What is everyone's plan?

kits87 Posts: 2 Member
Hey everyone!

I would love to know how everyone is planning on reaching their goal! Are you following a specific diet? a workout plan? meal plan? Weight watchers? Paleo? Low Carb? Have they worked for you before, or is this your first time with a plan?

I'm currently simply counting my calories, trying to keep it to 1250 a day with a 60 protein/20 fat/20 carb ratio. As for workout, I'm not too sure yet since I'm still a novice about that and don't know exactly what the optimal routine for fat loss is. If anyone has any tips on that, I'm all ears!


  • laurabarden
    laurabarden Posts: 79 Member
    Im doing 30 day shred, on day 3. I do richard simmons occasionally, too. Im also keeping up with a few challenges from my other groups, biggest loser and 25 lb gone by march 16. Im maintaining a 1200 calorie diet and drinking only water for beverages. Lets hope I can keep up! So far so good. In 5 days Ive lost 3 lbs. Im sure its just water weight, but ill take it!
  • lmotry
    lmotry Posts: 2
    Good post! I am new to this site and love it so far! I also am trying to keep to about 1200 and it has been pretty easy for 4 days, although I am hungry tonight. I have lost 3 lbs since starting on Sunday (I know, probably water....), and I feel pretty good. I am just counting calories on my own and doing some stuff on the Wii. Need to drink that water which is hard for me because I teach and cannot go to the restroom very often during the day. I am also interested in knowing what others are doing. I need to lose 49 lbs now for goal weight. Good luck to you and let's do this!! Yes!!!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    My plan is the slow and steady pace. When I first started out, I started at 1200 calories, and considering coming from eating triple that in a day, I realized I was going to fast. So I set my calorie intake to lose 1pd per week. Some weeks, I lose a pound, some weeks a lose more, and there are weeks, that I gain. I exercise 3 times per week, twice per day, and that seems to be working for me very well. On the weekends, I focus more on my diet, than exercise. I wanted to join Weight Watchers and all those other plans, but the one thing I realized is they are all basically based on the same concept, calories in versus calories burned. In addition, I would be fooling myself, if I think I can drink a shake for the rest of my life, or have food delivered for me. I took the bull by the horns, and learned to read labels, and understand what is going into my body, and plus I love certain foods to much to do so. It certainly is a lifestyle change for me, and I am almost close to losing 20 pounds, and I have started my lifestyle change since September. I am anxiously waiting to hit Onederland, and that is basically my main weight loss goal for this year.
  • I am counting calories and have started C25K. I never realized how many calories I was inhaling. I knew it was a lot, but not that many!!! I am walking and doing the C2K to help burn calories and get some muscle built back up. I am addicted to diet coke, so I am reducing that and drinking lots of water. I also teach, but I luckily I have my planning/lunch in the middle of the day. So if I pace it right, I am ok :)

    I am also really enjoying my DH's new Kinnect. We got the girls one of the dance games and I am having a blast "playing" with my DD's while burning a few calories :laugh:

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • wellingfamily507
    wellingfamily507 Posts: 35 Member
    Just getting started, (this past Monday) I am really watching calories and trying to get at least 5 days of exercise in...in less then 1 week, I am down 4.5lbs, feeling better, and sleeping better already! So I think I will keep up with that, and adjust the foods I am eating to be more nutritious, so that I am getting the most out of what I am eating. I am so excited to have come across this site, it has really helped me get my head around it....
  • zanmarie
    zanmarie Posts: 61 Member
    I'm not following any specific plan. That just doesn't work for me. I'm counting calories (about 1500/day) and trying to get in a little exercise. I'm also trying to cut back on sugar (my weakness) and eat more unprocessed food.
  • I have some short goals that I set for the new year. It is to eat heathier and smaller portions! My goal is to start getting to the gym at least 3 times a week!
  • mejenniferd
    mejenniferd Posts: 18 Member
    No specific plan. Mostly just watching the calories, and trying to get a little more activity in my days.
  • My plan is to watch calories (have not done that in years) and start exercising. I am doing C25K and playing Kinnect with my daughters. After a month or so, I am going to look at everything and readjust as needed. I figure that is when I will hit my first major plateau.

    Good Luck everyone!!!
  • lizg1979
    lizg1979 Posts: 15 Member
    I am trying to really watch my calories (night time snacking is my weakness anything from popcorn with butter to chocolate :S) and exercising which i have issues sticking to a routine i have two of my sisters planning to commit to 3 workouts a week with me which will be a huge motivator. My goal is to loose my 50lbs by the end of the year so that I can wear a bikini in mexico in 1 year from this weekend :D fingers crossed
  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    just counting calories and excersing 2 hours /week. I get 1 hr a wk at a zumba class so the rest of the week I aim for 4 15minute sessions of walking. my goal is to loose a pound a week. so far it's working. good luck everyone.
  • Hello Everyone,

    My plan is goibg to take some work I work from the house and am always in front of my computer. I plan on going to the gym 3 to 4 time a week and wayching how many calories I take in each day. I have already stop drinking cola and have cut way down on my coffee. In the past I have lost weight by just walking to work. I have started this plan this past Monday and so far I have been to the gym twice and planning on Friday. I told myself I would only weigh myself every Monday. I am looking forward to my weigh in.

    I have tried the shake drink diet and found that I was not taking in enough calories to reach my daily goal. I feel that with just watching what I eat and starting at the gym I should start to lose weight.
  • kwehkweh
    kwehkweh Posts: 70 Member
    I'm a binge eater and I've found that extra vitamins help keep me from over eating so I have to do my shake for at least one meal a day. So I'm going to be better about making it my first meal of the day. Counting calories, eating back half the calories I lose in a workout, making sure I drink enough water, weights 3 times a week, and of course my dance classes ;p It's hard to break away from classes you instruct. Worked for me last year, hopefully it will work for me this year.
  • I'm a binge eater and I've found that extra vitamins help keep me from over eating so I have to do my shake for at least one meal a day. So I'm going to be better about making it my first meal of the day. Counting calories, eating back half the calories I lose in a workout, making sure I drink enough water, weights 3 times a week, and of course my dance classes ;p It's hard to break away from classes you instruct. Worked for me last year, hopefully it will work for me this year.

    Question - How do you eat back half the calories you lose in a work out? Are there specific foods you eat to assist with that? I am trying to find the best way to do that. This is my first time counting calories so I am not sure the best way to do everything.

  • kwehkweh
    kwehkweh Posts: 70 Member
    I'm a binge eater and I've found that extra vitamins help keep me from over eating so I have to do my shake for at least one meal a day. So I'm going to be better about making it my first meal of the day. Counting calories, eating back half the calories I lose in a workout, making sure I drink enough water, weights 3 times a week, and of course my dance classes ;p It's hard to break away from classes you instruct. Worked for me last year, hopefully it will work for me this year.

    Question - How do you eat back half the calories you lose in a work out? Are there specific foods you eat to assist with that? I am trying to find the best way to do that. This is my first time counting calories so I am not sure the best way to do everything.

    Last year I used a different website that had me put in how many calories I planned on burning in a week and based my daily intake on that. But now that I sub as instructor I never know if I'm going to have an extra class or not which is why I switched to MFP. Since I need to eat at least 1700 cal a day I try to give myself 300 cal for breakfast, 300 for lunch, 600 for dinner (which is actually mid day for me since I work a heavy labor night job), and then 100 cal snacks throughout the day (mostly fruit). If I need to eat back calories I'll just eat 2-3 more 100 cal snacks. Right now I eat about every 2 hours. It makes it easier to tack on a few extra calories if I need to. For the last 2 months I've gotten really bad about what foods I eat but when I lost the majority of the 90 lbs I was doing about 90% organic foods.
  • That makes sense. I am not good at eating every two hours. As a teacher, it is not really fair to eat in front of my students. However, I do need to make sure I have healthy 100 calorie snacks. I prepackage some trail mix to 1 serving size, but I need to find some other options. I will try the fruit.