Day 7 - 1-13-12

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope everyone has had a wonderful night. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. But its finally Friday, and no work or the gym on the weekend. :) Did my workout but felt like jello today. It took me till about half way through to get into it. Glad its done now!!! How is everyone still doing on it? Please don't lose motivation and give up on me. I know we can finish it. We are WINNERS!!!!! We all have goals we can accomplish. Gotta get ready for work so i'll talk to you all later. :)

Have a Fantastic day my lovely Ladies!!!!


  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Dj you have such an amazing attitude!!! Thank YOU =) Today I mutted Jillian and added Pitbull, Rianna,Hot Chelle Rae, Gym Class Heros, etc... Way better I was so much more energized!! I blew through it!!! Highly recomment muting her and listening to something up beat, I sang most of the way through my panting LOL =) Off to the Y later for my Precor burn!

    I just finished Day 5 of Level 1, a few days behind but I'm following your lead!! Keep up the great work everyone!!!!

  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    today has turned into a rest day so my day 7 will be tomorrow. my plans after worked changed and ive got home late, ive not eaten enough today and after an early start i just feel too lethargic and there is no way i am doing the shred after ive eaten my dinner i have desire to be sick at any point in the near future. i think a day off will do me good and it will make me work harder tomorrow, its saturday and i have no obstacle in my ways to get it done as soon as i get up!

    keep going dj and have no fear i will not give i was just sulking yesterday!
  • cmjsarmywife
    Hiya everyone! Day 7 today... I hit the gym up with my hubby today, did 1.25 mi run, 45 min weight training, 10 minute abs, and 10 minutes on the Stairmaster. I have a meeting tonight, so I doubt I'll get to The Shred. But back at it tomorrow! :) I'm loving the way its toning me up! Down another 0.8lbs today! :)
  • lgwhizz
    lgwhizz Posts: 65
    Gaaaa, im loosing my mojo!!!!!!!!

    Might try moving on a level tom to see if it spurs me on a bit.......