Weight watchers points V Calories

besli Posts: 24 Member
This may be a silly question..sorry before hand if it is.
Why is it...if i eat ALL my points for the day...also adding it to my fitness pal...it shows that i have gone way over the calories that i am recommended to eat by fitness pal.
How do you all get around this problem?
Thanks :o)

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • siyosa
    siyosa Posts: 7 Member
    What is mfp saying you are supposed to eat? Mine kept telling me 1200, which is WAY under what I should be eating. I gave up so much, because I just couldn't keep it that low. Weight watchers knows you have to eat to lose. Plus, you are probably eating a lot healthier than the calories suggest. MFP counts an apple, for example, and WW doesn't.
    Hope it helps!
  • besli
    besli Posts: 24 Member
    Thankyou. MFP is telling me to eat 1300 which i know is way low for me.
    I am making the mistake at the moment of eating way under my points just so i dont go over the calories on MFP.
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    Besli, I just track my points in my paper tracker and add in my food on the MFP tracker. I always go over my "1200" calorie allotment from MFP, but I like the graphs. That way I can look back at an entire month and see which days I used a TON of flex points and figure out why. Or see a trend - like I always use a ton of points on Wednesdays for some reason. That kind of thing.
  • lball1993
    I think that happens, because Point Values with W.W. are different from counting calories. Like 100 calories may not always equal 1 Points Plus Point. Do you see what I mean?
    Just stick with the points and don't worry about calorie intake. You'll lose weight!
  • MommaG480
    Thank you so much for asking this question and also Thank you to those of you that answered...I was thinking I was doing something seriously wrong when I was comparing my WWPP and MFP. I feel a lot better knowing that's not the case....WHEEEEEW!! :happy:
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    another thing- fruits and veggies still have nutritional values, even if they are 0 PPV.