Between practices and bouts...

FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
What do you do to help yourself as an athlete in between bouts and practices? Do you focus on endurance? Are you the cardio queen? Is it all core all the time in your house? Share, share, share!!

I try for 30 minutes of cardio each day I'm not doing derby (either elliptical or the treadmill, but prefer running outside to either, but life makes that not always possible). I also am focussing my efforts on core work. Each and every day I am trying to strengthen and improve my core, because without a core you are nothing in derby! Core is where your balance, strength and POWER blocking come from. And you jammers, well...with a sexy tight core you can bust through any wall!


  • geckofli
    geckofli Posts: 155 Member
    Every 2nd day I try to do some form of intervals and the c25k program, I'm up to week5 & I'll do anymore class I can get to, this break I'll be reduced to doing dvd's cause I'm away from my gym while I travel to the Kalgoorlie bout hosted by te gold city roller girls. GO GOLD CITY!! I know I'm a WA rollerderby girl but Kalgoorlie is my home town.
    I try to do something each day, even days like today when I don't go to the gym, if I walk anywhere it's as fast as I can.
    I'm also looking to start usig the weight machines and I'm saving up to get 2 pt sessions each break

    Happy Skates
  • jitzu31
    jitzu31 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started a bootcamp that is an hour each day. I do it 3 days a week on days that i dont have practice. It's a mixture of strength training and cardio. Its been good so far. I feel like it has helped me on the track!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    we just finished a derby bootcamp which was an hour on weekdays and 2 hours on weekends. in addition to that and practice, i run 2 miles daily, try to do circuit training (both strength and cardio) about 3 times a week and run about a mile on the treadmill after my workout. since bootcamp is over i'm probably going to be hitting the gym about 5 times a week now in addition to my 2 miles. i try to balance out my entire body workout and not focus too much on one particular area, but now that i have an extra 3 days free, i'm going to try to have 3 focus days where i do upper body, core, and legs alternatively with my circuits. on non-practice day i try to make it to the rink for some skating cardio as well
  • I had been skating 2-3 times a week for a year when I realized I would not progress as well or as safely without time in the gym. But I was having trouble getting momentum, and for the first 8 weeks of fresh meatness I was strictly skating, usually just doing some squats on off days but nothing terribly organized. I knew this was bad so in December I started poking around and had planned to join the gym I have access to at work - and discovered they would start a fitness program in January. I thought it might help me establish a good routine.

    I applied and was accepted - it has fit very well in my practice schedule and has me at the gym at minimum of two other non-derby days, but usually even more. My team trainer also assigns core work to be done every week too, and that's really helped me just make sense and have goals instead of aimlessly squatting my life away. So far it's been a lot of interval style training in different ways. I started the program just to focus on getting in the gym, but my competitive nature has had me dedicated to the nutrition suggested by my trainer as well. So we're two weeks down, six to go, hopefully with significantly more strength and a little less mass.

    I had kind of been stabbing at the dark for a long time trying to find something that worked, it was simply time to try something totally new and maybe a little bit uncomfortable. But the discomfort has eased as we got closer as a group.
  • I've been doing Ripped in 30 at home :) Just started week 4.
  • violet_sphinx
    violet_sphinx Posts: 26 Member
    I've just started 3 weeks ago and still have a long way to go, but on non-skating days I try to do at least one if not all of the following:
    - Squats/wall squats whenever I am waiting for food to cook, queueing for the toilet, etc.
    - LOTS of planks/side planks. I'm still trying to get to the point of doing normal planks for longer than a minute and side planks for longer than 15 seconds! Also a few pilates exercises because I prefer them to crunches or sit-ups.
    - Also lots of balancing on one leg for as long as I can, slowly bending and straightening the leg I'm standing on. I have quite weak ankles, and I tend to roll them even walking in flats! I really need to get these stronger so I can glide and corner better.

    At the moment I'm just trying to get stronger. I'm hoping the endurance will come with that, but getting strong enough to actually do things safely and with better control is more important for me as a beginner, I think.
  • angrystarlyt
    angrystarlyt Posts: 10 Member
    This blog is run by a guy who trains our league and it is BRUTAL but so effective, particularly for your core. I try and do this once or twice a week, depending on if we have practices 3 or 4 times.

    I then have one rest day and then one fun cardio day--swimming, biking, running, hiking, whatever.