Hi Everyone! Anyone here having a July 2012 wedding?

I'd love to know someone else getting married then! I'm trying to lose 25 lbs by then!

Let me know if you'd like to check in every month or so up until then for some accountability!



  • Lakerlady5747
    Lakerlady5747 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm getting married on July 14, 2012! I would like to lose about 20 pounds by then, and generally have a more "toned" look than I do now (especially in my arms!).

    We could definitely check in about once a month or every few weeks to see how the weight loss is going!
  • ClariRose
    ClariRose Posts: 49 Member
    My fiance and I are hoping to be married on July 13, 2012, depending on when he gets his VISA. I have a total of 50 or 60 pounds to lose to reach my ultimate goal, but hope to lose at least half that much before I begin making my dress. I'd love to check in periodically too.
  • What a great Idea! It would be fun to check in with all the july brides :happy: My wedding date is 7/21/12. My fiance and I are both using MFP to lose some weight for the wedding, and if we stick to good eating habits and working out regularly jan1-jan 31 we want to order power 90. Has anyone tried this? I know it has been around for a while. He has p90x already and that intimidates me a little :blushing:
  • My fiance and I are getting married on July 28th! I want to lose 40 pounds by May 1st for my wedding. I think it is attainable if I stick to my diet and work out! We are going to Hawaii for our honeymoon and I wanna look good in a swimsuit!! I would love to check in weekly or something. Accountability is always good!
  • kjporter83
    kjporter83 Posts: 21 Member
    I am getting married July 14! I've already lost about 15 lbs, bought my dress a couple of weeks ago. Hoping to lose at least 15-20 more before first fitting.
  • Hi everyone! I'm getting marrier July 7th and would like to lose about 20 lbs before then. Feel free to friend me, it really does make it more fun! Good luck!

    Also wondering if anyone has any honeymoon ideas? We need to get going with that!
  • ClariRose
    ClariRose Posts: 49 Member
    We haven't scheduled more than the wedding night but have talked about visiting CA. We have a limited budget and aren't exactly sure how much will be available for the honeymoon.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Getting married July 12th! 127 days!!!!
  • helen004790
    helen004790 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm getting married on 28th July 2012 in England, and am hoping to be 24lb lighter! Do you think this is possible.. 11 weeks!!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, as would love some motivation!!

    Helen x
  • ClariRose
    ClariRose Posts: 49 Member
    I hope it's possible. :) I'm attempting something similar.
  • angels960
    angels960 Posts: 35 Member
    Im getting married on the 20th July

    I cannot wait! I actually dont have to fit into my dress it fits me but has a lace up back so if I go a few llbs (10 if I hope) lighter It will still be fine and probably look stunning.

    Although today is my birthday and I am not counting today.

    Feel free to add me anyone lets keep each other motivated.