Need some opinions

jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
Ok so I need a little insight seeing as I suck at the whole dating things lol. I just started seeing this guy a few weekends ago and its been alot of fun. The other night we finally slept together and he asked me about possesiveness basically asking if I was going to be all possesive. I explained to him that I'm not really looking for a relationship and just want someone to have fun with. He got a strange look on his face and said ok. Well Sunday night I was out with a bunch of my boys and he came to the bar which was cool. But I see him and one of my guy friends walk off together and have this deep serious discussion. What he didn;t seem to realize was that he had walked infront of my sister and her man and they could here everything. My sister comes running over with her man and tell me he was telling my friend that I was WITH him and that I was leaving with him. Now I'm confused so I would love some opinions please and turn to the joy of MFP to do it lol HELP :grumble:


  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Without know either of you it is hard to say. I will say in general that some people don't want a partner that acts a specific way but they have no problem acting that way themselves. Also, people will say one thing and act opposite of what they say. My dad told me actions speak louder than words and I judge everyone by that comment.
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    He's the possessive one. That's what I think. And he seems insecure, if he asked you about that. If all you want to do is have fun and not have anything serious, let him know. Then again, he might have a problem with you wanting your freedom.
  • rachs02
    rachs02 Posts: 47
    I agree with the comment sounds like he wanted to make sure you weren't going to be all possessive of him but he's maybe getting a little possessive of you?? It is hard to say. Maybe he doesn't know what he wants. At the time he asked you he didn't want you to be possessive but then heard that you just really want to have fun without a relationship and now he wants more? Who knows......relationships are hard......That's what I know!!!! Why can't people just say what they mean and mean what they say!!! Sorry I know I wasn't much help
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    The other things is this guy is very cocky and I think it might be freaking him out that I'm not all sad and upset about the fact that he origanally said he didnt want a relationship. LOL I like the cocky ones.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Just reading between the lines regarding what you have described and while only a guess I see some red flags.
    The hint of possessiveness a little but when you say he is cocky along with it I see the bad boy (*kitten*) situation developing.
    Be on your guard if you are going to keep with it for him to start to demean you and treat you like crap which is really just trying to break you.

    Not to be nosy but did you go with him that night?
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    No I didn't go with him that night. And if he thinks to demean me he will out of the way so fast hell think my front door revolves lol.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I think he's either a little possessive or wants to let your guy friends know that he has you and you're unavailable. Think of the reverse situation. If you met this guy out at the bar and he was with his bunch of cute girlfriends, you would want to make it known that you were with him, and they can't have him. It's normal. Maybe he did it more brashly, but so be it.
  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    Run away! Seriously, this guy has a big ol' net of issues you don't deserve!
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Just reading between the lines regarding what you have described and while only a guess I see some red flags.
    The hint of possessiveness a little but when you say he is cocky along with it I see the bad boy (*kitten*) situation developing.
    Be on your guard if you are going to keep with it for him to start to demean you and treat you like crap which is really just trying to break you.

    Not to be nosy but did you go with him that night?

    ^This, he is cocky as long as he feels like he is in control, but since you didn't do what he wanted then he will start treating you like crap. Him asking if you were possessive just means he wants to sleep with other woman and that you should be ok with it but that doesn't apply to you doing the same. RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY fast!
  • CarolAnn0730
    The other things is this guy is very cocky and I think it might be freaking him out that I'm not all sad and upset about the fact that he origanally said he didnt want a relationship. LOL I like the cocky ones.

    I like the "cocky ones" too - but it's a fine line ... because if they get too cocky - then you have stupid drama like this!! Stay strong - he's attracted to you because you are confident in yourself as well. Some men can handle that and some - they are attracted - but once they have it they don't know what to do with it! :wink: (in my experience anyway)