2 good days but I'm starving

Well I have had 2 good days and I'm starving! I really don't know the best route to go about this journey. I don't want to give up this time, the only diet that has ever worked is a 24 pound loss using WW 7 years ago. Right now I am counting calories, and trying to do with what I have on hand...I need to go to the grocery!

I have been having hip pain since a fall 8 weeks ago, I got a Cortisone shot last week for bursitis in my femur...but it has not helped...and I told the Dr that it is my pelvis/hip area that hurts but he said it was radiating pain! Well I did 30 mins of Wii Dance Party with my kids and it felt good to raise my heart rate and sweat...but now my hip is killing me!

Any advice or encouragement is welcomed!


  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    have you ever tried water aerobics?? It is good for those with pain, especially if you can find a warm water excercise pool.

    I have just started too and its so hard and its only day #2. I am back working out at "curves for women" and after not going for over a month ; it was so difficult today...and my knee is acting up again:(

    I have osteoarthritis in my knee (from my weight) and I got a cortisone shot back in September and it was a miracle for me. I couldnt walk up/down stairs before it. My weight is literally killing my joints which is why i need to do something and now.

    I am also counting calories using this site but most times in the past I will do it for so long and then just give up. I have to stick with it this time around. I am also forcing in the 8 cups of water and thats getting me excercise from all the trips up/down the stairs to the bathroom Haha!

    Keep at it no matter how tough it gets and we will succeed. way to go on getting the wii workout in:) Good luck, i hope you get some pain relief soon.
  • slanders72
    Thanks for the words of encouragement!! So very nice to know I am not the only one out there struggling! Today was better because I was out running errands...got some better low calorie choices! :) but now that I am home I feel pretty hungry!

    I am downing the water and I hear you about the exercise to and from the bathroom and kitchen..LOL

    I am going to check out the YMCA for water aerobics, another friend mentioned that too. The Y is 20-25 mins from my house..only downfall.

    I am proud of you for sticking with it for the 3 days too...and WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I so understand the aches and pains of change. It helps me to think of my goal... not the number of pounds or the size of jeans, but the feeling of being fit and not hurting when I do the things I want to enjoy.
    As for the hunger issue. PROTEIN! Make sure that you get enough protein in your snacks and meals. Mozzerella cheese sticks, Roasted chicken etc. Also, fresh or steamed veggies are good because you can eat a whole lot of them for really few calories. :) Hope that helps. Stick with it! This lifestyle change is worth the discomfort of passing through the change phase.

  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member
    I have a rotated hip socket so I can literally feel your pain. Try out some hip stretches, it really helps me. If anything, try a chiropractor. Medical doctors did nothing for me, all they did was give me meds to get rid of the pain. But my glorious saint like chiropractor identified the problem and even though I still have issues, I have ways of coping with my hip. Granted some days I'm out for the count and I have to go see him to get adjusted, but most of the time stretching is what really does it for me.

    I hope anything I've said has helped.

    PS: I also spend some time with my heating pad on my hip/hip lower back. That helps too.
  • khertens
    I have had some good success since joining on 1/2/12. I am rarely hungry and Mountain Mia is right....you need to be sure you are getting protein throughout the day. Balancing your blood sugar helps with "will power". I wish I knew how to share my food diary. Sometimes half the battle is not having to think about what to eat.....I eat pretty simple foods and not a huge variety, but I like tracking calories vs. other "diets"....that way I can add anything to my meal as long as I figure out the calories. I have my food diary set to 1200 calories but I give myself a range of 1200-1500 a day. The only exercise I do is walk right now....not even power walking....just parking farther away and walking more places rather than driving. Keep up the good work! 2012 has a long way to go!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • slanders72
    Wow!!!! Thanks for all of the support!! This group is awesome! I have been to chiropractor and he was not able to help me afer 8 weeks so he said I should go to the medical doctor. I am in PT 2 x week and it really has been helping! I feel better for a few days and then closer to when I am about to go back, I am in pain again........but nothing like it was. She is going to be giving me stretching and exercises soon!!!

    The hunger pangs have gone away I will have been at this for three weeks this Tuesday. It really is surprising how well this new lifestyle is working for me!!

    I love counting the cals and seeing what I can have or look forward to having, silly me...feels kinda like a game! I guess whatever keeps me going is good...right!! LOL
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    When you are in the Home tab above, to the very right is Settings. If you go into the Food and Exercise Diary settings, at the bottom is a place to make your diary public, private, share with friends only, and locked with a key.

    I also find having a little reward if I am good helps. Like a Skinny Cow truffle bar for dessert ;-)

    One fun thing, especially in the beginning when you are making a little progress... next time you are in the store, if you have lost 10 pounds put 10 pounds of butter in your cart... or however much you have lost. You will think that's a lot of darn butter! And that used to be smeared on you! So you get a real idea of exactly how much progress you have made. Then put the butter BACK. lol
  • slanders72
    LOL...great idea to see how the 8 lbs of butter feel off of me and not on me anymore!!!
    Thanks for that!!!