Looking for American History ideas/resources

MrsJones98 Posts: 20
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
Since y'all are a more varied group than my local hsing groups, thought I'd throw this out there :)

I'm having a hard time finding something I like for American History. We're using Story of the World for World History, and it seems to work pretty well, but I'm not having the same luck with American History. I need something secular or neutral world-view, or something that can be easily used in such a way. Ideally, I'd like something unbiased, but since "the victors write the history", I don't really expect this :)

I have a book that was published in conjunction with the History Channel, as well as one by Howard Zinn, which is a different view on Am Hist than I've seen before. I tend to find both to still be a bit dry and too textbook-like.

I recently ran across a series of DVDs called "Learn Our History". The animation was horrible, but the content gets good reviews. I also don't like that it's a subscription service.

I *think* I might be looking for something more "living book" style for history, but would like some sort of guidelines go go along with it.

I'm looking for upper elementary aged to middle school aged content to start with, but high school aged content is not unacceptable.

Thanks, ladies!


  • Jackielyn1002
    Jackielyn1002 Posts: 5 Member
    I am thinking about using Trail Guide to Learning Paths of Exploration, it's an American history unit study and Paths of Exploration is the first in a series of three. http://www.curriculum-for-homeschool.com

    Also, have you ever heard of Jan VanCleave? She wrote the History of Us which I hear is pretty good...she also wrote a history of science book too.
  • I have used "This Country of Ours," by H.E. Marshall. My daughter, when in year 4, read it to me and did an oral narration, in the style of a Charlotte Mason approach. My son, who is in now year 4, listens while I read it to him. If it's a long chapter we divided it up into two readings. He narrates aloud, draws a picture to go with it, and writes a few lines of copy work which I take right from the text.
    As far as it being secular, I don't think it is too over the top in it's Christian world view, unless it's talking about the history of the pilgrims, for example. It's the facts. You could look into all that and see if it would work for you. It is pretty thorough.
    It goes from Eric the Red through around 1914. I supplement with a living, picture book when I come across one that goes with the main text.
    Good luck in your search!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    I love Joy Hakim's History of US Also, Homeschool in the Wood's Time Traveller Lap Book CDs for American History (Colonial, Civil War, etc.) are great if your kids like hands on and crafty stuff. We just finish Industrial Revolution to the Depression & my daughter made a Depression Era dinner for her grandparents. Sonlight curriculum's Reading Lists are fantastic. I have almost every historical fiction novel that they recommend. I hope this helps!
  • Thanks, gals. This helps!

    A local friend recently found the Hakim books. I've seen her science books, as well as a large textbook, but didn't realize she had the smaller history books. They look good!

    For now, we're going to do a survey using our Core Knowledge books - so far, so good.

    It's nice to have some new resources I haven't seen before. :)
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