
Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
Hello all!!

I thought it would be nice to just make a little home for us girls that deal with the nasty PCOS! One of the main symptoms is infertility and it’s such a cruel side effect. I thought that I would tell you a bit about me and feel free to introduce yourself.

My name is Kelly I am 30 and I now live in the UK (I did live in New York for 6 years) I am married to Joe and have been for 10.5 years now. I have a "bonus" child Jacob who is 13 and I have raised as my own (I love him soooo much and he is a Mummy’s boy) We were lucky enough to have a daughter (Elizabeth aged 9 going on 21!) Who is smart funny and we love her to buts. We would love another baby but so far no luck. We have tried clomid, IUI's, Gonal F, Metformin..No luck! I have started taking DCI D-Chiral inositol but I don’t see no major changes with it and I don’t think that I will bother getting it again.

I know I need to focus on losing the pounds I am 50 pounds heavier than I need to be and know that this is not helping the situation.

I look forward to getting to know you! :-)



  • jillyptodd
    jillyptodd Posts: 4 Member
    hiya am Jill age 40 from uk. ive suffered from this for as long as i can remember and as a consequense was infertile and overweight. fortunately i avoided the excess hair etc. however i was lucky enough after 10 years of various infertility treatments to have my son via frozen embryo transfer after the embryo was stored following an unsuccesfull ivf treatment. i acually lost weight during my pregnancy which proved hormones etc pcos do have such an effect on weight. my son is now 5 yrs old and i put loads of weight in the last few years. i have since in the last 4 months had to have a hysterectomy so wont be able to have any more children. but i do want to get fit and have now since i started losing weight 6 months ago lost 5 stone and decided to start using this again. hope ur succesful in having ur much wanted child i found the answer i got was i was overweight thats why i cldnt concieve. i at mt lightest was 9 stone and the iui and ivf still didnt work. good luck x
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome and thank you for your input. Lets hope we get lots of ladies along to join us x
  • Hello! I have PCOS, but I don't know that much about it. I know that I am more susceptible to diabetes, which already runs rampant on both sides of my family. I have had a harder time loosing weight and keeping it off, but that just means that I have to work harder for the weight goal that I desire. I live in Atlanta, GA USA. Good group!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. My Mom kept trying to say I had it since 1997, I didn't believe her. Each year I kept telling her the doctor didn't say anything about it. After I married my husband and had my insurance at my work, (I got a great job with great health care in 2005), I was formally diagnosed. We tried for 4 years and then gave up. I was told until I lost the weight, I wouldn't get pregnant, so they put me on a low carb, 45 carbs for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner each, and 30 carbs each for 3 snacks. Within 1 month of being on this, I conceived my son. He's 2 now. The dietitian said having the carbs like that would make my body process my insulin and balance my hormones.

    When Alex turned 2, we started trying to conceive again. It's be a month of really trying, and I worry about it. Since the 7th of January 2011, I have lost 48 pounds, and I have never tried Clomid or any other pills. Hubby has a deal with me, that if we don't naturally conceive a sibling for Alex by the time he is 3, then we will ask for the Clomid. So I have a goal to get down to 200 pounds by December. I'm fluctuating between 258 to 256 this last two weeks. I think my OB/GYN will be impressed that I lost 104 pounds since 2011, and will be okay with me trying it.
  • Hi, I'm Amber, I'm 34 and I've been married for almost 12 years. I have not officially been diagnosed with PCOS but my doctor told me she believes I have it but wanted me to see a specialist. She was hesitant to issue the diagnosis herself. I have one son that we were able to conceive after only 8 months of trying. He is now 8 and we've been trying for number 2 for 8 years. We started trying when he was 3 months old. I've done two rounds of clomid with insemination and both attempts failed, I've also experienced 2 miscarriages. It appears I have a double issue, 1 is conceiving the other keeping the pregnancy. I had 1 ovary removed when I was 20 and they believe the scar tissue is an extra issue with conceiving. They think it works like a spider web and keeps everything from "connecting." I'm now 34 and becoming more concerned as the risks go up after 35. I'm awfully close to that. I'm around 35 lbs over weight but probably the most healthy I have been in years. I have a great exercise routine and eat healthy a majority of the time.
  • grk_tigris
    grk_tigris Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I'm Lena and 29 years old and was recently diagnosed with PCOS (2yrs ago) for years I have tried to lose weight and was active in HS but could never be what was a called a healthy range. Just got my latest results back from the doc last week and my insulin is finally to a point where I cshould be able to lose weight easier now. The doctor told me if I can just get my testoterone down I should see the weight fall off. It would be nice but I keep trucking away. Just nice to know that after all this time to see results.
  • Hi I'm Lisa in the uk. I'm 37 and although not TTC currently I suffer with every symptom of pcos except acne. I had my son (now 4) with help from clomid metformin (2000mg) and various combinations of natural supplements and herbs.
    I put on all the weight I had lost before conceiving once lo was born and now it's time to control the symptoms anc stop blaming pcos for my weight gain. It is a slow battle but I'm determined to feel better and look after myself. I already feel better since losing a few pounds since January but not sure if I'm mastering a low gi diet. It is so hard to resist chocolate and carbs. Any advice??
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    Hi I'm Lisa in the uk. I'm 37 and although not TTC currently I suffer with every symptom of pcos except acne. I had my son (now 4) with help from clomid metformin (2000mg) and various combinations of natural supplements and herbs.
    I put on all the weight I had lost before conceiving once lo was born and now it's time to control the symptoms anc stop blaming pcos for my weight gain. It is a slow battle but I'm determined to feel better and look after myself. I already feel better since losing a few pounds since January but not sure if I'm mastering a low gi diet. It is so hard to resist chocolate and carbs. Any advice??

    When you're doing it, match a protein with a carb for every meal, it boosts burn, per my dietitian.
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Hello! I have PCOS, but I don't know that much about it. I know that I am more susceptible to diabetes, which already runs rampant on both sides of my family. I have had a harder time loosing weight and keeping it off, but that just means that I have to work harder for the weight goal that I desire. I live in Atlanta, GA USA. Good group!

    Hi My Mother in law lives in Atlanta GA and we are planning on visiting so tell me all the cool things to do there! x
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome everyone! Great to see you all.

    Feel free to spread the word on the group.

    I am just starting low carb and am planning on sticking to 50g of carbs a day to see how my body copes with that.
  • brennafaye1978
    brennafaye1978 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,

    I am from the coast of Maine in the US. I have been TTC for 7 years with one unfortunate miscarraige last year. I just recently saw an actual fertility specialist and I found the PCOS Diet book whose author works with my new doctor. I hope over the next months to lose enough weight to get some help done in my blood system and be able to conceive again and hopefully be successful with the pregnancy. I dont blame PCOS for my weight but I am glad to start learning how to work with it to be able to accomplish my goals. I am blad to find a group of people who know what this is like.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    Hi all,

    I am from the coast of Maine in the US. I have been TTC for 7 years with one unfortunate miscarraige last year. I just recently saw an actual fertility specialist and I found the PCOS Diet book whose author works with my new doctor. I hope over the next months to lose enough weight to get some help done in my blood system and be able to conceive again and hopefully be successful with the pregnancy. I dont blame PCOS for my weight but I am glad to start learning how to work with it to be able to accomplish my goals. I am blad to find a group of people who know what this is like.

    Glad to be here for you. Any questions you have, We'll be happy to help you with.
  • hello,

    I have been diagnosed with PCOS since i was about 16. me and my husband have been trying to conceive for about a year now. my obgyn put me on clomid which did not work. and suggested that i lose weight (at the very least 50lbs). I am on metformin 3 times a day and eat no more the 1520 calories a day sometimes even less then that. i have lost no more then 7 lbs since january and i am getting so depressed about it. my plan was to lose at least 40 by august. I started working out with Zumba last week and still not noticing a huge difference. i cut out all breads, pasta etc.. any carbs besides the natural carbs you get from fruit and veggies. i will admit i still taste a little sweets now and then but still reamin under what MFP says i need for sugar and calories. i am so lost on what to do now any suggestions.
  • laetitiaw
    laetitiaw Posts: 5 Member
    I've just been diagnosed with PCOS although I've been suffering from the symptoms for 20 years! Now 34 I wanted answers and finally got a good doctor to take my list of symptoms seriously.

    Hoping now that I have the right information I can diet in a more effective way... my aim is to get down to a BMI of 25-30 so I'm eligable for IVF if other medication fails to help. My current BMI is 37 - so it'll take a while!

    Good luck with your journeys - I hope we can all pal up to support one another
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member

    I have been diagnosed with PCOS since i was about 16. me and my husband have been trying to conceive for about a year now. my obgyn put me on clomid which did not work. and suggested that i lose weight (at the very least 50lbs). I am on metformin 3 times a day and eat no more the 1520 calories a day sometimes even less then that. i have lost no more then 7 lbs since january and i am getting so depressed about it. my plan was to lose at least 40 by august. I started working out with Zumba last week and still not noticing a huge difference. i cut out all breads, pasta etc.. any carbs besides the natural carbs you get from fruit and veggies. i will admit i still taste a little sweets now and then but still reamin under what MFP says i need for sugar and calories. i am so lost on what to do now any suggestions.

    I'm sorry to see you're having problems with that. Eat a carb with a protein and have 3 meals and 3 snacks, watch your carb levels, don't go over 45 carbs for each meal and 30 carbs for each snack. Believe me it works. I can't wait until I'm settled and my kitchen is totally unpacked, because I can go back to that way of eating and it really works. I am on Metaformin, eat this way, and work out. and lose. Remember that before you lose pounds, you usually lose inches.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Hello All!

    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 8 years ago and have just ballooned since then to a whopping 360lbs! Currently sitting at 338! YAY for weight loss! I have been pregnant once but miscarried at 9 weeks for unknown reasons about 1.5 months ago. I have tried everything from metformin, clomid, gonal F, menopur, follitisum, ovidrel, etc...and nothing worked until I discovered Femara...first round and bam got pregnant.

    Anyhoo I am here on a low carb, low gi diet and until I get down to my goal weight I will not be trying again....I really need to recover still.

    Best of luck girls!

  • thanks for that info. i actually feel that i have lost inches but really want the pounds i guess i am just rushing things. i will definitely try your suggestion
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    thanks for that info. i actually feel that i have lost inches but really want the pounds i guess i am just rushing things. i will definitely try your suggestion

    I lost 10 inches before I noticed a huge scale loss.
  • Hey
    I have pcos n ttc. Hopin to be put on clomid if the doc thinks iv lost enough weight, i stil have a way to go, but jus hope im given the chance to be a mum. Im nearly 31 so gettin a bit older now.
    Gd luck all
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Its so good to have a little "home" that we can come and be with people that are going through the same thing! Welcome all and invite as many people as you would like :-)