Introduce yourself here!

Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

I am Elizabeth, currently 27 years old and 4 years sober. I struggled with alcohol abuse, predominantly binge drinking, for nearly 5 years of my life during and before college. My family staged a makeshift intervention and got me into counseling nearly four years ago, and here I am today. I gained nearly 70 lbs during my drinking and sobering-up stages, and I'm here to get healthy and back to being athletic and fit.

I can't wait to meet more of you in this group and support you in your journey.


  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    My name is Rajiv. I am 41 and live in New Delhi, India. I have a beautiful wife and a 10 year old son.

    I started regular drinking (i.e. weekends) after I turned 30. Early years there was no drinking. During college I must have had alcohol on one or two occasions and later on when I started working, drinking was never a problem.

    Slowly, I turned in to what I would not like to call myself-"An Alcoholic" but what bothers me all the time is that come Friday..I want to drink! I cannot stop the craving.

    Last festive season was worse! I drank continuously for 8 days (mostly Red Wine-because beyond a point you dont wanna drink).

    I dont know whether I need help, but it really bother me that I drink regularly i.e. 8-10 times in a month!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My name is Rajiv. I am 41 and live in New Delhi, India. I have a beautiful wife and a 10 year old son.

    I started regular drinking (i.e. weekends) after I turned 30. Early years there was no drinking. During college I must have had alcohol on one or two occasions and later on when I started working, drinking was never a problem.

    Slowly, I turned in to what I would not like to call myself-"An Alcoholic" but what bothers me all the time is that come Friday..I want to drink! I cannot stop the craving.

    Last festive season was worse! I drank continuously for 8 days (mostly Red Wine-because beyond a point you dont wanna drink).

    I dont know whether I need help, but it really bother me that I drink regularly i.e. 8-10 times in a month!

    Welcome to the group!

    Alcohol addiction varies in its intensity, symptoms, and damage to your physical and mental health with every person who struggles with it. All of us have different triggers.

    There are two forms of alcoholism. The first is a compulsive and irresistable urge to drink. This is called alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is a physical addiction to alcohol. Without it, your body will go into withdrawl. Unlike dependence, alcohol abuse refers to people whose drinking leads to social, physical, and emotional issues within their lives, but who are not physically addicted to alcohol.

    This article should help you sort it out a bit better:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi my names Clare I'm a 28 year old mum of three from the UK. I started drinking heavily after my dad died when I was 18. I used to work 6am-3pm every day and the rest of the time I drank I honestly don't know how I used to get to work in those days but the scariest part is I rode a scooter there and back everyday which looking back I am disgusted at myself for doing.

    I started to realise I had a problem but then met my ex partner who also had a drink problem so we made each other worse we would get through about 3bottles of wine and 2bottles of spirits on a quieter day and god knows how much when we went out. we somehow both held down jobs and we kind of just avoided the rest of the world even though we both lived with our patents.

    We lived like this for about 4yrs until I found I was pregnant with my daughter. I managed to stop drinking through my pregnancy and we moved in together I had her in February 2005 and a week after giving birth i found out he had been cheating on me but instead of leavig him I started drinking again. But something was different I wanted better for my daughter and during that time I realised my ex was a heavy drug user I was always to drunk and naive to notice before. So we ended up breaking up and he has had no contact with my daughter since then.

    After leaving him I managed to stop drinking and spent lots of time with my friend who didn't drink at all he is now my fiance and we have two sons together. The only way I could break the habbit was to get away from everywhere that reminded me of alcohol. I did have some very dark times getting over it and I still find family parties and weddings to be a trigger but so far I have managed to resist. I've been 4yrs sober now and still crave a drink whenever I'm down or in a social situation.

    I don't know if I'm an alcoholic or not but I do know that I can never touch a drink again because I know it will never stop at just one and my children deserve better than that!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Welcome Clare!

    You are one amazing chick. Congrats on your sobriety and for being such an amazing mom to your three babies. Your journey is a lot like mine, though I didn't have children along the way. After the second drink, I couldn't stop and would just continue to drink drink drink until I was passed out, blacked out, puking, can't walk, can't speak, etc.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Thankyou you have done amazingly too! The scary thing I found is I was never sick and never passed out I could just drink and drink while making an idiot of myself in the process
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thankyou you have done amazingly too! The scary thing I found is I was never sick and never passed out I could just drink and drink while making an idiot of myself in the process

    Binge drinking is a very serious problem among college-age people. It's scary stuff what happens to people when they allow themselves to get so inebriated, especially women.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm Monica. I've struggled with alcoholism since I was 14. I did AA for a year or so and I was sober for two years.
    I grew complacent and figured if I had been sober for two years I could drink like a normal person and so I started drinking again in 2005. Heavily. Daily.
    I've been sober for 588 days now.
    Like most alcoholics I drank more than I ate. Like I've mentioned in threads etc, I was know that gross alcoholic skinny fat with a beer belly. Saggy, pale, and always hungover. I even sweated wine.
    I've done this on my own so far. I didn't have a good experience with AA and so far I've been ok.
    It hasn't been easy but I'm grateful for all my sober days, cuz my worst sober day is way better than my "best" drunk day.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm Monica. I've struggled with alcoholism since I was 14. I did AA for a year or so and I was sober for two years.
    I grew complacent and figured if I had been sober for two years I could drink like a normal person and so I started drinking again in 2005. Heavily. Daily.
    I've been sober for 588 days now.
    Like most alcoholics I drank more than I ate. Like I've mentioned in threads etc, I was know that gross alcoholic skinny fat with a beer belly. Saggy, pale, and always hungover. I even sweated wine.
    I've done this on my own so far. I didn't have a good experience with AA and so far I've been ok.
    It hasn't been easy but I'm grateful for all my sober days, cuz my worst sober day is way better than my "best" drunk day.

    Congrats on getting sober girl and for sticking to it on your own. It's so hard!

    AA is definitely not for everyone.
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    My name is Rajiv. I am 41 and live in New Delhi, India. I have a beautiful wife and a 10 year old son.

    I started regular drinking (i.e. weekends) after I turned 30. Early years there was no drinking. During college I must have had alcohol on one or two occasions and later on when I started working, drinking was never a problem.

    Slowly, I turned in to what I would not like to call myself-"An Alcoholic" but what bothers me all the time is that come Friday..I want to drink! I cannot stop the craving.

    Last festive season was worse! I drank continuously for 8 days (mostly Red Wine-because beyond a point you dont wanna drink).

    I dont know whether I need help, but it really bother me that I drink regularly i.e. 8-10 times in a month!

    Welcome to the group!

    Alcohol addiction varies in its intensity, symptoms, and damage to your physical and mental health with every person who struggles with it. All of us have different triggers.

    There are two forms of alcoholism. The first is a compulsive and irresistable urge to drink. This is called alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is a physical addiction to alcohol. Without it, your body will go into withdrawl. Unlike dependence, alcohol abuse refers to people whose drinking leads to social, physical, and emotional issues within their lives, but who are not physically addicted to alcohol.

    This article should help you sort it out a bit better:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts here!

    Thanks for the blog link! I went through the contents! Thank God I don't fall in to the category of "Dependent" alcoholic!

    But, I must work on it to reduce my social drinking!

    Thanks for sharing!!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi. I'm Jaclyn. I've struggled with alcohol in the past, which contributed to an eating disorder with which I am no longer suffering. But, I am still struggling with the alcohol. I started drinking when I was a junior in college and by the end of my senior year I was dropping out of college, under 100 pounds, and in the hospital with an eating disorder. I believe that in part, alcohol was to blame. I was in the hospital for 2 months, which were two of the six months I spent sober. Near the end of my hospital stay, I decided that I wanted to start drinking again. Not sure why, considering what it had done to me. But, after I left the hospital, I did start drinking again. And I can safely say that it has not been beneficial to my success. Strange thing is that I don't think God ever wanted me to start drinking. I don't think it was ever supposed to be in my cards. But, thanks to unhealthy friendships in college, it turned out to be. So, I asked God a little while back to make me terribly ill the next time I binged. Because before that, I barely ever got sick from drinking any amount. I'd thrown up maybe 6 times from drinking. And even then, I could still eat the next day. Well, I binge drank on Friday. Saturday morning, I couldn't keep anything down, and I felt horrible for the rest of the day. I feel like that was the sign I was looking for. People can say what they want, but for me, when God says stop, you'd better darn well stop. So, that's what I'm doing. I was going to wait till the New Year, but I might as well just quit right now. Please support me and keep me to my resolution. Thanks, and I hope everyone is successful in their sobriety.
  • Mitch7749
    Mitch7749 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Michelle, I'm 23, been using since I was 12. I have 34 days clean :) I started on pain pills when I was 12, switched to alcohol at 14, xanax at 15 and was slamming heroin meth and cocaine at 16. When I first got clean a year ago I gained about 80 lbs. I relapsed trying to lose the weight, and then gained it back. I need some support to gain weight the right way and keep it off!!!

    Just for today
  • AmiW85
    AmiW85 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Ami. Very very early into my recovery. Started with amphetamines just to stay awake and party for longer, but then had some traumatic incidents happen and moved onto heroin and crack pretty intensely. I lost everything. Literally I lived in a tent in the snow, I had nothing. Got things sort of under control and became what they'd call a functioning addict. Just using once a day but holding down a job and appearing "normal" bit then i started binge drinking.
    Fast forward a year and I'm at the start of living sober, but hugely overweight and unhealthy. I've probably gained 3 stone in the past year from drinking alone!! And I just feel so tired and sluggish and achey. It's crap.
    So yeah, time for change!! And I could defo use the input of people who understand, I don't want to go it alone anymore.
    Hope everyone's sobriety and fitness is going well and looking forward to getting to know people hopefully xx