
  • fuminator18
    fuminator18 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello! I am soon to be 42 years old Japanese woman with 2 kids; 14 and 6. I am originally from Japan, living in the US for close to 20 years now. My life is busy since I work outside the home, but I realized I shouldn't excuse myself from trying to look good just because i am too busy and I am now over 40 years of age. I wanna enjoy life and I realized in order to do so, I needed to feel good about myself first. So that's why I joined MFP and began my weight loss journey :)

    I have reached my goal weight but I will be here most likely for the rest of my life just to keep myself from not gaining back. I'll be looking forward to meeting many people in the same age group sharing similar issues that we go through as moms over 40! Nice to meet you all~
  • jennifero469
    jennifero469 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi! I'm Jennifer, a 41 year-old mom of six great kids ages 17, 8, 7, 5, 3 and 1. I have been married 20 years to an awesome husband.

    My weight has been up and down so much in the past 8 years with 5 pregnancies, that I don't think my body knows what to do any more. I lost all of the baby weight with my 1st, 2nd and 5th kids. The others I got close with. I am having more trouble after number 6. All of my weight is in my belly this time. It does not want to leave.

    I love to exercise, but am having trouble doing anything other than running (slowly) three days a week and bicycling with the family two or three times a week. I know I need to add in some pilates and strength training, but I haven't found the motivation in the mornings yet. If I don't exercise before the kids get up, there is no time. I home school and take care of my parents, so my days are very busy.

    My friends are all super thin and concerned about gaining weight, not losing. My mom is very overweight, but has no desire to change anything. We all live together, and she insists on have tons of junk food, candy, sodas, etc in the house at all times. I joined MFP to find others who were looking to make changes. I really need the support of other people all aiming for the same goals. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some support also.
  • Hi I'm Michaelle, just Michelle but answer to Shell, and a mom of 3 (18,15, and 5). Just joined cause at 40 almost 41 I have watched my weight steadily increase over the years to 208. I lost my mom when she was 59 to weight and diet related issues and realize I want to see my youngest grow up and be there for them and know In my heart that if i don't do something and soon I will not. Yikes how's that for morbid?

    I joined MFP so I can see my results daily and hold myself accountable for my actions both good and bad. And also for some support outside of the family with others going through the same struggles I am. I know in my heart that we all can do this.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hi! My name is Tami and I'll be 41 in February. I was excited to see this group for ladies our age! I have four children, 2 biological and 2 adopted. My girls are 20 (soon to be 21) and 18. My two adopted children are my son who is 10 and my daughter who is 8.

    I started gaining weight at the age of 17 when I met my husband. His family loved to eat out and did it probably 4 days out of the week. I thought this was awesome because my family never went out to eat, it was for special occasions only. So, I always ate at their house on the nights they ate out and slowly the weight crept on. I weighed 130lbs when I met my husband and by the time we married 2 years later I was 185lbs.

    My weight just continued to grow and became even worse after having my two girls. In June of 2005, I started the Medifast diet with my doctor. I started the diet at the weight of 294lbs. I managed to lose 95lbs in 5 months then my grandmother passed away and I had some guilt issues with that and turned back to food. I then gained almost all my weight back. So I decided to have the gastric bypass done in October of 2006 and I lost 110lbs. Unfortunately, I managed to gain back everything plus another 50lbs. So now I'm here at 335lbs ready to do this with the help of all of you and my family and my doctor's.

    I feel like time is of the essence for me. I have kidney disease, hypertension, borderline diabetic and borderline sleep apnea. This is ridiculous! The kidney disease and hypertension is not something I can change, but I can take care of the other things and live a long and healthy life!

    So here I am to nip this in the bud and get to work! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! Good luck to you all!!
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I'm 42, want in on this group! 3 kids, 12,10 and 6. Had major lifestyle change to busy, long distance runner, part time working mom. to full time office job. Found 20 lbs. UGH! Hard to juggle. Need to get my act together.
  • 19steph88
    19steph88 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello there. My name is Stephanie. I am 41 with 2 girls, 13 & 11. Married for 19 years. I have been a yo-yoer between 165-135 since about the age of 30. I am just 5'4" and really should be around 135-140. (That is when I think I look the best). According to BMI charts my "ideal" weight is 111-140. But I think I would look sick at 111. problem is that I can never maintain. I love to eat; I really have to change my attitude because some times I get whiney and think to myself such things as "why can't I eat whatever I want????" or "Why can he/she eat that and I can't???" Most of my self talk is rediculous, but I KNOW deep down what is healthy or not. Ugh.

    So here I am journaling again. When I stick to it, I am successful. When I don't stay accountable I have a tendency to gain weight. (Again, my whiney-self would say "why isn't it easier to get to the weight I want to get to???"

    My husband is actually trying to take off 15 pounds as well, so that is helping me stay motivated and I love this site! I had used Nutridiary about 4 years ago but this site is much more user friendly!! Here's to a healthy me and a healthy you!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Welcome glad you found this group!

    Accountability is key! I used to sabotage myself all the time with similar thoughts and for a long time I told myself "this is who you are, life is too short to not be happy, if I want it I will eat". Yeah, that worked out well, huh. I still can't believe it when I look at my before and after photo, or maybe it should be called my "before and during" photo....I'm not done yet! ;)
  • MrsDlv
    MrsDlv Posts: 2
    Hello fellow moms! What a wonderful group. I'm new at posting to forums so any help would be great!

    I've been down this weight-loss, "I've got to get in shape" road before....too many times. But each year it is harder and harder. I've had to lower my expectations, just to stay motivated.

    I'm a mother of one beautiful (tweener) girl and married to the same man for 16 years. I just want to be a healthier me and a good example for my daughter.

    I'm motivated!
  • sdgmom4
    sdgmom4 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All,

    I am 45, married (23years), with four children. I just joined MFP and I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone!
  • mel090170
    mel090170 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! I am going to be 42 this year and I have six kids that I adopted as a single parent from foster care. Their ages are 4-12.
    When I was younger it was easy for me to loose weight, I would just do a couple workouts and poof! all gone. I am 5"7" and have not been under 200 pounds since the 90's. Last year I even tried a doctor prescribed diet pill for three months, ate 1000 calories a day and worked out 5 to 7 times a week and only lost 18 pounds. I kept it off for a few months but could not lose anymore and finally went off the 1000 calories a day. I tired other calorie and work out combinations but kept gaining. I tried hypnosis which I was sure was working as I stopped snacking at night and stopped cleaning my plate, but nope, kept gaining. In August I said forget it and gave up, I kept working out but did not watch what I ate and by the first of November I felt awful...So I stopped drinking coke (which is my trigger food) It was hard but after two weeks it got easier. Then I cut almost all sugar and I felt so much better that I cut my carbs down. I felt so much better and had so much more energy. So I went to my Dr. in December and found out I had gained 12 pounds since I had last weighed myself in August! 4 pounds heavier than my previous heaviest. 256. I cried. I always thought that people who were this fat did not exercise and must eat garbage all day. Boy was I wrong.
    On January first I started counting my calories with my fitness pal again. I wanted my best friend to use it too but she is committed to Weight Watchers. I am too embarrassed to let any of my other friends know how much I weigh. When I go back to my hometown there are people I don't visit because I don't want them to see how fat I am. I have never been satisfied with a pound a week weight loss so this year I am changing my ways. I am only going to weigh myself once a month and four pounds will be a win. That would be 52 pounds by next year...Wish me luck!
  • langstonmom
    langstonmom Posts: 6 Member
    I'll be 41 this January. I have one son who's 4 and a very demanding job. My mission this year is to take time for me minus the guilt. Losing weight for me is not about getting 'high school skinny', I've been flirting with diabetes and heart disease for awhile now and neither likes it when you play hard to get. So it's high time I stop the flirting and send a clear message to both that I'm not into either of them and never will be.

    As a Weight Watcher's drop out, I know my way around the diet game. This time I want to play for keeps thought and not get caught up in the same cycle of lose it, gain it, add a few more on for good measure. I'm nervous about making promises to myself I may not keep. But I'm more afraid of what will happen if I don't even try.

    I'm grateful this group exists. Thanks for creating it. I'll keep looking in and sharing as I can.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am Taryn and I have 2 children ages 23 and 26 years old and a wonderful 6 year old grandson, Javontae.
    I tried for years to lose weight and was able to lose with Weight Watchers. I have been successful losing with MFP because I am to still connect and discuss things with others without having to pay a fee each week. I look forward to interacting with each of you.The encouragement of others is always a blessing. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Wow Cindy that is an enormous accomplishment. Congrats. You are lookin good.
  • trea16
    trea16 Posts: 26 Member
    Im new to this website. I am 42 with 3 wonderful boys 17,13, and 4, and an awesome husband. They just cant give me the support I need to lose weight. I put on my weight from being on depo and I am impatient, so I tried many get skinny quick schemes. Now I am going to try myfitnesspal and hopefully begin a new way of life. Healthy, Happy, and Skinnier!