tips and tricks

So I was responding to a post and realized it may be a good idea to start a thread with tips and tricks we like to use

I will start off with a few:
* drink enough water each day and make it ice cold because it will help burn calories when you body have to use energy to warm

*turn your household heat down your bodyy will adjust by burning extra calories to keep warm and you will save money and not even notice the difference we keep our house between 62 and 65 and the kids sometimes actually complain they are warm from all the running around the highest our heat ever goes is 68

*keep no junk food in the house even if yu have kids this is possible start them on a healthy life style and make healthy choices you would be amazed how kids do not need those sugary high cal kids beg for broccoli Try keeping things like yogurt raisins, sherbet, yogurt covered pretzels, carrot sticks, fresh fruit popsicles, string cheese, fruit cups, fresh baked low cal banana bread is a nice option especially if you make it in mini loaf tins so the slices are smaller, my kids love strawberries or grapes with yogurt dip

*skip the fake sugar your body does not recognize it as satisfying and can actually make our crave sugar more tan you were before

*replacing one 12 oz sugary drink with water each day can cut 50000cals from your diet each year

*get the food network magazine....seriously variety is key and there are several healthy options and quick meals in every issue its great for staying on track but without eating the same things all the time plus it has pictures of all the dishes and my toddlers love looking at them and helping plan meals

*take the stairs

*park at the end of the parking lot instead of searching for a close spot

*use smaller plates and avoid tends to make you more hungry and yellow seems to supress appetite I know it sounds crazy but the color of your plate and kitchen and dining room can actually help or hurt and using smaller plates helps keep portions in check


  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Great tips! I was suspicious of the fake sugars before, but now it's out! I want a healthy lifestyle, not a substituted lifestyle. :)
    Some quick tips I've learned over the years:

    *Eat a real portion of lean protein first, follow it with veggies and then eat the carb.
    *Choose high nutritional carbs and balance them with protein to stay fuller longer.
    *Water Water Water
    *Schedule exercise early or first thing in the day to make sure it gets done. ;)
    *Don't lie to yourself!

    My biggest struggle is with lying to myself. Today's lie... "I burned 600 cals at the gym, so I can eat a few franks in a blanket without checking portion sizes or nutritional value." Result... workout UNDONE!!! I didn't botch my whole day, but those stupid franks pushed me waaaay over my fat limit. :sad:

  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    cut up fruits and veggies and have them ready in the fridge you are way more likely to grab something quick that takes no work so make it as easy as opening a bag of chips and precut
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Making meals in a crockpot. My boss bought me a crockpot for Christmas and we've used it for almost every meal since Christmas Eve. It has seriously cut down on the fast food.
  • Now you tell me my kitchen is painted red!! lol
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    I went through my house and grabbed every magazine i could find and plopped in the chair. I ripped out every recipe that looked good. Most of them are chicken, fish or turkey recipes. Or recipes that could easily be converted into chicken or turkey. I then found an old planner and ripped out all the pages. I stapled all my recipes to notecards and put them in my planner. Now i have my own little cookbook, filled with recipes that i know are healthy and good for my family. It took a couple days to do but i had plenty of help from my 10 year old, lulu. She wants to go to culinary school when she gets older. Gotta love her!!! (she has said this since she was 5!) So of course anytime i cook, she is right with me, learning.
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    check out this site for great recipes! they convert recipes into healthy versions. love it!!!!
  • cuteness81104
    cuteness81104 Posts: 131 Member
    this months food network magazine is all about making your favorite recipes healthy and tons of healthy recipes looove it!!!
  • brush your teeth after you eat!

    tooth paste and food do not mix, so you will not randomly reach in the fridge or pantry when you're having one of those browsing moments. it wont taste as good as you thought! =)