Monday Weigh In 1/9/12

sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
For those of you who are interested...lets do a Monday weigh in. Accountability is key to success.


  • sunnypenny
    sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
    I started last wk at 242

    I am at 237.
    Wootwoo...I will take it. Down 5lbs the 1st wk. Off to a great start.

    I felt there were things I could have done better in. Still had some of the Christmas goodies laying around. That was a temptation. But I resisted all but one time. In addition, I know it is terrible but I just cant throw out perfectly good food. So I ate some left-overs just to eat them up. Even though they were not the best kind of choices. I know bad. The fridge is now cleaned out. So healthier eating this wk.
  • 40thistime
    We are starting at pretty much the same place! I will join the Monday weigh in next week- accountability is key. Have a good week.
  • sunnypenny
    sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
    Great 40thistime,

    You have a great week too. Getting there one step at a time. :smile:
  • bettyboop48209
    bettyboop48209 Posts: 8 Member
    Start Weight 140.6 lbs
    Last week: 137 lbs
  • tap7886
    tap7886 Posts: 12 Member
    last monday I was at 248.4
    Todays weigh in was 243.6

    Small steps but I will take them!

    I am a single mother of 2. My girls are 6 and 7. I go to LCC part time and work full time as a manager in fast food. It is VERY hard to control yourself when you are around it 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week, but I have not eaten anything from work except salads since the new year.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    started last thurs at still 270. never thought this would be easy:)
  • sunnypenny
    sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
    I did not show any progress last wk. I am still at 237. Moving on to a better wk. I appreciate the accountability I am getting with you girls. I sure need something to keep me on track.
  • sunnypenny
    sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
    Bettyboop & Tap, Great progress!! Keep up the progress
  • sunnypenny
    sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
    KD, sounds like we had similar wk. This is a new wk. Keep on keeping on.
  • sunnypenny
    sunnypenny Posts: 23 Member
    How did you do 40thistime? Hope you had a better wk than I did last wk. I am planning on seeing some weight loss on the scale this wk.