
I thought it might be nice to hear if anyone has gotten any positive compliments since starting this journey?

I have gotten from the secretary at my chiro office who was amazed how much thinner my face looked :) And a second from my husband last night who told me my bum was "getting smaller.....again"...he told me this once before in Dec but its always nice to hear!!

Lets hear the other positive compliments our group is getting!!!!


  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    I have not received any new compliments yet but I have noticed my husband trying to eat healthier. I am very happy to set a good example for my family.
  • sdailey4
    sdailey4 Posts: 56 Member
    I have had different people tell me how good I am looking and how they can tell I am losing...then yesterday...not a verbal compliment, but I had a passenger in another vehicle stick his head out the window to look at me...I'm telling myself it was a compliment anyways LOL