more on cinnamon....

Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
I've started doing some more research on the whole benefits of cinnamon issue. I still haven't come across anything that mentioned MS in particular but there seems to be a few medical claims that have been researched by top institutes. These seem to all agree that 1/2 tsp of cinnamon a day will help lower sugar levels and may help stabilise insulin in type 2 diabetes. There is one study that I haven't looked into yet that says there is a benefit to cognitive problems. I'll get more into that one later - and while I'm at it I'll give you all the links so you can read for yourselves. :ohwell: Can't believe I forgot to write them down.

:flowerforyou: Anyway the thing that stood out was: The cinnamon we get most often in Canada and USA is the Chinese variety "cassia". This is not the one that has the benefits. The one we need to look for is the Ceylon Cinnamon "cinnamon zeylanicum" which we should be able to get in ethnic food stores or health food stores. The stuff we buy in the containers marked cinnamon is usually not Ceylon (at least in these 2 countries). :flowerforyou:
