How Much?



  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    This looks like the perfect group for this fat mama to get a little help and encouragement. My name is Sierra (32) and I have 3 gorgeous little girsl (6,3 and 10 months). I live in Wasilla, AK and recently joined a gym with kid-care and MFP so I don't have any excuses. This is it!

    Pregnancy was hell on my body all 3 times and I've officially sworn off babymaking forever! I'm ready to get ME back and I started with 112 lbs to lose to do it. Booooh! The good news is that I've identified the problem and I'm already down 3 lbs. I'm excited about changing the ol' binge/purge cycle into a healthy lifestyle for me and my girlies. :) I look forward to getting to know you and sharing in your success.

  • Hello everyone!

    I am SO excited I am in this group! There is finally a place I can talk to people freely (and honestly!) about my weight!
    My name is Rawan and I live in Boston MA, I am married with a 17 month old daughter. I had to go on several medications and an IVF round to get pregnant, so my body weight increased like crazy! I am a PhD student, also work as a research assistant, and run around home to get everything done, so it is almost impossible for me to watch after myself, exercise...etc.
    I have been trying to find a support group and I am really glad I cam across this website by chance yesterday!
    I now weigh 200 pounds and my target goal is 150. I believe we can do this together! I am SUPER excited :D
  • I want to lose half of myself. I have been hovering around 270 now for 2 years, ballooned to 290 after I had my second child. I have been able to keep the 20lbs off but then it seems I am just stuck. I would love to get under 200, and maybe then lose more.
  • hello to everyone reading. my name is Antonia, and i am from California. When i was i high school, i averaged about 130-140. i was always active, playing sports. i did have a young pregnancy. i had my beautiful daughter at 16. i gave up everything to take care of her. stopped school for a whole year in a half, when i finally decided to go back to school, i chose to do home schooling, so i can be with her. at first after i had her, i was losing weight. then i lost my motivation. i would like to get back down to my ideal weight. and my current weight is 230 lbs. all that weight was accumulated over three years and i can honestly say i have no one to blame but myself. so with that said, i found this sight today, and i am hoping i stick with it! my daughter is my main motivation. i would love to be by her side helping her practice for sports or just play with her without losing my breath!

    i am glad that i will be able to share experiences with women going through the same problems as me, and i am glad to give a helping hand if needed! =)
  • MsUnlucky13
    MsUnlucky13 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello my name is Lora, I am currently 31 and u guys (I mean girls) are the first people I have ever admitted my age to lol. I have three wonderful girls and my bf also has two other girls, so between us we have 5 girls ages 16,12,10,9, & the lil turned 2 today. So they keep us very busy. My background story with my weight goes like this...three years in January of course I decided to change to a healthy lifestyle, I counted every calorie and exercised my butt off and it worked awesome. By May I had lost around 50 lbs. I had went from 222 into the 170's. I was so happy about weigh loss then I found out i was pregnant and began to eat like there was no tomorrow and stopped exercising altogether. So needless to say I am now starting over. Starting weight 245 (wow that is hard to say to ppl) with a first goal weight of 168 which would just get me to a healthy bmi.
    So I am looking to lose roughly 80 lbs - that seems like a lot.

    Good luck to everyone and congrats on taking the steps towards a better life.
    Can't wait to see the transformations we all make.
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Amber. I am a mom of 4 beautiful children. Harlie 9, Baylee 6, Riley 5 and Derrick 3. I have been on MFP fpr almost a year but recently started taking it seriously. I have lost 23lbs so far and looking to loose about 60 to 70 more. I weigh in at 216 as of last tuesday! I am glad I ofund this group. I look forward to supporting and motivating everyone. Feel free to add me!!!!
  • liljoli
    liljoli Posts: 24 Member
    I am 30. Married with 3 kids ages 3,4,5. I am 5' 8", 206lbs now but was 230 at my heaviest. I started this new lifestyle change the 26th of December. So far I have lost 12 lbs and wanto to be to 175 by June. My ultimate goal is 145. But would love to be what I was when I got married which was 128. I am loving this site!