
Hi, my name is Gail. I so need to be in this group. I had 105 lbs to lose when I started MFP in Oct/2011. I've only lost 9 lbs, so far. Somehow, I keep finding some of it, and have to start over, but I'm trying not to give up. My knees are trying to give out on me. So I have to lose this for good. I have never kept track of what I ater before and this site has really been an eyeopener for me. I would love to make friends with all of you ,if you would like to.


  • slanders72

    Welcome to the group. This is very challenging, but with dedication and support from other members; just in one week, I have been supportedso much that it motivates me to keep going. Just remember that you didn't put this weight on overnight...or in the last 4 put it on over time; and unfortunately, it will take time to get it off. Drink lots of water!!! Drink hot coffee or hot tea or even hot water when you feel really hungry....this has been helping me to not cheat!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Hi, my name is Gail. I so need to be in this group. I had 105 lbs to lose when I started MFP in Oct/2011. I've only lost 9 lbs, so far. Somehow, I keep finding some of it, and have to start over, but I'm trying not to give up. My knees are trying to give out on me. So I have to lose this for good. I have never kept track of what I ater before and this site has really been an eyeopener for me. I would love to make friends with all of you ,if you would like to.

    Welcome aboard Gail! You can do this! Just like Stacy said, it takes time. MFP is an awesome place full of great people that will help motivate and encourage you!
    Challenge yourself to do things you've never done or had a hard time getting used to. Keep in mind it takes at least 28 days of doing something consistently to make it routine or habit. Push yourself. Tell others here what you are doing and by golly someone will be asking you "How did that go" "are you still doing this?"

    Start a thread/diary/blog of your own where you have to show what you accomplished each day especially if you are trying to challenge yourself.
    some ideas for challenges:
    Drink more water
    Walk or incorporate some form of exercise into your life DAILY for at least 15 minutes EVERY day
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    I can totally relate to the knee pain and how difficult that makes things. Stick with this site and make sure you log in daily and if you have a bad day, come back and start over again. Its not easy, its not a sprint ; its a marathon and so it will take time. I have lost and gained my whole life and this time I will lose this weight once and for all.

  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Feel free to add me as friend. I'm in this group and I also run a group 2012 Challenge - Be a Biggest Loser.

    I'm in it to WIN This year! I'm going to drop the weight, be healthy and show my husband the sexy on the outside that I feel on the inside! :P
  • oooblah66
    Hi! I'm Kristen and I need to lose 100 pounds. i definitely need the support of people who need to lose as much (or more). I love this website and log in many times a day from my phone, and I feel different...I don't feel deprived, guilty, or any of the other things I felt when trying "diets" over the last 10 years. I think my mindset has changed because I know this is a different way of living my life, and the bumps in the road are just that - if I log them, I can keep on going stronger!
  • Jdunn411
    Jdunn411 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello eveyone, I hope things are going well so far. My name is Jodie, I started MFP in December 2011, right around Christmas and was told I was crazy for doing it at that time. My thought was if I can contain myself during the holidays then I should be able to stay on track the rest of the year. So far I have enjoyed logging into the site from my phone most of the time then in the evenings I do most of my chatting from the computer, well that is if I have someone to chat with. I hope this group will be a success and a good support group because I really need it. Being new to this and not having many friends I hope I can gain more from this group. If anyone would like to add me as their friend please do. You will not regret having a good motivator and support person on your side and hope I can get the same. My goal is to lose over 100 pounds but would love it if I could lose 100 pounds if not more this year. Good luck everyone on this journey.
  • LosingLadi
    LosingLadi Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Gail .. Hi Kristen .. and Hi Jodie .. Welcome to the Group!!

    Let's make 2012 our Healthiest one yet!! :drinker:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hello, I'm not sure how this group communication is supposed to work? ? ? : / Maybe we could keep write a bit here, to update everyone on our sucesses and maybe failures, if we have any........; ) Just let us know how to do it. Have a great and healthy day and weekend!!!