
Hi all,
I'm AJ and I'm almost 22 and looking forward to getting my 12WBT on!
I want to be able to change my way of thinking so negatively about myself and look at things from a positive perspective...and look fabulous while doing so :)


  • Symphony2
    Symphony2 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm a newbie to 12wbt and excited! I can't wait for pre-season to start properly although I've already started best I can. I just need a really good kick up the bum to keep moving and putting clean food into my mouth! I'm a bit of a yo-yoer, although I don't have a lot of weight to lose. My knees complain bitterly if I put on even half a stone (4 kg-ish) so that's good incentive ... unfortunately, I don't always listen, which is why I'm typing this with feet up and having to take a few days off because yesterday my run was a disaster and my knees are not being kind!! Utterly disappointed and devastated that I'm injured in the second week of the year!! It's rubbish! Looking forward to reading everybody's success stories and small steps and accomplishments along the way. It'll be a great journey, I just know it.

    My word for 2012 is 'FINISH'. I have a habit of throwing in the towel in the last round. My goal for this year is to see things through all the way to the end. 12wbt will be the first big test/challenge. Hoping I can support some people along the way - and in turn find the inspiration I need to keep going.
  • muttley27
    muttley27 Posts: 12 Member

    I'm also a 12wbter. This will be my 2nd round and i cannot wait.

    There is also another group on MFP with many more 12WBT peeps if you would like to join
