Day 1 - 07/01/12

Good morning all,

So, how did day one go for you? What went well? what didn't go so well...?

Well for me, I did better than I normally do on day 1, so I know my fitness has come up a little, I added weights this time (only thing I could find that was equal was two comfort conditioner bottles haha. My arms are absolutely killing me! I still hate pushups and the skipping rope, however I'm hoping this time now I'm using weights, that the pushups will become easier by sort of day 6.

Hope you all had fun too! x


  • Well after having to stop and start half a dozen times due to my 2 year old picking on my 8 month old, my 2 year old taking every piece of clothing out of the drawers. The joys. I can actually do half of the press ups as actual press ups rather than all girly ones yay!!!!!
    Hope everyones 1st day went well. x x x x
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    Well i hate Jillian just as much as the first time and although i didnt enjoy myself it was better than last time i did it. Although it was very hot period of summer i did it. I only what i can and try and make up some time if i struggle anywhere although didnt really find i needed to today, so like you panda i must have improved since last time.

    hope you all have measured and photoed too!

  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    Just done my day 1!

    This morning didnt start well with an arguement with my OH. But think it spurred me on to do the exercise so i was quite focused.

    I find the push ups and wee jumpyrope things the hardest. Have to do push ups in girly position and even after she said it i noticed my *kitten* was right up in the air! Oh well, hoping that when i get stronger my form gets a bit better.

    I dont have a HRM so will just go and log it best i can in exercise. Gonna go take my measurements too as didnt do that before.

    Ok, day 1 done ladies - well done us!

  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    Oh My God!!!!! Pant, Pant, Pant (insert heavy breathing here)!!!!! lol. I knew i was out of shape but seriously........ :( I am hurting and I have to go into work soon. I also had to change the jumping jacks (can't jump, did side steps), rope jumping ( just rolled up on my toes), no push ups (just did side steps again) and I used weights. I might not next time. I'll see how i feel tomorrow. Thanks for this, it will help!!!! I feel the burn already.... :) Have a great day ladies. :) Much <3 and respect for doing this.
  • Good work everyone, remember we are all in this together! we all feel each others pain! (or at least, we will in two or three days!) we just have two more ladies to join in with us, and then the whole team will have done and dusted day one :)

    Craig, well done, as I know this will probably be hardest for you, just keep going, and I promise it WILL get easier!

  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    Oh I've started it, I'm going to finish it... :) I was wondering about the level's, do you have to go up on them or can you stay at level one the whole time??? Just curious, not sure about them yet as to the fact that I will have to see how I feel in a week or so. I have been going to the gym every Mon - Fri. after work. The last 3 days I've been walking on the treadmill for a little over an hour. So I have the drive. :) I will will be able to do this.

    Also If any of you Awesome, Skinny, Beautiful Women feel like quitting just let me know. I will help you because if I can do this YOU can do this..... :) I know YOU all CAN!!!!!! Have a wonderful day Ladies. :)
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    Hee hee, I quite like that its us ladies with our one guy - that makes you special Craig!

    I can already feel my body a bit sore (mailny in my butt!) but looking forward to feeling fitter and stronger.

  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    I feel special!!! OH Yeah!!! LOL. That is, to having a great crew of new friends and workout buddies. :) Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to do this with you all.
  • Techgirl2010
    Techgirl2010 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 1 finished. The workout wasn't to bad. Jillian makes sure that you do get a workout even at level 1! Well on to tomorrow, let's see how sore I am tomorrow.
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    Okay, finally found my DVD. Was tucked away in my suitcase from August when I was ambicious and thought I'd continue it on my summer vacation LOL So Day one and I really did not like the lateral raises with the weights... YUCK. I've gotten weak since the last time I've done this. I was so thankful when she said "we are done" thank god. I will I WILL do this again tomorrow LOL Right??? Ha Ha

    Gotta get measurements, maybe that will give me more incentive to follow through!

    Thanks for the support!!!

    Craig, keep with it... Cant wait to see your result =)
  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    Thanks Stefanie!!! I will. :)