Obligatory Welcome Post

Hi. So, given how much MFP is talked about, I was very surprised to find that there wasn't a group already. I saw the /keto group, but it seems kind of hijack-y to jump in there, since that group is specifically for keto-fans. I know that most people just friend one another, but I figured an actual group would be an easier way to connect.

Anyway, I respond well to peer-pressure, so please feel free to friend me. I frequent /fittit, /loseit, and used to frequent /xxfitness, as well as /fitmeals, /advancedfitness, and a couple of other health-related subreddits.



  • Hephree
    Hephree Posts: 15 Member
    I was thinking there would be a larger Reddit contingent here as well....
    As long as there are a few of us here for encouragement!!

  • Macrocarpa
    Macrocarpa Posts: 121 Member
    Hello! I've send invites to both of you. I lurk in /loseit and am based in the land of red dust and venomous animals (aka Australia).

    I'd be surprised if there AREN'T a couple of hundred Redditors around MFP, lurking away.

    My story: Currently two and a bit months into losing about a decade's worth of weight gain and am pretty stoked with the results thus far - by my best estimation I'm down 13kg since starting with MFP and about 16kg from my peak weight. It's been hard fought yet satisfying; still some ways to go (I'm now aiming for a goal weight of around 85kg which is 15kg away) but I've been able to drop back into a low-cal diet easily enough after the Christmas / NYE break.
  • supershinyface
    supershinyface Posts: 2 Member
    Swell, thanks for the friending!

    Background on me: Lost about 70 lbs last year, maintained for a bit, and gained a bit back over the holidays. (The candy season starts in October here, leading up to Halloween, then the gluttony continues to Thanksgiving and through Christmas, until it culminates in the ritualistic binge-drinking that is New Years'.) I had dropped to 173 lbs from 242, and the end goal is around 160. I used to use a different site, but this re-boot seemed like the right time to join all the cool kids on MFP.

    Anyone else feel like snapping back into the mindful eating/consistent working out after the holidays is kind of like coming back to work after vacation?
  • tigerdactyl
    tigerdactyl Posts: 112 Member
    Hello redditors! My username on reddit is tigerdactyl. Glad to see there's a group here, small as it may be. I'm down 51 since joining MFP, and down at least 96 overall. My scale threw an error at 350+, so I'm not sure where I started.
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Huh. I also would have expected a much larger reddit group on here, since MFP is recommended so highly on r/loseit. My name here is the same as my name on reddit.

    Background: I decided to really get going back in June 2011 to try and lose a few extra pounds before I went on a big trip in September, so that the airplane seats wouldn't be such a terrifying idea. I managed to lose about 15 lbs before my trip, but then a week of horrible decedance and binge drinking in New Orleans, combined with a ton of RL drama when I returned, then the holidays and I ended up falling off the wagon. I decided my New Years Resolution would be to resume my calorie counting, but without a specific goal weight in mind other than "less than I weigh now."

    If anyone wants to friend me on here, please do. I enjoy the encouragement and the added accountability. :)
  • dcsera
    dcsera Posts: 3
    Hey Redditors.

    Name's Darryl, I've been a long time lurker of /loseit. Really glad someone decided to make this group, and even though it's kind of dead right now... hopefully we can make this work and have fun with it. :)

    Before I get into my story... progress pics!

    Older: http://imgur.com/a/bIMEn
    Most Recent: http://imgur.com/a/EdPVJ

    I'll give my history in a timeline:

    Elementary School: Super chubby boy. Lost it towards Gr.8 by running around a lot and eating healthier.

    High School: Concentrated on my studies. Got fat again. Discovered online gaming... got fatter.

    Post Secondary: Met Erin, my ex who is now my best friend. She shared the same passions of online gaming and food... OH GOD WHY.

    2008: Flight of stairs defeated me. Realized that it probably wasn't healthy to be gasping for air when all I did was walk to the 2nd floor washroom.

    2009: Went to the gym, lost weight. Yoyod here and there, no big. Wasn't too focused on losing weight but it was happening.

    2010: Depression. Diagnosed with osteochondritis dissecans in my right arm making my arm pretty much unusable. Couldn't bend it, couldn't grip things, it sucked. 6 year relationship with my girlfriend ended mutually.

    LIFE CHANGE TIME. Worked around the injury, ran a 10k every other day. Developed pains in my legs, but dismissed it as shin splints or just some other pain that I probably just being a ***** about.

    2011: Started new work, and had surgery on my arm! Started weight lifting and slowly increasing my strength, muscles are nice. :D

    After speaking with two doctors about the leg pain which was now debilitating I decided physio was not an answer and got an MRI done. The pain was so bad at one point that I could only walk for periods of 10 minutes at a time, and if I were to stand up from a sitting position my legs would shake like crazy, as if I carrying 1000 lbs. on my back.

    MRI came back with a notice of "URGENT: HIGH PRIORITY" and after a back and forth of rescheduling appointments (the latest one being December of 2012) I managed to get a surgery for my sciatica on January 23rd, 2012. The procedures being done are a lamenectomy and discectomy. The neurosurgeon said that running at such a heavy weight and being flat footed contributed to the disc herniations in my spine. So basically, in my attempt to get healthier I severely damaged myself. Talk about life being unfair sometimes lol.

    2012: Patiently waiting for surgery, maintaining my weight by eating properly but I'm really sad cause I can't work out at the gym, the pain is way too much. On the bright side, I just got converted for full time status at my workplace so now I'll be covered for short term disability while I'm recovering for the next 4-6 weeks with 100% pay. :D

    That's about it, but if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer. I promise to update my album with new measurements and pics as soon as I can start exercising again.

  • WinifredBarkle
    WinifredBarkle Posts: 1 Member
    Hey fellow Redditors. I just came across the most recent post in r/loseit and was very interested. I don't know how I've never heard of MFP before! Especially with the iPhone app. I've been scanning everything and have yet to come across something not accounted for.

    As for me, I've got the same name on Reddit. After the months of holidays and a worsening of my depression, I am close to my highest weight ever. I think between the app, the website, and maybe some good natured prodding from redditors, I can more easily lose 20+ lb and feel better about myself, as well as being able to enjoy activities involving swimsuits!
  • Bossit
    Bossit Posts: 118 Member
    hello all!
  • thelowcarbrecipes
    thelowcarbrecipes Posts: 89 Member
    Heya all!

    I think the largest reddit group here is the /rketo one with 280 members atm.
  • Kwirq
    Kwirq Posts: 1
    Hello fellow Redditors!

    It's great to see such a positive group developing. MFP has really helped me in the last few months and all of you are great! Good luck and great success to all. :-)
  • zargag
    zargag Posts: 1
    Hi All, Chris here, zargag on Reddit. Down 10lbs so far. I find the nutritional information fascinating, so tracking food has become a bit of an addiction. The Ipad app gives you access to more detailed nutritional information it seems, a few vitamins, etc.
  • setter928
    setter928 Posts: 35 Member
    hi! Setter928 here from reddit!
    Thought I should get in on this action! Too bad there isnt any karma from losing weight, eh?

    Feel Free to add me. I frequent r/trees, r/loseit, r/askReddit, and r/UNLincoln
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    Reddit is the place where I actually discovered MFP

    I've been here about two weeks and I love it.

    My name is Felicia, and I am 24. I turn 25 next month. I am trying to bring sexy back. I think I just manage to do it
  • Larph
    Larph Posts: 3 Member
    Greetings fellow redditors and visitors of r/loseit!

    I first started using MFP because none of the other calorie counting websites held the food from my local supermarket (Tesco, UK). Since then I've fallen off of the MFP wagon a couple of times... the last one was pretty bad. One month in I was craving a hamburger so bad, went out and got one and the shame of logging it was too great!! Haha, I am sure you know where I'm coming from.
    Well, since then I've been off for a couple of months and for usual reasons I've gained a bit more *facepalm*. BUT I am back on the wagon now. Here's hoping to greater success with fellow MFP redditors...

    *raises glass of low calorie beverage*
  • Hi!

    I mostly lurk on Reddit (username: beckita) and continue to be surprised at how helpful I find many of the topics.

    I'm a wife, mom, and I live just south of Rockford, IL (in case you'd like a buddy IRL).

    I just started this program and have been impressed with how easy it is to use, and amazed at how it opened my eyes to the calories I was consuming.

    I have also enrolled in a weight lifting class at my local community college, we hit the machines soon (after a few lectures).

    I used to be fit, then I got married and had a couple of kids. Hubby still makes me feel like a porn star, so I had no immediate incentive to get in shape. I am trying to make lifestyle changes to put me on a healthier path.

    Please feel free to friend me, I am eager to offer and receive motivation.
  • big_stace
    big_stace Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys, new here, want to lose about 50 lbs. My reddit name is the same as it is on here. Feel free to add me,
  • annieprimera
    annieprimera Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm not new to MFP, but I've just started overcoming the shy barrier and I'm trying to make some friends here.

    I'm a long-time Reddit lurker (username over there is permanentthrowaway), and I've always lurked on Loseit and Fittit. I've just graduated college and now that I have a stable job and a salary, I can finally fulfil my own goal of going to the gym daily, which I have been doing. I've also started eating right again so I can finally lose those last 10 kg.

    So hi, everyone!
  • quarkenstein
    quarkenstein Posts: 60 Member
    I've been on MFP for a couple months now, and I've only recently discovered r/fitness and r/loseit, mostly lurking right now (username: quarkenstein).

    I'm a 20 year old college student, graduating in May, and hoping to attend graduate school starting in the Fall.

    I've never been overweight, but I lack a lot of endurance for sports, and never went to the gym. Freshman year, we were required to purchase a dining hall meal plan, which was all you can eat. At that point I quit swim team because I wasn't good enough to compete at the college level, and that's when things went downhill. After that, fast food became the norm, my kitchen would very often be unused.

    Now I cook more at home, but still go out with friends, I just make healthier choices while going out. So far I've already felt much healthier, though the weight loss hasn't been dramatic; my migraines have gone away and I've had no back pain after working out, so that's a great step!

    These last couple weeks have been hard, I've been gaining and losing the same two pounds over and over and can't get through one barrier, which is frustrating. I'd love some reddit friends who are active to motivate and who can motivate me back!
  • Hello! I lurk a bit on /loseit, and have been on a constant roller coaster of weight loss/gain for the last few years. I'm getting married (2nd time for me) in September and would like to look better on the beach and afterwards. Feel free to friend me, I could use the fear of humiliation to make sure I'm eating right.

    I feel like my ticker isn't right though... I was 220 back when I first got on mfp, but 224 when I started again a week ago. oh well.
  • Hello reddit! I just joined this fabulous group, so I may be adding some of you - and feel free to add me! It's always easier to lose weight when you have people sharing the same goal, so here's to shedding the pounds!