Tracking Our Success



  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Charlene. My goal is to lose at least ten pounds per month. Since half this month is gone, my goal is 5 pounds. I have however already lost 5.8 pounds at the beginning of this month. Wish me luck.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Charlene. My goal is to lose at least ten pounds per month. Since half this month is gone, my goal is 5 pounds. I have however already lost 5.8 pounds at the beginning of this month. Wish me luck.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Welcome aboard Charlene and good luck on the remaining 5lbs this month!
  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member
    So here's my stats:

    I'm 5'5"

    SW: 279 (started on 1/3/12)
    CW: 277.5 (weighed in on 1/11/12)
    GW: 190

    In my first week I lost 1.5 pounds. I was so excited! Like, what I was doing was working and can work!

    Just weighed in this morning!

    SW: 279
    CW 274.5
    GW: 190

    I lost 3 pounds this week. That was so unexpected! I did a little dance even!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Just weighed in this morning!

    SW: 279
    CW 274.5
    GW: 190

    I lost 3 pounds this week. That was so unexpected! I did a little dance even!

    Audrey you are doing fantastic! 3lbs in a week! When I grow up I wanna lose like you! :tongue:
  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks, I need all the encouragement I can get.
  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member
    Just weighed in this morning!

    SW: 279
    CW 274.5
    GW: 190

    I lost 3 pounds this week. That was so unexpected! I did a little dance even!

    Audrey you are doing fantastic! 3lbs in a week! When I grow up I wanna lose like you! :tongue:

    Thank you! It was REALLY a surprise this morning. I hope I can keep this up!
  • SW - 292 on 1/5/12
    CW - 285 on 1/12/12
    January GW - out of the 280's
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    I'm 5'4" with a large frame.

    SW: 330 [November 2011]
    1st weigh in since starting again: 325 [1/5]
    CW: 319 [as of last weigh in: 1/12]
    Ultimate GW: 160

    Lost 6 lbs so far this month.
    Goal for January: 10 lbs.
  • SW 280
    CW 277
    GW 180

    I also weighed in this morning and have a two pound lose. :happy:
  • SW: 269 (on Mon 1/16/12)
    CW: 266 (on Wed 1/18/12)
    Goals: 7 lbs per month, to reach 169 by March of 2013.

    Doing my own version of The South Beach Diet, adding as much water as I can stand (which is about 4 cups a day right now), and walking on my 15 minute breaks at work. Small steps for now and watching the high glycemic carbs as much as possible.

    The 3 lbs loss in 2 days MUST be water weight or some natural fluxuation, but hey, I'll take it.
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    SW: 278 on 1/5/12
    GW: 170
    Goals: 12 this month, 6 per month after.

    This month so far I have lost 9 pounds, and have been stuck there for three days. I oh so want to say I have lost 10... that would make my day!

    I am tall, so all it has done for me so far is that my pants are still too tight but I am no longer afraid my button is going to fly off and kill someone. But I will take it! :-) I REFUSED to buy the next size up, but I do have 4 pairs of work pants in the next size down waiting in my closet. I figure another 20 and I can fit into them, and they will be good for the next 30 pounds lost!

    My trick is portion control and counting calories for this stage of the game. I am pretty much eating what I want, but being smart about what I choose with a few little treats thrown in. My maple creamer in my coffee in the morning to get me going, and my Skinny Cow truffle bar at night if I have been good. Maybe a beer or glass of wine for dinner. Good being around 1500-1600 for the day after all is said and done.

    I tried a very low calorie diet under a doctor's supervision (1200 calories), but after 30 pounds the scale refused to budge any more. Three months later I gave up, and eating normally put most of it back on - then the combination of breaking up with my boyfriend of 6 years and the holidays made me put on another 15. This time I am going to succeed! And give myself a little leeway in the beginning so I have something to give up the next time the scale sticks. And I am going to take advantage of not having a feeder around trying to sabotage my progress.

    Good luck everyone!
  • dieter75
    dieter75 Posts: 33 Member
    SW: 323 (as of 1/7/12)
    LW: 320.8
    CW: 318.4

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    As long as the scale keeps going down. :smile:
  • Wow great sucess ladies! I am so proud of all of you!!

    I am 5'3

    SW: 244 (1/2/12)
    CW: 239 (1/17/12)

    So far: 5 lbs

    Next weigh in is on Tuesday

    Goal: first of 3 people (my best friend and her mom) in competition to loose 20# gets 75$...........but neither of them have 100 lbs to loose like I do! Jan goal 10 would be soooo awesome but anything as a loss I will be proud of!
  • Wow great sucess ladies! I am so proud of all of you!!

    I am 5'3

    SW: 244 (1/2/12)
    CW: 239 (1/17/12)

    So far: 5 lbs

    Next weigh in is on Tuesday

    Goal: first of 3 people (my best friend and her mom) in competition to loose 20# gets 75$...........but neither of them have 100 lbs to loose like I do! Jan goal 10 would be soooo awesome but anything as a loss I will be proud of!

    Wow! I need someone to give me $75 for losing 20 lbs! good luck!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I am already down 12 lbs and my goal for Jan was only 10. I have weigh in tomorrow, wonder how things will work out!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good Morning MFPals,

    I have finally gotten that ticker to move in my favor. YEAH!! It shows I have to do a bit more than just cut portions , I have to watch my Carbs and Fats. I'm pretty sure I knew that already, but was still trying to get away with it. Wishing Great Luck to everyone.

    We CAN
    DO THIS!!!

    Some of this was Water weight.

    CW 244
  • I'm only going to post weight 1x/week. My plan is to weigh every Monday morning, after I go potty, before I get into the shower. That's what I did last week to get my starting weight of 269. This morning I weighed in at 263... a 6 lb loss in 1 week!!! Sweet Jesus, that's beautiful! Here's the thing: I've eaten 1500 calories or more pretty much every day except one day I had about 1900 and had one total binge day where I ate like 2500 calories. The only things I've done is CUT CARBS. It's amazing! I, honest to God, did NOT think it would work, but so far, so good! I hope everyone else is having a good goal week!

    SW 269
    CW 263
    GW 169
  • I am already down 12 lbs and my goal for Jan was only 10. I have weigh in tomorrow, wonder how things will work out!

    That's AWESOME! :)
  • Mondays are my weigh days. Unless it's a federal holiday, 'cause I weigh at work.

    SW 280 01/03/12
    CW 275 01/23/12

    GW 180 01/03/13
    UGW 150 10/01/13
  • chirichardson
    chirichardson Posts: 69 Member
    Didn't shed but 1 pound last week, so, I don't know if the 5 pounds I had planned to lose is really feesible. I will keep trying though.