DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
See my ticker? It's in my signature.

I happen to like it. I want to see if I can get other people to use it! So, to do that, I'm making them for people!

** All you have to do is show my blog to a friend/post a link to it on your profile, and I'll make you one =D **

1. What does your stick figure look like? Pants? Dress? Skirt and shirt? What colors? Do you have purple spikey hair? No hair? Do want to be happy, sad, crazy?

2. What color do you want your unicorns hair and body?

I'm pretty sure nobody will want one of these, but if I can get ONE person to have one, I will feel successful xD

WARNING: Don't expect to be beautiful! xD These are silly stick-people afterall.




Please save to your own computer!


  • jarae876
    jarae876 Posts: 39 Member
    Honestly I love the Happies. It was the first blog I read of your and I just love them for it seems when I am overly happy I lose weight without thinking about it. I am trying to activate my happies too.
  • jarae876
    jarae876 Posts: 39 Member
    Oh yeah what ever is fine with me. Thank you
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Me me!

    1. What does your stick figure look like? Pants? Dress? Skirt and shirt? What colors? Do you have purple spikey hair? No hair? Do want to be happy, sad, crazy?
    Skirt and shirt, green clothes, short red hair. And crazy happy of course!

    2. What color do you want your unicorns hair?
    Yellow please. :D
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    I'll get on those ASAP =3 I'm glad you like them!
  • decemberjewel
    Yay! I want one, too! The Happies remind me of Kuriboh from Yu-Gi-Oh... :)

    I wear pants... really can't stand dresses or skirts... haha. And um, anything blue and orange, really. Short medium brown hair! And for the unicorn... blue! You can tell my favorite color, huh? ;) And happy... but with a devious attitude! Hopefully that makes sense! :)

    Thank you!!!!
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    LOVE the special offer. I need me some happies and some unicorns to zap away the fat! :)

    1. dress, pretty pink one :). short dark hair like in my profile pic. I want to be happy :)
    2. my unicorn's hair - i think i like it green (?)
  • Lululucyloo
    I have just read a couple of your blogs... they are great!

    My stick figure wears jeans, with brown hair and is happy and my unicorn would have orange hair

    Question... is there a way to view just your blogs or do you have to scroll through them all?
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    To view my blog, you just clikc on the archives section to the right of any entry =)


    now, I'd appreciate it if you shared my blog with your friends to get a ticker ^^ That way I don't get flooded with ticker requests,
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    I shared your blog with my friends yesterday! It's like I'm psychic or something! Can I please have a ticker too? Pretty please? I will share again!

    Can my stick figure wear a black dress please? I have brown curly hair, but I've seen your illustration of curly hair, so can my stick figure have a ponytail please? And can my unicorn have purple hair please? pretty please?

    Can I have a crazy face please? Is that too much? You know, crazy eyes and a pokey out tongue? Please!
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    The answer to everyone's requests is: Of course!

    And koala - you don't HAVE to share again, but feel free! xD
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member

    I have brown curly hair, but I've seen your illustration of curly hair, so can my stick figure have a ponytail please?

    bwahahahaha good thinking, Koala!!!! :D
  • lslater4
    lslater4 Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to have one of these tickers. I never wear a dress so put mine in pants blue, orange shirt. Brown hair with pony tail, unicorn yellow. Any thing else u can decide. I just love the happiness of it.
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    awww man I totally missed it :( still gonna share the blog though :-D
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    Hopefully I'll be able to get you all your tickers by tomorrow, but I spend a lot of time on them to make them with quality! (lol) and precision! So yeah xD
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    Jarae, Eve and Decemberjewel, I have yours done =) I'll also notify you on your profiles.
  • jarae876
    jarae876 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you I love the Happies.
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Yay! Thank you so much, I'm changing it RIGHT NOW!
  • decemberjewel
    YAY! It's so cute! I love it! Thank you!!!! :)
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    You're all welcome =) I'll try to get to more of them asap.
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    I think they are beautiful and will gladly share your enjoyable blogs!

    If I could snag one of your tickers I would be wearing a blue or purple dress and have a brown ponytail. I like the idea of a silly face with the ol tongue hanging out =P... Also I would be a pain and ask for rainbow hair on my special unicorn!