


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Hi! I have just joined the group. I'm fairly new to MFP, but it is working out very well for me. We homeschool our 13 yo learning disabled son, he has never been in public school. I work full time and hubby is a SAHD. He is also LD (although DS is adopted), so I school the basics in the evenings, and they do extracurricular and outside classes during the day.

    I just hit my healthy BMI last week, after being somewhat overweight at least since we got married. My high weight was about 175 (didn't have a scale until after I started to lose) some years ago, and I've been sitting at 150-155 since then. I am now down to 140.

    I have had a number of health challenges, but now I am running and working out in the early morning before everyone else is up, and started counting calories for the first time with MFP just over a month ago.

    Excited to meet you all.

  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy! I just found out about this group from a friend. I've been on Mfp for a year now. We have six kids ages 7-20 and have homeschooled since 1995. My oldest 2 have graduated. One is a plumber's apprentice. The other is a postulant with the Daughters of St. Paul. The other 4 are in 2nd, 5th, 8th & 11th grades.

    We are part of a 2 day a week co-op where I teach high school American Literature and my middle & high schoolers take classes. On Tues., Thurs. & Fri. we school at home.

    It is good to know there are other hs moms out there who are trying to get healthy & strong to better care for our families! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • Hey everyone! I'm a newbie here at MFP and brand new to this group. I am really excited to hear your stories and share mine with you.
    I have been homeschooling for over ten years, and I thank God every day that I am able to something that I love every day. We have 4 children: two daughters who have finished college, and a 14 year old daughter and 9.5 year old son. Yep, I'm old! lol

    9 years ago after I had my son, I did the weigh down workshop and lost 38 pounds with no exercising! I kept it off for 6 years, until I moved out to the country and I put on 20 pounds. Now I'm 43 and my metabolism has slowed to a crawl. I see so much complacency, depression and a general "I give up" attitude out here in this little town, and it scares the bejeezes out of me! It would be so easy to slip into a happily married, happily homeschooling, happily overeating lifestyle out on the prairie, but I just refuse to do it!

    I hope that logging calories and exercise daily as well as being inspired by all of your successes will be just the thing to keep me motivated.

    I am rooting for all of you!
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Chelsea...34 years old and on my third year of homeschooling. My hubby and I have 3 children, a daughter 10, a son 9, and another son who is 3. I joined MFP in February of 2011 to lose MORE weight...I lost 20 on my own and MFP helped me peel of another 16... I gained 7 back thinking I could stay on track without MFP. So, I am working on getting that back off.

    I can't say how excited I am that this group was started. I hope to be a source of encouragement to you, believe that God blesses this practice, and that it is important to be involved with other homeschoolers.

    I LOVE homeschooling, being with my children, teaching them, and every aspect of it. Some challenges I face are making it exciting for them, budgeting, and the fear that I may not be giving them everything they need to know. My husband allows me to homeschool , for which I am thankful, but is uninvolved and not spritually leading the family. I look forward to wisdom in these areas from you all!

    Happy Homeschooling 2012!
  • Hi,

    I am so very, very happy to find this group! I am Lisa, age 49, and have homeschooled since 1996. Hard to believe I am finishing up my 15th year!!! My older two are on their own and are 21 and almost 20 (next month). My daughter is married with one son (18 months) and works as a nursery school teacher. My son is a single dad with sole custody of his two children (2 1/2 and 5 months) he is an assistant manager at a farm and a volunteer fireman!
    I am a full-time college student at the University of Arkansas and am still homeschooling! My youngest son is 13 and the only one left at home :( I started gaining weight 3 years ago when I remarried and went back to school. I drive 100 miles round trip to U of A and do a lot of sitting in class and at home studying.
    Homeschooling is my passion! I am an education major at U of A with a concentration in special ed. I have no desire to be a public school teacher. I would like to start my own home school co-op or a nursery school/kindergarten.
    I look forward to meeting everyone! Lisa :)
  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    Hello all! I was SO very glad to see this group was here!

    I'm Renee, 36, married, and living in Australia.
    I'm mother of two boys, 5.5 and 2.5. My oldest is exceptionally gifted/possibly Aspergers, and struggling with sensory processing/ingratiation issues, and it's looking like my youngest is on the same path. We started B in "big kid school" after his birthday in July, and he lasted barely one term, because they were unable to provide the structure and support he needed, so we are homeschooling!

    We don't really follow anything in particular, so I guess we're an eclectic mob, even though my son needs structure. I'm hoping that this obsessive need to follow a time table will help me get the exercise I need in, if it's "on the list" so to speak. :) Putting it in big ol' letters: MOM EXERCISES! lol

    We are in the midst of summer here in Oz, but we have already started "back" to school because lack of the structure was making my kids mental. I just wish structure came easy to me. lol I'm sort of a "do it as it's needed" person. ;)

    Anyway, I'm one minute past my bedtime, which I'm trying to stick to this month, so I'd better hit post and go to bed! :)
  • Hi Renee,
    Welcome to the group! I really admire your decision to home school your little ones. Home schooling is such a challenge in and of itself, but when you've got two with special needs, it can be that much more challenging! you must be one strong, determined gal! (: Best of luck on the weight loss.
  • Hi! I'm Kendra. I homeschool my 11 year old son. We live in North Carolina. We've been homeschooling for 3 years now and it's going great! I've always had problems with my weight but since I started homeschooling it's been more difficult. I used to work as a cook so I was on my feet all day long. And that's another problem . . . .I LOVE food and I LOVE to cook. :) This time I want to do this for good. I'm 40 now (almost 41) and I need to do this for my health. I'm having some arthritis problems as well as high blood pressure issues. So it needs to be fixed NOW. Plus, I just want to be a better example to my son. I've got almost 50 pounds to go and I know I can do it. I don't want to give up this time. Support is much appreciated as I need motivation. Glad I found this group! :)
  • Hi Renee! I brought my son home three years ago from public school because of his auditory processing disorder. He is doing so much better. He would be totally lost now that he is middle school age. I'm so glad we made the decision to bring him home. Wish I would have done it sooner though. I applaud you for bringing your boys home to give them the best education possible!

  • Does anyone incorporate their exercise into their children's "P.E." program? My son and I work out usually five days a week. Either walking for 30 minutes or doing cardio for 15 minutes and strength training for 15 minutes. We've even done yoga some. He loves it. I'm incorporating a health curriculum that includes healthy eating in the next month. I want him to get on the right track when he's young.

    I usually end up doing more exercise on my own later on in the day. We have a treadmill that is currently broken *cry* but I bought a mini trampoline for around $30 the other day at ALDI. It's good for my son's sensory issues as well as getting exercise in general. I've been using it a bunch, myself.

  • Kendra,
    Usually my daughter (14) and son (9.5) jump on the trampoline, ride their scooters, or run around with our 1 YO dogs. I signed them up for kempo karate last summer, and it is the best decision I ever made! Especially for my 9 yo son.
    I LOVE yoga, but have never thought to teach it to them. I'll have to see if I can fit that in somewhere! (:
    What nutritional program are you using, if you don't mind sharing?

  • I'm just trying to count calories. I make some weight watcher recipes as I used to be a member about 9 years ago. I still have my old points counter and everything. Counting my calories is really easy to do on here. I'm so glad I found this place!
  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! Sorry it's been so long to respond, my husband and I are sharing a computer at the moment as mine hates me. :P

    I do try to fit in my exercises while the boys do theirs, but often I have to supervise and coach them on what to do, so they don't fight over who gets to jump first. ;)

    My husband got the recumbent bike assembled and we've both been using it though! I use it while we're either having quiet/reading time, or the boys are doing crafts. It's right in the dining area so I can do it and be there with them. :)

    I DO need to figure out how to get my other exercises in though. I have a routine I'm meant to be doing every day for my hip and knee, but haven't been able to get it done since before the holidays with everything going on. It's very frustrating!
  • Hi, I'm Cheryl.
    I have 3 daughters 17, 15 and 13 years. I have been homeschooling for 10 years. Homeschooling has been the best thing that we could possibly have done together. To hear my daughters tell others what a positive experience it has been, really gives me a smile.
    I was 220 pounds two years ago, went down to 165 and now for some unknown reason I am on the way back up, YIKES!
    Unfortunately, I have a fractured vertebrae and degenterative discs in my lower back so keeping my weight down and my activity up is important.
    I'm hoping that having this support group will be the push I need.:)
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Cheryl...I am sorry to hear about your back problems. What limits do you have because of your back? I know you can lose your weight or maintain it through calorie cutting and a healthy diet alone but if you have some excercises you CAN do, that will only of course help. I may call on you for help..lol..since you have been homeschooling so long. I'd like to say that my kids enjoyed homeschool as much as I do but they just don't. My daughter wants to go back to public school...NO WAY! Any suggestion? My son is okay with it..he is just incredibly active and has a hard time sitting still. Looking forward to seeing you throughout our group messages. :smile:
  • amybell68
    amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
    I can't believe how many home school moms there are out there!!! I am very excited to see how many have joined!! I hope you find the support here that you are looking for!! MFP has been fantastic for me, I look forward to getting to know you all and share our homeschooling ideas!!!
  • jlsq
    jlsq Posts: 7
    Hi, I'm Jamie.

    I homeschool 3 kids (9, 7 and a very energetic 5 year old). My husband and I are also foster parents to a 1 year old right now.

    I am a Christian who homeschools with the Bible as front and center of all we do. I LOVE any advice on homeschooling and could use any amount of encouragement to stay on track and get in shape! I want to glorify God in all I do, be it raising children or living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Hi! My name is Becky. We have been home schooling for 7.5 yrs. We have 6 children 13 yrs old, 2 12 yr olds, 2 10 yr olds and a 5 yr old. I started mfp a while back ago but didn't stick with it. I started again this week determined to stick with it since I am now at my highest weight at 165 lbs. I want to get down to 130 lbs before I determine if I want to lose more. My biggest struggle with home schooling is finding the time to workout. We live by 2 wonderful parks, one which has a track attached to it. I really need to utilize it more often. I love doing the Walk at Home DVDs with Leslie Sansone. I was doing really good with them until I broke my foot early last summer. My foot was unable to sustain any exercise for a few months. Once I got the ok, I pushed myself too much and ended up back in my boot facing possible surgery since the original break did damage to one of the joints. After I finally got free of that and the healing process was complete (Thank God no surgery!), I was worried about working out again so I chose not to many times. Then the holidays came and I used that as an excuse. Now I don't want any excuses and I want to be successful! I am hoping joining some groups will help me stay motivated.
  • Wow, I haven't checked over here on this thread for awhile. I'm so glad there are so many of us. I sent out some friend requests hoping that us homeschooling moms can stick together! Looking forward to getting to know everyone. :)
  • bolhuis5
    bolhuis5 Posts: 5 Member
    Greetings all! My name is Jill. I reside in Michigan and have three great children ages 15, 13 and 9. They go boy, boy and girl in order of age. We are more relaxed and eccletic with our homeschooling. This year a local public school started a partnership program which has alloted more opportunities for my kids which include: horseriding, golf, art, computer game design and human anatomy.
    My husband of 17 years (Feb 4th is our anniversary) is in full support of homeschooling.
    I enjoy exercising and work a couple nights a week at our local YMCA. I have a goal to run another 5K this coming summer and my first 10K (if I can get myself to run that far).
    We have homeschooled pretty much from the start; minus a few months of public school. I absolutely love having my kids around and know that they will be with me for a short amount of time. They grow up so quickly!
    So glad to have found this group on My Fitness Pal, I am new to MFP.