Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

How Much?

How much weight would you like to lose? I am at my heaviest right now at 202.6.....as of today though I am down to 201.6 and would like to get to 150. That is my first goal.

I just found this site yesterday and I am so excited about it!

A little bit about me - My name is Monica, I am married and have two beautiful children and a West Highland Terrier named Weston.

We live in North Tonawanda, New York which is a suburb of Buffalo and I am 37 years old.


  • lauriep716
    lauriep716 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Monica,

    I just found this site two days ago and I too am very excited about it. I love the fact that i can track things like fiber and calcium in addition to calories.

    A little something about me. I in upstate NY and i have three children. I work all the time and never take time for myself. I am 42 years old and have a good 50 + pounds to loose. I've tried ww numberous times, but it gets to complicated for me. I'm hoping this will keep me on track since I can use it on my smartphone too.
  • Hi ladies!

    I found this site about a year ago and kinda lazily tracked off and on for a few months. I have been a lot better lately and have spent more time learning about the site and how to add 'friends' to inspire and motivate you. I know tracking and moving are the only things to get the weight off, I have such a hard time commiting! I will do good for a while and then go off and eat pizza or whatever.

    about me: I am 42 years old. live in McKinney, TX. married w/ two teenage boys. I am very blessed with a nice life but this weight thing hold me back in so many ways. I have been fluctuating between 200-221 for over 18 years. First goal: I just wanna get BELOW the 200 mark...sheesh. I, too, have joined WW at least 5 times. I just lose interest after a few months and I really hated going to the meetings. I know you can now do it online, but MFP is free, & I really like this sight so gonna give it one. more. shot. sigh.
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi am I am mother of 2 and live in kenmore ny a suburb of buffalo and my body changed so much after having my second child I just want to get back in my normal sized jeans. I have a gorgeous dress I want to wear in july for our %yr wedding anniversary and I would like to lose a total of 33lbs by then I started after the holidays and clearly ate way too much over the season.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    I am Jen (36)- I also live in Kenmore. I am a mom of 2 beautiful active boys ages 4 and 6. I work full time. We have 2 dogs and 3 cats- a crazy home.
    I would like to lose 80 lbs. With my first pregnancy I gained 80 lbs. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes a month before I got pregnant with him. I had to eat all the time because my sugars would drop. I have yet to lose that weight. I have been on this site for about a year. Yesterday it really hit me that I finally will and need to do this. I don't want to be the fat mom I want to be the attractive mom. I remember growing up my brothers friends would make fun of one of their friends because his mom was fat. I don't want my boys to be made fun of because of my weight. I want to be healthy so I can live longer and see my grandkids.
  • Im Esme mother of a beutiful 7year old and just recently had my son(6 motnhs ago) I live in Chicago and have struggled the most with my most recent pregnancy 60 pounds! I'm determined to lose all my baby weight and feel comfortable in my body again:) I'm thinking of starting Zumba classes, I heard its a great workout....Have any of you tried it before? What are some things that you guys are doing to shed the weight?? Good Luck to everyone!
  • Hi Monica I have actually been on this site for a few months. I love it. I am a stay at home mom I have an 11 month old as of today and a 6 year old first grader. I have been on my weight loss journey I should say for about 5 years now. Ultimately I would like to get back down to my early 20's weight. I am now 33 years old as of the 6th. I would like to lose about 70 pounds. I recently got married this past July and I want to be the sexy wife I know is hiding inside all of this blubber. ha ha ha. My son recently said to me Mom when are you going to be skinny? I can't wait to see you skinny. Well if that's not motivation as well as a punch in the stomach I don't know what is. I have really been getting my act together with my food choices and exercising for a whopping 4 days but there is always a starting point. For my birthday my Mom bought me the zumba total body transformation set and I absolutely love it. So here's to good health and working on not being the FAT Mom's anymore. :o) I love it.
  • Hello, I'm Stephanie, i am 28. A mother to two beautiful little boys ages 6 and 4. I live in Niagara Falls, NY. I started my weight loss journey last year as my new years resolution. I had made this resolution a million times, but i decided since my 10 year hs reunion was 6 months away I needed to stick with it. I ended up losing 50 lbs in the first 6 months of the year. However, when summer hit and we were going to BBQ's and getting ice cream, all my healthy eating habits and working out went out the window and I put 10 lbs back on. So this year I decided I needed to finish what i started last year. My goal for 2012 is to lose the 10 pounds i put back and try for another 30.

    So far i am down 8 lbs. Its amazing how much more energy I have just from the healthy food, water and working out. I am a full time working mother and it is hard to make the decision that you need to put a little energy into taking care of yourself. Going to the gym daily helps me stay motivated. I started Spinning classes last year and fell in love, so i am back at it.
  • danimack
    danimack Posts: 18 Member
    What a great idea for a group!!! My name is Danielle and I'm 34 years old. I live in Western Ma (Pittsfield.) We are on the border of Massachusetts & New York. I have 2 boys (7 & 4.) I gained 65 lbs. with my first pregnancy. Lost close to 30lb of it and then had another baby and gained all 30lb back. And along the way I've managed to gain some extra weight here and there. Like eating the leftovers that the boys don't eat!! I'm mostly a stay at home mom. And I find myself grazing all day long!!! More then anything I want to set a good example for my kids. I don't want them to ever have the same weight struggles that I've always had. So my ultimate goal is to lose 70lbs. This summer I would like to start doing a lot of running & biking and showing my kids how much fun physical activities can be!!
  • Hi everyone! I'm 23 and I live in Plano, TX. I have a 3 yr old little girl. I'm at 190 right now. I REFUSE to get up to 200. I'm working on getting the weight off and keeping it off. Started a new diet and more exercise on New Years Day of this year. So far I've only lost 1 pound, but I know I need to give it time.

    Seems hard to lose weight with everything going on: kid, work, boyfriend, family, dishes, laundry, gym, cooking, etc.

    So, needless to say, I'm really glad someone started this group. Moms have to be tough and we need all of the support we can get.

    Anyone from the Dallas/Fort Worth Area want to meet up for a work out session or a healthy bite to eat? I'm open to that!
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    I set my first goal at 150, but I'm hoping to see 135 again. Slow going, but when you are losing weight slowly with lifestyle changes, then there is no "maintenance"; you just keep going and things will work out.

    Good luck to everyone!

  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 23 and I live in Plano, TX. I have a 3 yr old little girl. I'm at 190 right now. I REFUSE to get up to 200. I'm working on getting the weight off and keeping it off. Started a new diet and more exercise on New Years Day of this year. So far I've only lost 1 pound, but I know I need to give it time.

    I used to live in Plano! Had my third kid in Garland. You can do this!! :)
  • I am currently at 211 lbs. At the first of Decemeber I was at 222 lbs So I have lost some. I started my diet about 2 weeks ago and I am down 5 lbs! I love this website and I didnt even know there were groups and other people on here that I could communicate with. I love it! I am in desperate need of motivation! :wink: I plan on getting down to about 175 lbs. Thats my goal!
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi -

    I'm Becca and I'm 28. I live in Maryland and I'm the mom of two little boys - 3 1/2 years old and almost 9 months old. I work full-time and then some. As of this morning I am 209 pounds which is horrendous, especially considering I'm not even 5 foot 1. I was a thin teenager and started packing on the pounds about halfway through college and it got even worse once I had my first child. I was doing WW, but didn't have the success I was hoping. On Saturday I started Insanity and yesterday I joined MFP.
  • Hi! I'm Annie with 2 kids a 6 year old boy and 17 month girl living in Chicago. I stopped working last year and hoped to find time to exercise regularly, but find I have less time to myself being home than I did when I worked. I lost most of my pregnancy weight after my first but with 3 rounds of fertility medications and a 2nd pregnancy I find myself at my heaviest and am ready to get my body back. I have used this site on and off for a year, but am commiteed now to fight the 30+ pounds that seem to enjoy living on my body. I have a girls weekend with friends I haven't seen in 3 years in March and hope to have put a nice dent into my goal by then. My husband is supportive of my self induced challenge but works a lot so am looking forward to the support, motivation and tips here!
  • Hi, my name is Tonya and I live in Southeast Missouri. I am a mother of 2 teenagers and a special education teacher. I find myself stress eating. I really began to use this site the past couple of weeks because my 16 year old son had blood work and his triglycerides were 300(163 should be max for his age). That was a wake up call for me! I am passing my bad habits on to my children! My whole family is working together for this lifestyle change. I have 43 more pounds to loose. We CAN do this!!:smile:
  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 37 Member
    Hi ladies, My name is Stacie and I live in Holyoke Colorado and we are in the process of moving to Kimball Nebraska on Saturday. I have been on the site for a month now and have lost 11 pounds. I am currently 186. I am looking to lose 30 pounds to begine with. I'm afraid if I make my goal too big I will be overwhelmed with it. I am originally from Texas and I miss it a lot, but mainly the mexican food! LOL I found out quickly that going on some extreme diet only works for like a week with me, so I am cooking fun and healthy food and exercising almost everyday instead. It is working a lot better for me. I have a great sense of humor and anyone who needs more pals is welcome to add me. I am 36 with a 4 month old boy so It's really nice to have pals that are also mothers, I feel like they understand what I'm going through better. :D
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    HI hi!! My name is Crystal, i am 33 years old and i have 2 beautiful daughters. Abby is 13 and lulu is 10. I was weighed in at my doctor's appointment last friday at 202. Yesterday i had another appointment and i now weigh 200. Woot Woot!! My goal is 145 lbs.

    As of 2 weeks ago i stopped drinking monster energy drinks and dr. pepper. I am also eating a lot healthier! I made baked cajun tilapia and pan seared scallops, with steamed veggies for supper last night! wowza! If someone told me i would be cooking that a month ago, ya probably would of been smacked upside the head! ha!! (that was the first time i ever had tilapia!) While at my doctor's appointment last week, i had my first blood panel done. well my cholesterol was 2 points to high and triglycerides were high as well. So of course that has spurred me as well.
    However i am rather challenged in this area. I haven't the slightest clue if i am doing things right or not. So any advice or smacks upside the head is welcome. =0]
  • Hi All!

    I'm Kendall, I live in Orange County California. I have a 2 year old son and we're planning on trying for another baby soon! I've used MFP in the past but never consistently. I stepped on on the scale and saw 224, which is the heaviest I've ever been. I wish I could blame it on my pregnancy ;) I gained 22lbs with my son and he was 10.4 lbs of it! I was down to prepregnancy weight within a week of having him and down to 190 within 6 months but have let myself go and gained all the weight back and then some. I'm praying this is the time that I can do it. Not just for me but for my son so he can see what living a healthy lifestyle is like and that I pass along those habits to him. I know we can all do this!
  • djaensch
    djaensch Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Dawn and I live in Milwaukee, WI I have two kids and have gained alot of weight. I AM a fat Mom, but that's ok because I'm on the right path and I'll be stronger for it in the end.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Hi Monica -

    I just found the MFP site recently too and am really enjoying the activity. People seem to like it here.

    I'm a mom of four, I have two older kids and a set of younger ones. I'd like to lose about 40 lbs. and am really having issues with portion control and eating late at night. I feel redundant about telling you guys this, but I'm hoping to find some like-minded people in same dilemma trying desperately to control myself.
