Some Thoughts on Equipment

Hey there Triathletes of Tomorrow!
I hope this finds you all doing well!
I am attaching a few links I have found useful, but feel free to post what you want-start a new topic-let's help one another out!

BIKE: Thinking of buying a 15 thousand dollar bike for your very first try?
I met someone who came in second in her age group for the Olympic distance and she used a second hand bike she bought for 10 CDN. I have also read that sometimes the thousand dollar difference for a lighter bike can be cheaply offset by losing a bit of weight!
I like these tips, but then if I DID have thousands to spend on a super fancy high tech bike, I tootally would! What are YOUR thoughts?

WETSUIT: You can rent them if you don't want to buy them! They are typically available at triathlon or competitive sports stores. Not all wetsuits are created the same, so be sure you get a triathlon wetsuit. ALSO! Be sure your triathlon allows you to wear them.


What are your thoughts?

Happy Training!


  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Equipment is very overwhelming and expensive. I currently am only completing sprint tri's so I can't see investing too much money into a race that is under 2 hours. I am currently competing with myself, and not the others in the race. Now my view may change in a couple of years when I get into top physical shape, but for now I am fine with basic equipment

    My essentials:
    tri shorts
    2 to sit on during transitions and one to quickly dry myself off with
    I do not need a wetsuit as my tri's are in warm pool water

    I am currently using an old hybrid bike--I had to replace the tires, so I switched to road tires, and had to raise the valve stem to deal with wrist pain
    camelback--instead of fumbling with the water bottle
    tri shorts I can wear while I swim. I found a great pair on for $30.00 from pearl izumi
    jacket if temps are cool enough
    considering clips for my pedals this season---still leary of not being able to put my feet down if needed

    shoes---good ones fitted at a sports shop and replaced every 500 miles!
    a good sports bra (and yes...I wore it under my swimsuit)
  • ImGonnaTri2012
    ImGonnaTri2012 Posts: 6 Member
    I started riding my road bike again about 3 years ago and bought clipless pedals at that time -- it did take some getting used to but now I LOVE it and would never go back. My husband and I did get the SPD-SL pedals which are bigger and make clipping in a bit easier I think. Once you get the hang of it you will think it is great !
  • Leesseebee
    Sale on wetsuits and more:
  • ironholgs
    ironholgs Posts: 46 Member
    Also extremely important with wetsuits that you get the correct size.
    Too small and you might get choked as well as not being able to complete your stroke properly.
    Too big and you'll take on too much water and lose bouyancy.

    Don't think anyone has mentioned lock laces/elastic laces - quicker transitions and you don't have to worry about them coming undone.

    good luck everyone with this coming seasons racing :-)