WoW Advice

I have never played before and alot of people are trying to get me and my boyfriend on it, b|c we love RPGs.

How much is it a month?
Can someone tell me a little about the game?
Do I have full control over my characters looks/stats at the beginning?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
Might possibly get it tomorrow from my work :D


  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    How much is it a month?
    $15, less if you buy larger amounts

    Can someone tell me a little about the game?
    It is an MMO, you pick a server and that character can only play on that server unless you pay to transfer it. Abilities are on cool-downs so you are selecting an ability and then the next one, it isn't like a fighting game where you constantly slam attacks. (though going through abilities can go rather quickly) You go from quest to quest to quest, and/or you PVP. You don't have to worry about PVP right off the bat. Servers are either PVP, PVE(can't attack other people unless they are flagged for PVP or in certain areas), or Roleplay.

    Do I have full control over my characters looks/stats at the beginning?
    Gender, Race, Hair, Eyes, Skin Tone, Make-up Markings, etc. No stats.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
    I'd skip the game, it doesn't have an end, there is no final boss and then you stop playing. It is fun, but I'd also that they it is a huge time-sink.

    Might possibly get it tomorrow from my work :D
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I have never played before and alot of people are trying to get me and my boyfriend on it, b|c we love RPGs.

    How much is it a month?
    Can someone tell me a little about the game?
    Do I have full control over my characters looks/stats at the beginning?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
    Might possibly get it tomorrow from my work :D

    It's probably the best game ever made. As such, I would suggest you do not get it.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    If you are wanting an active and healthy lifestyle, I'd advise against picking up WoW. There is no pause, there is no end, and it's is not conducive to healthy habits.
  • pixiexxgirl
    Also, you can download and play free up till level 20
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I still play wow but its a very simplistic game from the perspective of a lot of "RPG" type games like what it sounds you are used to.

    Your character customization are FAIRLY limited - you get to pick race, hair color, style, and faces but its not like some games where you have a million shades of hair and you get to pick different noses, ears, eyebrows, etc.

    Stats are controlled entirely by class, race, and gear so you don't get to change base stats but it doesn't *really* matter that much.

    The game itself is plenty of fun in my opinion especially considering you could basically play it for free - i think the game + 1 month is like, 5 bucks now? 10? 2 bucks? Anyway I like it still but all I do is raid these days - I pretty much just play 6 hours of raiding a week (end game group content) and then I go do somethng else.

    Star wars is a lot MORE fun from an RPG perspective (better graphics and questing) but it also costs 60 dollars right now. If you want to just mess around with your boyfriend in a game for a few weeks, I'd say wow is a fine choice. Just remember that some people do get REALLY addicted because they feel like they cant' let the other players down (like if you're in a guild you get addicted to doing stuff with other people or committing to do group activities and stuff) but that is entirely up to YOU to control and could happen with any game.
  • marleebaby
    I still play wow but its a very simplistic game from the perspective of a lot of "RPG" type games like what it sounds you are used to.

    Your character customization are FAIRLY limited - you get to pick race, hair color, style, and faces but its not like some games where you have a million shades of hair and you get to pick different noses, ears, eyebrows, etc.

    Stats are controlled entirely by class, race, and gear so you don't get to change base stats but it doesn't *really* matter that much.

    The game itself is plenty of fun in my opinion especially considering you could basically play it for free - i think the game + 1 month is like, 5 bucks now? 10? 2 bucks? Anyway I like it still but all I do is raid these days - I pretty much just play 6 hours of raiding a week (end game group content) and then I go do somethng else.

    Star wars is a lot MORE fun from an RPG perspective (better graphics and questing) but it also costs 60 dollars right now. If you want to just mess around with your boyfriend in a game for a few weeks, I'd say wow is a fine choice. Just remember that some people do get REALLY addicted because they feel like they cant' let the other players down (like if you're in a guild you get addicted to doing stuff with other people or committing to do group activities and stuff) but that is entirely up to YOU to control and could happen with any game.

    Maybe I will look into the Star Wars one. I get a discount from my work.

    Thanks everyone, it seems a little too basic for me, time consuming, and $$$.
    I appreciate all the advice.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Its not all that conducive to weight loss - you might want to hold off another month and get agood regular exercise routine down before you add a temptation to your life. Fun as hell? Yes. But good for weight loss? No.
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    best advice about WoW is never ever get started :) i lost 6 years of my life to that game and i was never a heavy raider or big in a guild or anything just pop on to say hi and do a few quests quick and then 3 hours later realized i missed whatever i had wanted to do so no point in leaving now right and just grinded out for another 3 hours :)
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I play WoW and am still losing weight. I work 40+ hours a week. Work out 4-5 times a week and have some of what a social life and I manage just fine. It's all about small doses. BUT - I guess I should add when I first started playing 6 years ago, I spent a lot more time on it. I say try and see if you like it.
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    I don't work, but I do the same and play in limited doses. If I'm leveling a new toon I'll play maybe a few hours in the evening. And I will playing for maybe 4 hours if its a raid night. But other then that I try to limit it as much as I can.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Despite playing WoW for 5ish years or so, I still think it's by far the worst MMO I have ever played. It's overly simplistic, way too easy, and caters to those wanting instant gratification. But the two things it does have going for it are a huge community base, and it's easy to catch up if you start late or take alot of time off.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I play Wow and just recently retired from EQ after 8 years. It's very easy to overdo it and waste valuable "living life" time immersed in a virtual world. Then one day you wake up and realize that you've lost years of your life and have zilch to show for it.

    I have limited my playtime to Saturday nights only (no more than bowling or darts or whatever) with my spouse. We do quests or pickup group instances or whatever, but no raiding and no other time committments. The upside to it is that in 5 minutes you can be grouped and playing, vs some games that take time to coordinate. I was a top 5 guild leader in EQ (on my server) and the strain, stress, and time spent on it was far too great. I'm much happier since I quit (and physically fitter). The time we used to spend on EQ we now spend on zumba, weight lifting and spinning class.

    I'd suggest you maintain control over whatever game you choose, and try several out before you buy one or purchase a subscription. They generally run free - $20 per month.
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    i play Lord of the Rings Online and from what i have been told it is alot like wow. the good thing about the "guild" i am in is that it consists of 3 of my coworkers and that is all. i work 40 hours a week, spend 15 to 20 hours a week at the gym and still have time to play this. it is however all about priorities....
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    It's definitely not a basic game. The character selection side is a bit basic as you can't totally customise your look - but the technics of the game are very can't just level a character up and expect to, for instance, do a ridiculous amount of damage straight have to consider how all things like, strength, stamina, intellect etc build up and which ability rotation you should be using, depending of different circumstances - a second wrong on some of these could mean a great loss in DPS (damage per second) and the total wipe (everyone dies), especially if you're healing, of your raid group - if you're not with friends and your group is full of serious players, they don't like this lol!!

    Jeez...I wanna play again now :grumble:
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    Despite playing WoW for 5ish years or so, I still think it's by far the worst MMO I have ever played. It's overly simplistic, way too easy, and caters to those wanting instant gratification. But the two things it does have going for it are a huge community base, and it's easy to catch up if you start late or take alot of time off.

    thats right on the money. WoW definatly caters to the casuals now compared to when it first came out it was more about the hard core players. I do like it alot because of the community and friends that i have made on my server. There was many times i would log in and just sit in a city and chat with friends and guildies and not actually do anything productive other than maybe put a few items up in the auction house
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Despite playing WoW for 5ish years or so, I still think it's by far the worst MMO I have ever played. It's overly simplistic, way too easy, and caters to those wanting instant gratification. But the two things it does have going for it are a huge community base, and it's easy to catch up if you start late or take alot of time off.

    thats right on the money. WoW definatly caters to the casuals now compared to when it first came out it was more about the hard core players. I do like it alot because of the community and friends that i have made on my server. There was many times i would log in and just sit in a city and chat with friends and guildies and not actually do anything productive other than maybe put a few items up in the auction house

    I'd argue it was geared toward more casual players, or at least a much higher reward for the risk when it was first released in November 2004 too, particularly considering the other MMO's that were out when it was released.
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    Despite playing WoW for 5ish years or so, I still think it's by far the worst MMO I have ever played. It's overly simplistic, way too easy, and caters to those wanting instant gratification. But the two things it does have going for it are a huge community base, and it's easy to catch up if you start late or take alot of time off.

    thats right on the money. WoW definatly caters to the casuals now compared to when it first came out it was more about the hard core players. I do like it alot because of the community and friends that i have made on my server. There was many times i would log in and just sit in a city and chat with friends and guildies and not actually do anything productive other than maybe put a few items up in the auction house

    I'd argue it was geared toward more casual players, or at least a much higher reward for the risk when it was first released in November 2004 too, particularly considering the other MMO's that were out when it was released.

    you could be right on that i never did get to end game content during vannilla so i cant really comment on it too much i just know that when it first came out instance even for lower levels took about 4 hours to complete with more bosses having real mechanics that you had to learn and that raid size was double that it is now
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Despite playing WoW for 5ish years or so, I still think it's by far the worst MMO I have ever played. It's overly simplistic, way too easy, and caters to those wanting instant gratification. But the two things it does have going for it are a huge community base, and it's easy to catch up if you start late or take alot of time off.

    thats right on the money. WoW definatly caters to the casuals now compared to when it first came out it was more about the hard core players. I do like it alot because of the community and friends that i have made on my server. There was many times i would log in and just sit in a city and chat with friends and guildies and not actually do anything productive other than maybe put a few items up in the auction house

    I'd argue it was geared toward more casual players, or at least a much higher reward for the risk when it was first released in November 2004 too, particularly considering the other MMO's that were out when it was released.

    you could be right on that i never did get to end game content during vannilla so i cant really comment on it too much i just know that when it first came out instance even for lower levels took about 4 hours to complete with more bosses having real mechanics that you had to learn and that raid size was double that it is now

    You're right about it having gotten worse over the years but even in the beggining it was far more geared toward casual players than the successful MMO's at the time. But that raid size comment made me remember Alterac Valley when it was first released. That was the one thing I actually enjoyed during WoW, battles that could go on for 16-18 hours. And even getting in for a few hours you rack up thousands of kills.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I personally love the changes towards making wow a lot less time intensive. I quit playing when it got to the point where the only thing left to do was bash your head against molten core for 20 hours a week and I was a COLLEGE student then and actually HAD the free time.

    I would have quit again long before now if I couldn't' just log in 2 days a week and raid (and make progress doing that, we usually do all the heroic modes in the raids too), maybe do some random questing or run a dungeon for fun.

    But I also loved the way old AV worked - like "real" PVP.
  • NicoleMarie0409
    The BEST game EVER! I play a little bit each day or every other day. As far as not losing weight while playing...ummm...everything in moderation right? I still got to my goal weight and played. Have fun!!