Getting to know you

I think this is a great group! I don't have anyone that I workout with so it's not always easy to stay on track. I like the idea of being accountable. I put it all over facebook that I'm trying to lose weight and I've received some encouragement, but I would like to get to know people who have a common goal. That's why I joined this group.
Since no one has posted anything yet, I thought I'd go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Pam and I'm 35 years old. I live in Maryland with my husband and our 3 kids ages 10, 8 and 4. I am 5'4" and I have been stuck at a weight near 180lbs for a long time. I even went over 180 during a very stressful time in my life. I was active and healthier in high school but for the last many years, I have lived a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle. Since I started exercising and eating better a few weeks ago, I have lost about 8 lbs. I don't have any friends on this site yet, but I hope to get to know some of you so we can be a help and encouragement to one another.

Pam =)


  • misspiggy315
    I so would love to be your friend and encourage you it is very hard thing to do to lose weight but its a lot easier when you have someone here to help. My name is Candi I also have three children myself they are boys ages 8, 6, and one. I want do be able to have fun with them and keep up with them. I would love to join you on your journey to weight loss and you on mine togather with support we will do AWESOME!
  • butterflyrockstar
    Hi there,
    Im all new to this.... I was 205 and did a diet program called the HCG that was offered at my work.... since then i lost 25 pounds and now 180... now im on maintenece program that only allows me to eat 1100 calories a day.... If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to help!! :)))))))))

  • Gwennypooh
    ladies gents.I am gwen in Canada (ontario) help! LOL! I am 40 or more over, quit smoming 5 years ago, packed it on, all in stomache, all ...are you expecting? Ummmm no....grrrrr
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Hello, I am so happy to have a place to discuss dieting challenges. I find I have to be almost obsessive about it. UGGGGGGG
  • RoseMarie157
    RoseMarie157 Posts: 17 Member
    My husband and joined myfitnesspal about 1 month ago. And of course he is loseing a lot faster than I am. He is more active than I because of his job and playing I have softball once a week. I on the other hand have a bad back. I have broke the Wii machine and dusted it off this past week. So I need all the help I can get.:laugh:
  • ccreek23
    My name is Christy. I think MFP is a great place to find similar people on a similar journey! I am 31 and about 210 and need to loose about 75 lbs to be healthy. I started MFP last summer, but didn't really have a lot of support. I lost about 11 lbs and gained a few back over the holidays! But I am very motivated about loosing weight and keeping it off in 2012! I work full time, go to school part time and have 2 kids and husband that keep me pretty busy! Finding time to be physically active is a challenge. I recently got an elliptical machine and just being able to squeeze in 15-20 min here and there is starting to make a difference. I also play the wii dance games with my kids and that is fun and you don't even realize your are exercising! I have been on other diets before and lost 30 lbs or so. But this time I want to do it the right way and keep it off!
    Please let me know if you have any advice or need some motivation!!! Sometimes I need both!
  • rstinne1
    rstinne1 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm hoping this group is as great as I think it can be. I'm 28 and also recently did HCG before I got married in August and lost 30 pounds. After the honeymoon and a very chaotic work schedule for the following month after I got back...the holidays hit. So I have gained back 10 of the 30 I lost.

    My goal this year is to lose at least 30 but my real goal is 55. This would but me at a healthy weight. My ultimate goal is to lose some of not all of the weight befire we start a family. I'm afraid if I don't do it now I'll always be stuck in this vicious cycle.

    I'm definately seeking a buddy and a way to be held accountable. Also looking to find some motivation and any advice that I can along the way!
  • joshmiller1998
    Hello, my name is Josh, I am 31 years old. I just recently joined Myfitnesspal and it has been a BIG help. My mother in law told me about how easy it was and I got started right away. My wife is also dieting, but our work schedules are different so we don't get to work out together. I have lost a little over 5 lbs. so far. I started off at 192 and I want to get to 170, but then I want to start on weight training to build some muscle mass. I pray every day and I will keep my online group in my prayers. I know it's hard, but once you get started and you make it through about 2 weeks, it becomes a routine and it gets easier and easier each day. Good Luck to everyone.
  • rammoss
    Hi there,
    Im all new to this.... I was 205 and did a diet program called the HCG that was offered at my work.... since then i lost 25 pounds and now 180... now im on maintenece program that only allows me to eat 1100 calories a day.... If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to help!! :)))))))))

  • joshmiller1998
    To be honest, I eat subway for lunch every day. I eat the egg and cheese 6 inch on flatbread every day for lunch and you don't have to get the cheese, and it's only $2.47. I get spinich, onions, black olives, bananna peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and I get honey mustard for the sauce. I am a creature of habit, I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch each day and that is easy for me and hopefully it will help you.
  • rammoss
    Hi, I hope to get inspiration and motivation. That's why I'm joining. I have about 80lbs. to loose. It sound's like so much, and today I saw a woman on GMA that lost 500lbs. WOW! Even though she had GBS she had to do all the hard work. I am ashamed that I have 80lbs and have been carrying it around for way too long. I need people to help motivate me. But, I know that ultimately it's all up to me! God Bless Everyone going through this process! Have a good day!
  • Hoswife
    Hoswife Posts: 24
    Hi. I'm Amy. Married with 2 kids. I have about 85 lbs. to lose to be at a healthy weight. I have done the cycle of diets and ups and downs and would love to have the encouragement and support of others that are going through the same things. I have finally figured it out, only I can change me. LOL So, here I go, and hope to make some major lifestyle changes. Feel free to friend me, as all support is welcomed. Thanks. :smile:
  • Rishannalee
    Hi everyone. My name is Rishanna, I'm 46 and married with three children and grandmother to almost two children (we have a granddaughter due in May). I am 100lbs over weight. I started a program called the Lifesteps Program yesterday. They believe like so many other programs that to lose weight successfully you need to keep a journal of your food intake and exercise and have a support group. MFP is great for food journaling and having online fitness buddies so here I am. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing our losses and hopefuly not too many gains.:laugh: