adamtall Posts: 275 Member
Probally already been done but what server do you guys play on

Im on Assasins of Sion on the empire side (Dark side baby)


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Black Vulkars! Republic side!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I've got alts all over. I think I'm on Jedi Mindtrick right now, though.
  • gapm
    gapm Posts: 48
    Ajunta Pall

    I have a toon on each side, although my Republic toon is my main. I'm playing a Jedi sage and a bounty hunter.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    The fat man - empire side!
  • ElyzahMoore
    ElyzahMoore Posts: 26 Member
    Rubat Crystal -- Empire!
  • Sanction of the Exalted! :D
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Wound in the Force, west coast PvP - Republic!
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    seeing as everyones so spread out we should start a server with MPF toons on it :)
  • game isn't mac friendly! bahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    nothings really mac friendly :) and theres reasons for that :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    nothings really mac friendly :) and theres reasons for that :)

    There are lots of great games for the mac, like Breakout!

    Super Breakout!


    (points if you get the reference)
  • Hubs and I play on Lord Praven. I have a Sith Inquisitor (Sorceror) and he has a Bounty Hunter. It goes against every grain of what I believe in, but it's SO FUN being SO SO BAD!!
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    Started playing again tonight after a couple weeks off. Hoping it can keep my attention this time.
  • Mahu77
    Mahu77 Posts: 34
    Begeren Colony (rp) Bounty Hunter and Sith Warrior.
    Kath Hound (rp) Smuggler
    Juyo (pve) Jedi Consular - though this was a test toon and I don't play it that much right now.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Kaiburr Crystal US -- EMPIRE!!!

    Moxxy -- Arsenal bounty hunter (main toon)
    Edmund -- Sniper
    Fenrys -- Sith marauder
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    Giradda The Hutt - Empire
    Dreshdae Cantina - Republic
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    seeing as everyones so spread out we should start a server with MPF toons on it :)

    We really should. However, two questions --

    1) Name of the guild?

    2) Republic or Empire?
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I play on a West Coast PvE server. don't remember name
    Smuggler - Republic side
    Jedi Consular - Republic side
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    seeing as everyones so spread out we should start a server with MPF toons on it :)

    We really should. However, two questions --

    1) Name of the guild?

    2) Republic or Empire?

    How about my server Assassins of Sion

    Guild Name im not sure about because i have trouble naming my toons lol

    Republic side because i have Empire on that server and would wanna kinda get away from them lol
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    Started playing again tonight after a couple weeks off. Hoping it can keep my attention this time.

    what class are you playing?

    Ive heard really good things about the smuggler storyline and if your looking for just sheer epicness of a story the inquisitory is it :)