RED TEAM WEEK 1 WEIGH-IN (1/10/2012)

fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
OK RED TEAM!!!! The day has is our first official weigh-in!!!!! I have to say that I am very proud of the RED TEAM for staying so active and supportive for each other!! If we continue these efforts we will ALL reach our goals!!! I MUST have weights in by Wednesday!!!

As mentioned previously, the format to use for the weigh-in is as follows:

Previous Weight (in this case it would be your Starting weight, since this is our first weigh-in) :

Current Weight (your weight on Tuesday):

What you did this week to accomplish your weight loss / what you did this week that hindered your weight loss .....we can all learn from each other! (This is optional.....) :

This is the list of our team:









KAJ1230 /KIM/ 177,0




RIMRK /RIM/ 168,0


WEATHER4000/ STACY /166,8








PRSCONCH / 153,0


BMCC2009/ BRIDGET /145,0




  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    168.6 today.
  • sTARTING -164 lbs
    Weight today 156 lbs

    WOOOOOOOO! Since ive started MFP i have now lost 8 pounds!! go Team red, Massive weight loss for my first week. This to be fair is probably down to my messed up sleeping pattern and stress due to exams! But ive been so good sticking to my 1200 calorie a day goal! Next week I dont expect such a high weight loss, I am to loose 1-2 pounds a week from now on! GO TEAM RED! Much love everyone!! xx
  • Starting - 180
    Today's Weight: 173

    I was stunned to see this! My eating habits changed drastically, so I was expecting a little more than the 1-2 pound weight loss, but not 7 lbs! I ate a salad every day (before I was lucky if I ate a salad once a month) as one of my meals, drank water, and no snacking after 7:30pm. Even though I haven't been able to post responses as much as I would like, reading everyone's comments and progress is keeping me inspired. GO RED TEAM!!!
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    Starting: 166.8
    Week 1: 161.6

    What I did this week: I finally got off my lazy butt and started exercising. I did Zumba for the Wii and I went on the treadmill. I haven't exercised in a very long time and it felt AMAZING to do it! I can't tell you how much more energy I have had this week. I also stuck to my 1200 calories. There were a few times this week I had things not "diet" friendly but I allowed myself to have them because if I didn't it would have led to a binge. Every time I "cheated" I always made sure I had enough calories left over in the day to make up for it.
    I have also been drinking water like it is going out of style. I was a HUGE Diet Coke Addict. I made a plan that if I got all my water in for the day I would allow myself to have a Diet Coke......and surprisingly it worked. I stuck to it and I actually don't crave Diet Coke as much...I think it will take a few more weeks to get the diet coke craving out of my system but I will get there!
  • dicove
    dicove Posts: 36
    Starting 167 now 161, not great but not bad, I know this is a learning experience and adjustment phase, what I did cut out bad food , eat right and exercise, I hope to put more on the number board next week. :ohwell:
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    168.6 today.

    Congrats!!! You did an awesome job!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!!!!!!
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    Before I jumped into my stats, I just want to say to all the Red Team members, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! You really are! And not just weight losing amazing (although at that looking at everyone's weights is pretty phenomenal) but in terms of attitude and sheer awesomeness:)!

    Here is mine:
    Starting Weight: 168
    Current Weight: 164

    I have been very active for months now, so that stayed the same, I do interval/crossfit / athletic conditioning training 6 days a week. I had a rough day on Wed last week where I did not make the right call and ended up going for unlimited sushi. After that I just channelled my efforts more seriously.
    This has been the first week of my LIFE that I ever counted calories or even dieted. so that change has been eye opening. I never ate unhealthy food/ take out to begin with so the change was simply portion control. As the days progress I am finding easier to adapt to and I have become more creative to how to strategically eat my 1200 cal. I might need to increase my calories depending on what my coach says to support my training..But we will see!!

    Keep up the Amazing work everyone!!!
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    Previous weight: 182

    Current Weight: 177.8

    I think a lot of my weight loss had to come from the water and actually logging into myfitnesspal everyday and completing my food log. In the past I had not done that, especially when I was for sure going to go over my calorie budget becasue I didnt want to see that deficit that I would have. I think there were 2 days that I went over and I was only over by 50 calories or so. YAY!!

    Keep up the good work red team.
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    Just so everyone knows, on my ticker I actually started back in November weighing less then I did last week, when I started this program because the week between Christmas and New Years I gained 3lbs so last week I lost it and that is why it shows I have only lost 2lbs. I really did lose 4.2.lbs last week.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    WOW!!! Red Team YOU are kicking BUTT!!!!!!!!!! You guys ar all doing so GREAT!!!!!! Thank you for also sharing what helped you achieve your weightloss!!!!!! Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    Starting: 166.8
    Week 1: 161.6

    What I did this week: I finally got off my lazy butt and started exercising. I did Zumba for the Wii and I went on the treadmill. I haven't exercised in a very long time and it felt AMAZING to do it! I can't tell you how much more energy I have had this week. I also stuck to my 1200 calories. There were a few times this week I had things not "diet" friendly but I allowed myself to have them because if I didn't it would have led to a binge. Every time I "cheated" I always made sure I had enough calories left over in the day to make up for it.
    I have also been drinking water like it is going out of style. I was a HUGE Diet Coke Addict. I made a plan that if I got all my water in for the day I would allow myself to have a Diet Coke......and surprisingly it worked. I stuck to it and I actually don't crave Diet Coke as much...I think it will take a few more weeks to get the diet coke craving out of my system but I will get there!

    I am the same way. I love my Diet Coke. I made it a New Years Resolution to drink only one soda a day and I have done it this last week. One the weekend though I had a 440z soda for 2 days, because I like to have soda while I am at work. I think that helps with some of the weight loss.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    SW: 182.6

    CW: 171.9

    I am soooo HAPPY with the results I am getting so far!!! I have to say that the supprt and accountablity I am getting from the group and especially MY RED TEAM is what has pushed me even harder this week. I am well aware that most of this first weeks weighloss is water weight! I went from drinking 1 glass to drinking 8-10 glasses!!! I guess I have also burned cals walking back and forth to the bathroom !!! LOL!!! I know that as the weeks progress my journey will get harder. But I thank all of you for your support!!!! I am confident that we can do this!!!!!!!!! GO RED TEAM!!!!!!!
  • prsconch
    prsconch Posts: 20 Member
    After seeing everyone elses loss, I am embarrassed to put up my numbers...

    PW 154

    CW 153

    1 pound...since this is the no excuses season...I will not give one. I am glad it is a minus 1 and not a plus one.

    Last week was a rough week back to work. I had been off duty for two weeks due to medical reasons.

    Next week, I WILL hit the gym at least 5 days sometime between my 12 - 15 hour work days.

    I hope I didn't let the red team down...
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 651 Member
    Starting Weight: 180
    Current Weight: 175

    5lbs of me gone!! And NEVER to be seen again!!!

    I have been doing 30 mins on my treadmill every morning and staying under my calories with healthy choices. I lost the 5lbs in the first 5 days and have been holding steady at 175 since last Thursday... I know it is natural plateau and if I keep going I will start losing again but it is a little frustrating... Still 5lbs is awesome!!

    Go RED!!!!!!

  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    After seeing everyone elses loss, I am embarrassed to put up my numbers...

    PW 154

    CW 153

    1 pound...since this is the no excuses season...I will not give one. I am glad it is a minus 1 and not a plus one.

    Last week was a rough week back to work. I had been off duty for two weeks due to medical reasons.

    Next week, I WILL hit the gym at least 5 days sometime between my 12 - 15 hour work days.

    I hope I didn't let the red team down...

    You are doing an EXCELLENT job!!! One lb (at your current weight) is GREAT!!! Keep up the good work and stay focused!!! AND NO!!! You did not let us down!!!! The RED TEAM is Happy that you are making healthier choices! Please do not give up!!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Starting Weight: 180
    Current Weight: 175

    5lbs of me gone!! And NEVER to be seen again!!!

    I have been doing 30 mins on my treadmill every morning and staying under my calories with healthy choices. I lost the 5lbs in the first 5 days and have been holding steady at 175 since last Thursday... I know it is natural plateau and if I keep going I will start losing again but it is a little frustrating... Still 5lbs is awesome!!

    Go RED!!!!!!


    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! And I love your way of thinking!!!! NEVER to be seen again!!!! I like that!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job! And keep up the good job!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOO RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    I sent this in as a message but want to post here too now that I know it's here :)

    Starting weight 165
    Today's weight 159

    I am really happy to see 6 lbs gone! My family and I went on vacation Friday and Saturday to the Grand Canyon, the hotel we stayed at included an all you can eat buffet for dinner and breakfast! I was so happy that I did so good at staying under my calorie goal of 1200 during vacation! I even worked out at the gym at the hotel for an hour, and I never exercise! LOL I did an hour zumba class last tuesday as well!

    I know most of this is probably water weight since I didn't drink water before, and I've been guzzling it like crazy this last week. But that's okay! I feel so much better and healthier already! Zumba again tonight woot woot!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I sent this in as a message but want to post here too now that I know it's here :)

    Starting weight 165
    Today's weight 159

    I am really happy to see 6 lbs gone! My family and I went on vacation Friday and Saturday to the Grand Canyon, the hotel we stayed at included an all you can eat buffet for dinner and breakfast! I was so happy that I did so good at staying under my calorie goal of 1200 during vacation! I even worked out at the gym at the hotel for an hour, and I never exercise! LOL I did an hour zumba class last tuesday as well!

    I know most of this is probably water weight since I didn't drink water before, and I've been guzzling it like crazy this last week. But that's okay! I feel so much better and healthier already! Zumba again tonight woot woot!

    WOW!!! That is really amazing that you were able to lose all that weight being on vacation!!!! YOu get a DOUBLE congrats for that one!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    SW: 170

    CW: 165.5

    Yay yay!!!! I'm only half a pund away from my January goal!! :D
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    SW: 170

    CW: 165.5

    Yay yay!!!! I'm only half a pund away from my January goal!! :D

    WAY TO GO!!!!!! You are doing such a GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!