Snack Ideas

Looking for Snack Ideas that don't have a lot of calories? We are looking for snacks 100 Calories or less. Once you add yours we will add it to this main list.

Quaker White Cheddar Rice Cakes 45 Calories

Quaker Caramel Rice Cakes are 50 Calories.

Quaker Chewy peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bars 100 Calories.
Crunch Pak Sweet Apple Slices with Grapes. 2.5 Oz bags 40 Calories (Found at Walmart)

Jason's Deli Salsa (1/2 cup = 27 calories) and Garden of Eden Organic Blue Chips (15 chips 140 calories) =167 calories


  • okcmomto3
    okcmomto3 Posts: 97 Member
    I like the Caramel Rice Cakes. They are 50 Calories.
  • ChangingJojo
    ChangingJojo Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a big fan of yogurt most of the light varieties are 100 calories or less and some of them even help with a sweet craving.

    I also like nature valley granola bars. 1 bar is 90 calories. I will usually pair one with a yogurt prior to my bigger workout after work.
  • What is your favorite kind of yogurt? I haven't found one yet that is low calorie