**I am setting this up at 10:45PM Monday on Eastern Time, for convenience of all our members. PLEASE wait to post your weight until Tuesday (at your local time). Thanks!**

It's time for our first weigh-in! Let's all imagine ourselves on that oversize scale, and we will celebrate each victory no matter how big or small. And if you had a bad week, we will support you and help you find a way to make it better next week.

So, let's have those numbers!!!

I am asking each team member to post their results as follows:

Previous Weight (in this case it would be your Starting weight, since this is our first weigh-in)

Current Weight (your weight on Tuesday)

What you did this week to accomplish your weight loss / what you did this week that hindered your weight loss .....we can all learn from each other!


  • BridgetForFitness
    Starting Weight: 230.6
    Current Weight: 226.0

    Loss: 4.6lbs:laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Yay!!! I have been really hitting the gym hard. I'm a part of a couple different challenges so I've been concentrating on my physical activities this week.
  • tgunk
    tgunk Posts: 15
    Starting weight: 250
    Current weight: 244.5

    Loss: 5.5lbs

    I've had to concentrate on my eating this week and water intake because I've been sick. I had a sinus infection and the antibiotic they gave me I had a reaction to so, I wasn't feeling well the last several days. I didn't get in my exercise like I wanted so I'm surprised and happy with my results! Go Green!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Starting weight: 239.4
    Current weight: 240.4

    1 lb gain isn't bad for me since it's TOM time. I'm doing great with the workouts; but, I have to do better with my eating esp during this time.
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Starting Weight: 230.6
    Current Weight: 226.0

    Loss: 4.6lbs:laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Yay!!! I have been really hitting the gym hard. I'm a part of a couple different challenges so I've been concentrating on my physical activities this week.

    You go girl - that's awesome!!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Starting weight: 250
    Current weight: 244.5

    Loss: 5.5lbs

    I've had to concentrate on my eating this week and water intake because I've been sick. I had a sinus infection and the antibiotic they gave me I had a reaction to so, I wasn't feeling well the last several days. I didn't get in my exercise like I wanted so I'm surprised and happy with my results! Go Green!

    That's excellent. I hope you are feeling better - I know how those infections can be. :flowerforyou:

    Good job on the eating and LOSING! :bigsmile:
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Starting weight: 239.4
    Current weight: 240.4

    1 lb gain isn't bad for me since it's TOM time. I'm doing great with the workouts; but, I have to do better with my eating esp during this time.

    It happens and that's fine. You just have to really watch those calories and what you are eating. Be careful with sodium intake - I made that one of the columns on mine. :wink: Also be sure to get in the water - that will help keep your system flushed.

    Good luck this week, and I KNOW you will see losses at our next weigh-in!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all - I am about to work out, but here are my own stats real quick:

    Starting weight: 254.3
    Current weight: 251.0

    Tips - I worked my tail off in my Wii workouts, and I walked whenever I had time like when waiting on my youngest to get out of school. I just went up to their track and walked with other moms. Every movement counts!
  • vessd1
    vessd1 Posts: 6 Member
    starting weight - 236
    todays weight - 232

    I am really surprised for the results. Its not normal for me haaha, but I think it helped that I have stayed active . I went back to salsa dancing , and going to the gym for toning. Pretty good! proud of myself and everybodys work :)
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    starting weight - 236
    todays weight - 232

    I am really surprised for the results. Its not normal for me haaha, but I think it helped that I have stayed active . I went back to salsa dancing , and going to the gym for toning. Pretty good! proud of myself and everybodys work :)

    That's great. The salsa dancing sounds like so much fun!

    Keep up the good work!
  • Ngwarai2012
    Hi guys!

    Starting weight: 222.4
    Today's weight: 216.2

    I'm VERY happy with my results! Best things I did were breakfast everyday, lots of water and one hour in the gym every evening. (I also started taking a multivitamin daily but I don't know if that made a difference - would be curious if anyone knows anything about vitamins and weight loss.) My biggest challenge was work commitments - its tough dragging myself to the gym after 12 hours in the office (hopefully I can keep doing it).

    I'm sure my results will taper off as the weeks go by, so it's great to have a good start. My goal for the 12 weeks is to get to 199.9 lbs and say goodbye to the 200s forever!
  • BridgetForFitness
    Great job all!! We see now what works and what doesn't work for weight loss. Let's go even further this week. Let's push ourselves out of our comfort zones and get these challenges done.
  • BridgetForFitness
    Starting weight: 239.4
    Current weight: 240.4

    1 lb gain isn't bad for me since it's TOM time. I'm doing great with the workouts; but, I have to do better with my eating esp during this time.

    I'm sure next week will be a better week for you. We have these types of days sometimes but it could have been much worse. Continue working hard and you'll see positive results.
  • BridgetForFitness
    Starting weight: 239.4
    Current weight: 240.4

    1 lb gain isn't bad for me since it's TOM time. I'm doing great with the workouts; but, I have to do better with my eating esp during this time.

    We will have these kinds of days sometimes. It could have been so much worse. Keep working hard and it will pay off for you.
  • sdailey4
    sdailey4 Posts: 56 Member
    SW 229
    CW 225

    Sticking to my water and getting my food in. Giving 100% in the gym vs 75%.
  • kkenny0146
    kkenny0146 Posts: 66 Member
    SW 228
    CW 226.8

    My weight fluctuated a lot this week. I ran my first half marathon on Saturday and an still in the recovery process, which sometimes invloves a few pound gain due to the muscles repairing themselves). I have tried to be good about what I have been eating and my water intake. A pound lost is a pound lost!

    I have been trying to run/walk at least one mile every day in hopes of making it to 500 by the end of the year.
  • endsend511
    endsend511 Posts: 16 Member
    Ok Week 1
    my SW was 245
    my week 1 weight is 244

    1lb not bad, I would have hoped for more, but Sunday was my birthday and I think the diet went out the window with it, its also been my first week back in my office so again not the easiest transition. Starting this morning I've started walking to work as well so I'll see how much that helps, Also my goal for this first week was to bring my lunch with my to uni which I've done very successful so all in all week one has been pretty good to me
  • PattyArchuleta
    PattyArchuleta Posts: 15 Member
    WEEK 1

    SW 242

    Wk 1 237.5

    DWN 4.5 LBS

    * worked out 6x per wk, did 30 miles walk/jog
    * drank at least 96 oz H2O per day.

    Long ways to go but getting there by BABY STEPS.... ONE DAY AT A TIME :love: :smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    starting: 240
    week 1: 236.4
    Loss = 3.6lbs!

    I think my loss this week is more due to REALLY poor choices the past few weeks more than getting back on track this week. I certainly wasn't perfect and hope to improve for this coming week.
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    Starting weigt: 237
    Today: 235.5

    Total loss: 1.5

    I have really tried to focus on drinking lots of water this week. I need to incorporate more exercise each day, but I will get there! Everyone's great losses this week has really motivated me!
  • KathPearce
    KathPearce Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all!

    SW: 221lb
    CW: 215lb

    Loss= 6lb

    Woohoo!! I'm so pleased :)
    This week has been fairly easy, the only things I've found challenging is my fluid intake and I have gradually improved that over the week and my exercise bit again I have made changes to that already.

    Today has been my first really hard day. I am amoungst other reasons and emotional eater and today has been a very hard day :(
    I worked one of my long shifts yesterday/today which was 8am-3pm then a sleep-in night where I work 8pm-10:30pm then sleep at work on call and then started work again at 6:30am-2:30pm. When I woke up at work this morning I felt like I has the start of a head cold so I took some paracetamol and plodded on. By 8am I was feeling sick but again I just got on with it (I'm the deputy manager so it's not like I can just go off shift) at 9am my Mum called me to say my man had had a fall from bed during thenight (this is the crux of the story near with me and I'll get there!!) then after that one of the families called to let me know that their Mum's husband has died overnight on another home. I spent some time with this lady comforting her but it's so hard to comfort someone through a loss, it's quite draining. Then another one of out ladies had a fall so overall my work morning was very stressful!!
    The sicky feeling stayed all day too.

    Then I Left work to go visit my nan. She has Chronic Leukaemia which was diagnosed recently. She will not have any investigation or treatment so although we know she has cancer which is so extensive it has developed into Leukaemia we don't know where or what exactly the cancer is. Today was a bad day. She's declined so rapidly it's heartbreaking to watch. My man brought me up for many many years as a child and I really admire and look up to her. My Mum, Step-Dad, Brother and Sister live with her but they may as well not be there for all the attention they give her! I was the one to call the Dr today to discuss her condition, I was the one attending her hosp apt, I was the one calling the district Nutses today to ask for a hosp style bed. Etc etc. it's so frustrating and tiring trying to keep a tight lip so to not cause any family arguments but the friction is there already :-/

    I left there at 5 and got home with 2 very hungry boys closely followed by a hungry husband with no tea prepared. My plan of a homemade Chilli and JP went out the window as I caves and ordered a Pizza Hut. As I ate it I felt so guilty but the idea of cooking was so unappealing!! My plan was to try and do 30 day shred twice this evening.......I ended up fast asleep on the sofa within 5 mins of the boys being in bed!!!!

    I'm really sorry for the essay but sometimes it's easier if people see the whole story rather than just see that food & exercise wise it's been a crappy day.

    I'm back to it tomorrow, hoping for another good weight loss.
    Good Luck Everyone and WELL DONE!!

    Love Kath xxxx