How long have you had an ED?



  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    Developed anorexia when I was 16. I recall that gymnastics season was starting (I was on my high school team) and I wanted to lose "a few lbs" before having to be seen in that leotard. I dropped from 112lbs to 104lbs in 1 week by simply cutting my meals in half. I still ate everything I loved, just half of it. That was the beginning of the end for me. I had anorexia until I went away to college and slowly started to eat again. I've had several relapses through the years but never as bad as when I was 16-19. I stayed a healthy weight of 120-125 for years. Then I got pregnant with my first child in 2004. Gained 60lbs (it was the first time I truly let myself eat whatever I wanted and I did!). Lost half of it then got pregnant with #2 and gained that 30lbs back. Lost half of it again and got stuck. But my sister was getting married in Sept 2007 and I got insanely dedicated to NOT being the fat bridesmaid. However, I then developed bulimia. I would starve myself... and then when I did eat I'd purge it. I'd never been bulimic before (always found it gross) and was amazed at how addictive it was. I was bulimic from May 2007-Nov 2008. I'd started having arrythmia and was concerned. Went to my PCP and a heart specialist. Had lots of EKG's and testing done. It terrified me into stopping cold turkey. Nov 4th 2008 - I even remember the date. I kept thinking, the next time I purge I could simply drop dead and leave my girls without a mom. I will admit that I have purged maybe 3-4 times since then when anxiety was at an all time high but I think that is pretty good considering.... so have had an ED for 19 years total :(
  • starcollapsing
    starcollapsing Posts: 57 Member
    Around 8 years.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I've never been diagnosed with anything. I was very very thin in my teens because that's just how I was, and I wouldn't eat because I had a lot of anxiety. I got "big" in my 20's and I just started restricting myself in the past few months, though for me restricting is eating 1800 calories a day. I get very thin very quickly but its not all that a good thing cuz then my hair gets weird. I just have this crazy intense fear of being overweight or what in my head means being overweight. I don't like the look of any extra flesh on me or sagginess. I like lines and angles and things. I'm weird.
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    I don't remember ever eating normally: I had entire categories of foods that I just wouldn't eat as a child (condiments, for example). . .I only had, like, 5 foods that I'd eat. That just progressed and progressed into more restricting.

    I have had periods when I recovered and did really well, but have relapsed several times.
  • kahluakal
    On and off for almost 17 years... some years were better than others, and some were pure hell.
  • Leo_Joy_HG
    Leo_Joy_HG Posts: 57 Member
    I think i had BED as a child and teen, then at 18 a few months of restricting to 500cal happened then bulimia begun and has continued for 2 and a half years.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Since I was 8 - that's when the behavior started. I have Binge Eating Disorder.

    It's been 22 years.

    It was only 4 years ago though that I figured out what my problem was. For the past 2 years I've been successfully trying to recover.
  • myglassbody
    myglassbody Posts: 4 Member
    Lets see... My first memory of anything anorexia related was when I was about 4 or 5. I heard something about it somewhere, I'm not sure where. I asked my father what it was and he said it's when people don't eat. At that age, my thought process wasn't correct and in my mind I thought they truly NEVER ate, never again. That completely intrigued me. I didn't really understand it, I just thought it was very strange but I liked it.

    Around six, I made my first cut. I didn't do it very often, only when I needed to. Around 7 or 8 I relized I needed to suck in my stomach all the time in order to be better. No one told me this, I just knew that's what I needed to do. The comments made by certain family members and other people at school and such just made me much more self-conscious. Looking back at photos and numbers that were taken at doctor's offices (weight, height, etc.) I can see now that I was normal but back then I still saw myself as very large, much bigger than all the other kids. In all reality, I was usually smaller. I guess that's the first memory/sign I have of my BDD. Around that time, I think I was 8, my father remarried. She was so tiny and pretty and she had two daughters, both of which were tiny, gorgeous, and girlie. My father always wanted me to be girlie. Too bad, I'm tomboyish, gothish, punkish, skaterish, I'm just me. They would always talk about how small my new sisters were and how pretty they were. So I think this was a big set-off for me and my ED.

    Anyways, it didn't really get too bad until I was around 11. At that point my cutting because a nightly thing, sometimes multiple times a day. I was literally just covered in cuts, scabs, burns, scars, etc. My ED had really started to take off at that point too. The worst part about it all is I'm chronically ill. It's literally deteriorating every part of my body so having an ED on top of everything did not and is not helping at ALL!

    Back then I was Anorexic with Bulimic Tendencies. I'm now 20 and it's been such an off and on struggle. I'm now struggling with EDNOS with anorexic tendencies. I'm always confused inside my mind. Some days, weeks, or months I'm just so dead set on anorexia. I can be so on track and nothing will stop me. Then I can wake up the next day and just not care. I'll eat normal. I'll try to be healthy, wanting to get to a healthy weight, just wanting to be overall as healthy as I can be, at least nutritionally. However, because of my being sick to begin with, I'll never be healthy nutritionally. My body just doesn't take in nutrients no matter how many enzymes and treatments I do. SO I then go back into my ana mode. It's definitely a roller coaster but I'm just trying to go with the flow for now instead of fighting it. I'm definitely not ready for recovery quite yet but I'm hoping that day will be soon.

    This is the first time I've really written this out so I thank you so much for listening and being patient with my little word vomit here, and thank you if you actually did make it through.
  • DreaminOfAngels
    I have NEVER really been a good eater, I used to fight about EVERY meal I was offered from as early as I can remember, which is 3. My parents got worried or something and I guess I got really frustrating to them. From that point on they took very drastic and abusive measures to MAKE me eat. I sat for hours and hours with the same meal until I ate it, if I didn't they put it in the fridge and I did that for days upon days until that meal was gone. And it would start again with the next meal. If I still didn't eat things got physical.

    That I think was just kind of the training for me for the actual eating disorder, it is why food is still my enemy. 11 years old is when I started, so I would have to say 26 years for the actual eating disorder.
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    All my life.
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    I've had one since I was 9 years old, and officially diagnosed in November.
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    I remember being about 8 when I had my first binge, though I think I had some general compulsive overeating issues prior to that. In middle school (12-13 y/o) I started chronic dieting which spiraled into anorexia (300 cal/day). After a couple years of that, I morphed into bulimia, and after some sloppy therapy, I stopped purging but not bingeing or compulsively overeating. I gained 100 pounds in a couple of years. I had several relapses of anorectic/bulimic behaviors in my early to mid 20s. Then at 25 all that stopped and I was basically doing a lot of compulsive overeating. I gained another 75 pounds over the course of the next several years. Last year I found out that I have a heart condition (along with a lot of other weight-related health problems) and that, combined with a lot of other stress, led to another relapse. I was eating 200-500 calories a day (with some fasting days as well) for a while then started bingeing and purging as well. The past 5 months have been really hard. I've been working with a therapist and dietitian and they've been helpful. I'm still restricting a little too much most days, but I'm never under 1200 calories so I'm definitely improving. Any way, long essay to say "my whole life" :tongue:

    Anyone trying to recover is welcome to send a friend request, I could use some support - and would like to be able to offer support as well.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    I was a lot heavier back in high school years. After getting into college, I had enough and went on a diet with exercise. It worked, and I shed off the pounds. The problem is.. I never jumped off that wagon, even after I reached my goal wait.

    It was an obsessive-disorder, I was so cautious about what I ate and how much calories it had in it.. I measured everything out.

    Every morning I jumped on the scale to see how much I weighed. I felt happy every time those numbers went down. I reached 114...

    ..And I found myself in the hospital soon after. My body just wouldn't respond anymore. After a week, I got to be able to walk again.

    While I still find myself being careful of what I eat, I am a lot more thankful of what I have. I exercise 4-5 times a week, and try to make sure I eat close to how much my body needs to keep going. It's been about 2 years.
  • LovelyTea
    LovelyTea Posts: 3 Member
    first developed mine fully at 17, relapsed again last year at 26....... so 9 years.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    5-6 years.