coming out

vascrypt Posts: 11 Member
How did you come out to your friends and family. i just came out on facebook so the only person that dosnt know yet is my dad.. i also came out on youtube a few months ago :)


  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,757 Member
    Great video! I'm sorry your dad said the things he said to you when you were 14, but I'm so glad things have gotten better for you! And yes, it does get better! You are an inspiration and a hero - on so many levels! Thank you for sharing!
  • I was extremely lucky. When I first came out to some of my friends, they were in denial and couldn't understand. When I came out to my mom, she said she knew already. But, everything fell into place. The only people who don't know are my grandparents, and I'm okay with that. Cuz, you know... '*kitten* burn in hell.'

    Thank you for your service sir. You are a true hero.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    My parents had both died before I had a long term lesbian relationship. I had been married to men three times. As far as my family knew, I was hetero. Dad would have disowned me. He threw my brother out of the house at Thanksgiving (early 70's) when he came in with an earring in one ear. Richard tried to explain that 'left is right and right is wrong', but dad didn't care. hmmm...I was probably about 15 at the time, and my brother 26. I idolized my older brother. I probably was able to accept my 'alternate lifestyle choices' and live more comfortably in my own skin because I watched him struggle for his own freedom. (BTW, as far as I know, he is totally hetero.) Mom would have accepted me...disagreed with me, but accepted me. As far as 'coming out' to the rest of the family, I didn't really have to do it. It seems that they had already made their minds up about me, and accepted me for myself, before I got around to mentioning it to them...LOL...:ohwell: They have even accepted my Pagan beliefs. I was more afraid to come out to them about that than my sexuality. :embarassed: A few of the holy rollers have told me how wrong I am, but most of them just shrugged and said, 'whatever'.

    I am a very lucky woman.
  • I have one set of grandparents that I still need to come out to and I'm so stressed about it. Picking up that phone seems to be the most difficult thing to do right now :frown:
  • julrigg
    julrigg Posts: 10 Member
    I was lucky in the fact that I have a very open family as well as an older brother who is also gay and sort of paved the way. With that said, I didn't come out until the age of 21 because I still had my doubts as to just how accepting my dad was. I'm my dad's only child, my other siblings have different dads, and I was worried that I would disappoint him by not carrying on the family name. I didn't go home for two days after I came out because I didn't want to have an awkward encounter with my father. I went home and made small talk with my parents and then went off to my room. My dad came into the room and told me he would never be disappointed in me, because I can't change who I am and that it wasn't that big of a surprise because I was the "family fashionista" That was the first time I had cried in a while and since then the flood gates have been open. lol I am out to nearly everyone I know, but I still don't tell everyone unless it comes up. I don't feel it's necessary information because it doesn't change who I am as a person.
  • bgillis7
    bgillis7 Posts: 124
    i just took it slow and told one person at a time. i am bisexual, but i go threw the same thing. my parents dont know yet. but im not ready for that.i think when the time comes it will come out and it will all be ok.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Thank you for your Service. I love how in the military Male, Female, Black, White, Asian, (AND now finally, Gay Straight).. mean nothing. Like they say in boot camp, you are one color. GREEN.

    Thank you and be safe!
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,757 Member
    I have one set of grandparents that I still need to come out to and I'm so stressed about it. Picking up that phone seems to be the most difficult thing to do right now :frown:

    Awe, honey. (((HUGS))) I'm sorry you're stuggling with that right now. Please know that any and all of us are here for you! :flowerforyou: