Goals and Accomplishments

jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
What are you all doing to meet your goals? I started with baby steps as I had gotten into some really bad habits the last year and a half. In December I joined a personal training class in Excelsior at the Community Center. I wish ya'll lived closer - its a great class and not expensive. So my first goal was to make it to class 3 times a week, start using MFP to log all my food even though I wasn't really "dieting", I just wanted to get in the habit of logging. Then in January my goal was to stay within my calorie range and to start walking on my lunch hour each day at work. Last week, I made myself step on the scales (which I didn't want to do). But now I have a weight goal to shoot for each week.

So I have accomplished:

I get to the my class 3 times a week (unless we are out of town or have something I can't miss on Fridays).

I log all my calories and I have been staying pretty close to my range, as I try to eat back at least half of my exercise calories. (I don't necessarly strick log - I haven't been logging my alcohol intake so I know I've had more calories than it looks.) I do need to start logging every day - even on the weekends. I do try to give myself one day off of loggin (cheat day), but I've been doing two day - Sat. and Sunday and I need to only give myself one day - not two!

I walk on my lunch hour every day for about 30 to 45 minutes depending on what time we get out of here for lunch.

I have stepped on the scales and I now know what my weight loss goals are.

What I want to accomplish the next month:

Continute to get to my work out class but add at least 2 days to the gym at night (with my husband hopefully!).

Continue to log my calories but focus on cutting down my preservative foods/carbs and to only allow myself ONE day of not logging - not two or three.

Continue to walk on my lunch hour - but add in a morning walk, even if its only 20 min. to get up and moving.

For the scale to keep going down - even if its only .5 a week!

Water - I really need to start drinking more water. I do good in the evenings - but I need to start drinking in the mornings too.

I have a receipe for a belly blaster water drink I'm going to make it up beginning on Monday and try to drink it every day as it says and see what happens!

2 liters of water (about 8 1/2 cups)
1 tsp of freshly grated ginger
1 med cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
1 med. lemon, thinkly sliced
12 small spearmint leaves

Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight in the fridge. Strain the ingredients out of the water the next morning and drink all 2 liters by the end of the day.


  • Sounds like you are making progress. Your goals are reasonable and good choices. I am easing into everything again. I have always yo-yoed with the weight and diet. The water is a big 1 for me. I don’t like it unless I am eating so I def need to make it a priority to drink a lot more. I also need to get it out of my head that I can eat whatever I want on the days I work out because I have gone WAY over my 1200 calories a couple of times and my 3rd short term item is working out at home on the days I don’t go to the gym. I have a ball, mat, 5lb weights and Wii Fit so I have no excuse not too! After I conquer those, I will challenge myself a bit more! Thanks for asking!
  • My main goal is to just keep up with the logging. This is day one and it helped me tremendously. I was over on my exercise, under on cals and I drank 1 glass over my water requirement. I am very happy about that.

    I feel like I ate a lot of food today though, but I really didn't. I am challenging myself to work out 3 times a week and then get progressively better and add on time.

    Let's keep up the good work. Looks like we're all doing fantastic. =) Have a great evening.
  • welcome! logging really helps me too. I am not always under my calorie goal & I make sure i add everything so it will be embarrassing if anyone views my meal diary. I also am working out 3 or 4 times a wk but I will prob ramp it up soon in hopes to look better for summer! Thanks for sharing!
  • My goals for the next week :

    Drink my water daily
    Work out at the YMCA 3x /week
    30 Day Shred DVD on the days I am not in the gym

    I will weigh-in every Friday. So I will post my starting weight tomorrow.
    So excited to see what we all accomplish next week!
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I love the workout calendar you can print off for free every month from 24 Hour Fitness' website. You can put a few goals at the top, and then schedule your workouts and keep track of how you do through the month.

    My goals for this month are:
    - Lose 5 pounds. (More would be great!)
    - Drink at LEAST 64oz. of water every day.
    - Work out at LEAST 3x a week.

    My weigh-ins are on Friday.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Well how are we all doing with our goals and accomplishments?

    I actually got sick about 2 weeks ago and was very discouraged about my weight and not staying on track. While going through some boxes that have been in the closet for about 2 years since I moved - I found my Jay Robb Fat Burning Diet book and Cookbook. I spent the weekend re-reading it and decided Monday was it - I was going back on Jay Robb. I love the site and being able to keep track of my calories is great - except that I find I THINK about food all the time which makes me want to eat all the time. I had the same problem with WW years ago. What I love about Jay Robb is that you don't have to log, you eat clean and healthy and you eat 3 meals a day, you can have a snack if you work out and need to supplement, and you can have a baked potato and fruit every other day! Oh, also you get a free meal once a week and I can still have my wine in moderation. I started back on Monday and can't believe how much better I feel already. I think I have either a slight allergy to wheat/gluten and/or to processed foods because the reaction is almost immediate. It makes me wonder why I have such a hard time getting back on track when the way I feel makes such a difference!!

    So I am day 4 on JRP and going strong.

    I have moved up to the advance class in my personal training class, have gone 3 days a week since I got over being sick. I am walking 45 minutes every day at lunch, I am drinking my water and am back to taking my supplements daily.

    Oh and I went off the pill this week.

    So big accomplishments for me so far. I have sat down with my calendar and put down where I want to be weight wise for a goal over the next 3 months and I should reach my goal weight by May 1.

    Here's to keeping going strong!!
  • I have been sick ALL week. The only goal I have been able to reach this week is my water intake. I have been drinking TONS! So I am back on track now and excited to get some things accomplished!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    It has been going around bad here. I hope you feel better next week!