I'm such a baby.

ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
Sitting here playing Skyrim. I haven't played it much, so I'm not that far into the game. Wandering around some catacombs. Freaking out and saving every 10 seconds because I'm afraid I'll get attacked by a draugr. Which isn't a huge deal, I'm just askeered because they're like undead and stuff. And it's dark down here.

I'm probably going to have nightmares. :laugh:

Man, I'm so lame.


  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Are we the same person? This is me... right now... so totally.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    LOL! I sometimes avoid certain areas because it's too dark >.<
  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    I was like that at first... until I played Amnesia D: Now Skyrim doesn't scare me at all lmao.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Call me a cynic but does the world need another skyrim thread *hasn't got skyrim yet* :D
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    *hasn't got skyrim yet* :D

    Why ever not? explain yourself, young man!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Call me a cynic but does the world need another skyrim thread *hasn't got skyrim yet* :D

    Actually, I felt like this was more of an "I'm such a baby and get scared when games are dark" thread than a Skyrim thread. It happens to me in a lot of games.

    I was like that at first... until I played Amnesia D: Now Skyrim doesn't scare me at all lmao.

    This is about as scary as I can tolerate. :laugh: I can't even be in the room when my husband plays his scary games. It's funny, I used to enjoy watching horror movies, and if I'd been into games then I'm sure I would have liked survival horror. But then I had kids, and now I'm a wuss.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Totally with you on the dark thing. Especially in dungeons; I hate being left behind by my party because I'm the slow person who put too many points in her concentration stat and not enough in jump and balance.

    Worst gaming moments ever were the Redeads in LoZ: Ocarina of Time--I played the Sun's Song *a lot*. And the awful moment when they would scream and Link would freeze and then they s t a l k e d closer....and then you'd run and they'd scream again only by that time you had your back turned and you knew they were s t a l k i n g up behind you. And the next thing you know they're wrapped around you.... **shudders**

    And also the Floormasters (the hands that drop from the ceiling and grab you by the head...)--no defense but to killee quickly!

    I'm also not permitted to watch scary movies...
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Totally with you on the dark thing. Especially in dungeons; I hate being left behind by my party because I'm the slow person who put too many points in her concentration stat and not enough in jump and balance.

    Worst gaming moments ever were the Redeads in LoZ: Ocarina of Time--I played the Sun's Song *a lot*. And the awful moment when they would scream and Link would freeze and then they s t a l k e d closer....and then you'd run and they'd scream again only by that time you had your back turned and you knew they were s t a l k i n g up behind you. And the next thing you know they're wrapped around you.... **shudders**

    And also the Floormasters (the hands that drop from the ceiling and grab you by the head...)--no defense but to killee quickly!

    I'm also not permitted to watch scary movies...

    I haven't played OoT, but they have the same redead enemies in Wind Waker. As cutesy as that game is, those things freaked me out. They're just so creepy! Ugh. I don't like undead things. My last scary movie that I ever watched was 28 Days Later. I was SOBBING in the movie theater, I was so scared. But I couldn't leave, because if I went outside to the DARK parking lot, I'd still know there were zombies in the theater, and then I'd be all alone and defenseless. :laugh: So I had to stay there.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    *hasn't got skyrim yet* :D

    Why ever not? explain yourself, young man!

    Because I got given a bunch of games for Christmas, I need to finish them first!

    So far
    Sonic Generations (Completed)
    Rayman Origins (Almost done)
    Batman Arkham City (Half way there)
    Deus Ex (Haven't even started it)
  • TyneeKitty
    I dont like the witch that crys in left for dead 2. that noise goes right through me
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    My first play through of Skyrim was with a sword and shield. That way I was able to put my shield up in those scary moments and get a little sense of security.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I was like that at first... until I played Amnesia D: Now Skyrim doesn't scare me at all lmao.

    I can't play Amnesia without my boyfriend next to me. The first day I got it, I was like, "Ooo, yay. This looks like fun!" I had nightmares, and I do not scare easy. D: Even the Dark Brotherhood Quest in Skyrim didn't scare me compared to Amnesia!!

    My boyfriend originally got Skyrim, but I jacked it from him when he was at work. I played the main quest in like 3 days. Binged on that hardcore. >_<; Now I'm just going through the other quests.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My first play through of Skyrim was with a sword and shield. That way I was able to put my shield up in those scary moments and get a little sense of security.

    I tried that, but I'm happier with a sword in one hand and a restoration spell in the other. That way I don't get flustered trying to get out a potion. I suck with a shield.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm much happier now that I've gotten a spell to make a magical flashlight for myself. Now I can see in the dark spaces. :happy:
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    I have that issue. No scarier than dungeons in Skyrim, thank you . Even those I play with the lights on.
    I love watching my roommate play scarier games, but I need to be laying on the bed all burritoed up in my blanket with just my eyes showing.
    I dont like the witch that crys in left for dead 2. that noise goes right through me
    Buuuh. Shivers every time. I can't stand it. For a while my friend had it as a ringtone on his phone. Glad I wasn't around to hear that go off in the middle of the night!