
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    SW: 236
    Today: 233.4

    Lost: 2.6

    Finally got back into excercising the last couple of days. I have really struggled to get back into healthy eating and working out since Xmas.

    This group has definitely helped me focus more!
  • LighteningLynn
    LighteningLynn Posts: 62 Member
    Starting Weight: 230.5

    Current Weight: 227.5

    -3 lbs......really happy with this since I fell off the wagon really bad all weekend!!! :sad: Now, I just think how much better I could have done if I would have stayed ON the wagon!!! :blushing: Something to work for this coming weekend. Weekends are my most difficult time. I did really good with my water intake and my excersing (except for Sat & Sun).

    GOOOOO GREEN TEAM!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • gettinfit29
    gettinfit29 Posts: 11 Member
    Week One:
    Starting Weight 235
    Current Weight 230

    Victory Lost 5lbs!

    I logged every bite and step I took! Planning ahead helps me stay on track, and makes me feel better about myself :)

    Go Green!
  • gettinfit29
    gettinfit29 Posts: 11 Member
    We all should be very proud of the good choices we made this week! Eating healthier, Exercising more, and cant get enough water in our bodies! Keep it going, stay focused and just imagine how much healthier you will be!
    Go Green!
  • tgunk
    tgunk Posts: 15
    Hi all!

    SW: 221lb
    CW: 215lb

    Loss= 6lb

    Woohoo!! I'm so pleased :)
    This week has been fairly easy, the only things I've found challenging is my fluid intake and I have gradually improved that over the week and my exercise bit again I have made changes to that already.

    Today has been my first really hard day. I am amoungst other reasons and emotional eater and today has been a very hard day :(
    I worked one of my long shifts yesterday/today which was 8am-3pm then a sleep-in night where I work 8pm-10:30pm then sleep at work on call and then started work again at 6:30am-2:30pm. When I woke up at work this morning I felt like I has the start of a head cold so I took some paracetamol and plodded on. By 8am I was feeling sick but again I just got on with it (I'm the deputy manager so it's not like I can just go off shift) at 9am my Mum called me to say my man had had a fall from bed during thenight (this is the crux of the story near with me and I'll get there!!) then after that one of the families called to let me know that their Mum's husband has died overnight on another home. I spent some time with this lady comforting her but it's so hard to comfort someone through a loss, it's quite draining. Then another one of out ladies had a fall so overall my work morning was very stressful!!
    The sicky feeling stayed all day too.

    Then I Left work to go visit my nan. She has Chronic Leukaemia which was diagnosed recently. She will not have any investigation or treatment so although we know she has cancer which is so extensive it has developed into Leukaemia we don't know where or what exactly the cancer is. Today was a bad day. She's declined so rapidly it's heartbreaking to watch. My man brought me up for many many years as a child and I really admire and look up to her. My Mum, Step-Dad, Brother and Sister live with her but they may as well not be there for all the attention they give her! I was the one to call the Dr today to discuss her condition, I was the one attending her hosp apt, I was the one calling the district Nutses today to ask for a hosp style bed. Etc etc. it's so frustrating and tiring trying to keep a tight lip so to not cause any family arguments but the friction is there already :-/

    I left there at 5 and got home with 2 very hungry boys closely followed by a hungry husband with no tea prepared. My plan of a homemade Chilli and JP went out the window as I caves and ordered a Pizza Hut. As I ate it I felt so guilty but the idea of cooking was so unappealing!! My plan was to try and do 30 day shred twice this evening.......I ended up fast asleep on the sofa within 5 mins of the boys being in bed!!!!

    I'm really sorry for the essay but sometimes it's easier if people see the whole story rather than just see that food & exercise wise it's been a crappy day.

    I'm back to it tomorrow, hoping for another good weight loss.
    Good Luck Everyone and WELL DONE!!

    Love Kath xxxx
  • tgunk
    tgunk Posts: 15
    Sounds like you had a really challenging day but you kept going and got through it. Better still, you lost 6 lbs this week!!! That is totally awesome. After making it through this tough day you know tomorrow is going to be better. You are stronger than you think!
    Be proud of you!! Great job! - Tracy
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi guys!

    Starting weight: 222.4
    Today's weight: 216.2

    That's great progress!! You will be in "one-derland" very soon!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    SW 229
    CW 225

    Sticking to my water and getting my food in. Giving 100% in the gym vs 75%.

    That's a nice loss! Very well done. You have the right idea in your approach - good job!!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    SW 228
    CW 226.8

    My weight fluctuated a lot this week. I ran my first half marathon on Saturday and an still in the recovery process, which sometimes invloves a few pound gain due to the muscles repairing themselves). I have tried to be good about what I have been eating and my water intake. A pound lost is a pound lost!

    I have been trying to run/walk at least one mile every day in hopes of making it to 500 by the end of the year.

    I am still amazed you ran a half-marathon - nicely done!! Every little ounce or pound counts, and you will reach your goal just staying focused on your plan and following it.
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Ok Week 1
    my SW was 245
    my week 1 weight is 244

    1lb not bad, I would have hoped for more, but Sunday was my birthday and I think the diet went out the window with it, its also been my first week back in my office so again not the easiest transition. Starting this morning I've started walking to work as well so I'll see how much that helps, Also my goal for this first week was to bring my lunch with my to uni which I've done very successful so all in all week one has been pretty good to me

    Walking to work is a positive change - it helps you and the environment. Very good job!!

    You will probably see a better loss next week - weight loss can vary. Always prepare for those special events - I know the holidays were my downfall. I am already thinking ahead to swaps I can make that will let me celebrate an event without feeling awkward - yet still stay within my guidelines as much as possible.
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    WEEK 1

    SW 242

    Wk 1 237.5

    DWN 4.5 LBS

    * worked out 6x per wk, did 30 miles walk/jog
    * drank at least 96 oz H2O per day.

    Long ways to go but getting there by BABY STEPS.... ONE DAY AT A TIME :love: :smooched: :flowerforyou:

    You did awesome!! That is excellent, and you are right about Baby Steps. Take it one day at a time, or even one minute at a time. Whatever works at that moment. Great job on the water!!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    starting: 240
    week 1: 236.4
    Loss = 3.6lbs!

    I think my loss this week is more due to REALLY poor choices the past few weeks more than getting back on track this week. I certainly wasn't perfect and hope to improve for this coming week.

    I am sure you will improve, but that is still an excellent loss. I have heard that sometimes your body needs a little shock. I am not sure how long you have been eating more healthy, so not sure if that is a factor. Just keep it up, and the weight will come off steadily.
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Starting weigt: 237
    Today: 235.5

    Total loss: 1.5

    I have really tried to focus on drinking lots of water this week. I need to incorporate more exercise each day, but I will get there! Everyone's great losses this week has really motivated me!

    Losses are motivating, as well as seeing accomplishments. Like the ones on this week's challenge thread - it's amazing and making me realize where I need to set my goals.

    You did really good this week - great job. Keep up the water - it's so important!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all!

    SW: 221lb
    CW: 215lb

    Loss= 6lb

    Woohoo!! I'm so pleased :)
    This week has been fairly easy, the only things I've found challenging is my fluid intake and I have gradually improved that over the week and my exercise bit again I have made changes to that already.

    Today has been my first really hard day. I am amoungst other reasons and emotional eater and today has been a very hard day :(
    I worked one of my long shifts yesterday/today which was 8am-3pm then a sleep-in night where I work 8pm-10:30pm then sleep at work on call and then started work again at 6:30am-2:30pm. When I woke up at work this morning I felt like I has the start of a head cold so I took some paracetamol and plodded on. By 8am I was feeling sick but again I just got on with it (I'm the deputy manager so it's not like I can just go off shift) at 9am my Mum called me to say my man had had a fall from bed during thenight (this is the crux of the story near with me and I'll get there!!) then after that one of the families called to let me know that their Mum's husband has died overnight on another home. I spent some time with this lady comforting her but it's so hard to comfort someone through a loss, it's quite draining. Then another one of out ladies had a fall so overall my work morning was very stressful!!
    The sicky feeling stayed all day too.

    Then I Left work to go visit my nan. She has Chronic Leukaemia which was diagnosed recently. She will not have any investigation or treatment so although we know she has cancer which is so extensive it has developed into Leukaemia we don't know where or what exactly the cancer is. Today was a bad day. She's declined so rapidly it's heartbreaking to watch. My man brought me up for many many years as a child and I really admire and look up to her. My Mum, Step-Dad, Brother and Sister live with her but they may as well not be there for all the attention they give her! I was the one to call the Dr today to discuss her condition, I was the one attending her hosp apt, I was the one calling the district Nutses today to ask for a hosp style bed. Etc etc. it's so frustrating and tiring trying to keep a tight lip so to not cause any family arguments but the friction is there already :-/

    I left there at 5 and got home with 2 very hungry boys closely followed by a hungry husband with no tea prepared. My plan of a homemade Chilli and JP went out the window as I caves and ordered a Pizza Hut. As I ate it I felt so guilty but the idea of cooking was so unappealing!! My plan was to try and do 30 day shred twice this evening.......I ended up fast asleep on the sofa within 5 mins of the boys being in bed!!!!

    I'm really sorry for the essay but sometimes it's easier if people see the whole story rather than just see that food & exercise wise it's been a crappy day.

    I'm back to it tomorrow, hoping for another good weight loss.
    Good Luck Everyone and WELL DONE!!

    Love Kath xxxx

    I am so sorry for all you are going through. My mother went through a long year of stomach cancer, as she chose to have surgery and chemo. It was very hard to watch her deteriorate. I also had a lot of responsibility. She managed to get cancer-free last June, but she couldn't quite adjust to the new eating plan (it's very odd, but you can eat without a stomach). She had a heart attack this past October just after my birthday, and we lost her 11/2. It was very stressful, and I ended up gaining almost 50 pounds over that year. :embarassed:

    I am so proud of you for sticking with your health plan. That is so hard, but your health is essential right now. Take care, and we are here to support you. :flowerforyou:
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    SW: 236
    Today: 233.4

    Lost: 2.6

    Finally got back into excercising the last couple of days. I have really struggled to get back into healthy eating and working out since Xmas.

    This group has definitely helped me focus more!

    Nice loss!!! I am just back into exercising too, so some of the accomplishments on our team amaze me. i am not nearly that fit, but it gives me some great goals. And it shows what commitment can accomplish and that helps me!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Starting Weight: 230.5

    Current Weight: 227.5

    -3 lbs......really happy with this since I fell off the wagon really bad all weekend!!! :sad: Now, I just think how much better I could have done if I would have stayed ON the wagon!!! :blushing: Something to work for this coming weekend. Weekends are my most difficult time. I did really good with my water intake and my excersing (except for Sat & Sun).

    GOOOOO GREEN TEAM!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Very nice job! I know how it is to second guess, but at least you are focusing ahead on how to improve it rather than living in the past regretting it. :wink: Keep it up!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Week One:
    Starting Weight 235
    Current Weight 230

    Victory Lost 5lbs!

    I logged every bite and step I took! Planning ahead helps me stay on track, and makes me feel better about myself :)

    Go Green!

    Planning always helps. Excellent loss - that is awesome!!
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Whew! Our team is doing GREAT!!!

    For those of you who have not yet posted and come across this - OUR CUTOFF IS TOMORROW MORNING AT 10:00AM EST in the US.

    Don't wait to post! I don't want to lose team members. If any of you know anyone that hasn't posted, please remind them.

    Thanks - and I can't wait to see how all the teams do.
  • volschick96
    volschick96 Posts: 19 Member
    Starting Weight was 245 lbs before the 1st weigh in

    I weighed in the day after I signed up at 241

    I now weigh 235 lbs

    So I count the 241

    I even ate out some this week and found you can eat out and still loose.. I try to make healthier choices and I am up off the sofa moving now.. I would go out and eat at least 2000 or more calories and not even know it or care after i started this less then 20 days ago I have lost 10 lbs.. that is unreal to me, how bad I was eating... I was just dragging and feeling really bad I know feel human again and ever week is better.. I know the weight loss will slow but I am just going to stick to it.
  • pitawingnut
    pitawingnut Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry I'm late! My weight this week is 246.