Apart from weight loss, what other goals have you set for yo

SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
Hi everyone.

Losing weight and getting my mojo is not be the only goal I have set for myself.

Hell no! My other goals are to:-

Learn to play the guitar - I have always been musical but never fully actualized this. I love music and want to be able to express myself in music. I chose the acoustic guitar because I love the sound it makes - it can be expressive. Since I started I have relearned how to read music - a skill which I had long forgotten!

Get back to making my own clothes - I have always had a sewing machine, since I was a child, and have always sewn. Since my son was born 8 years ago, I just kind of stopped and went into mummy mode. Then I got fatter and did not want to make HUGE dresses for myself.

Find a job I love/grow my business - since last February I left work to become self employed . I find working at home quite isolating and would love to join an organisation part time so that I can find the balance between working for myself and having co-workers (and a regular income)!

Self acceptance - I accept that you can't judge yourself by someone else's standards, you can't envy people's lives, you can't make yourself into something that you are not and that is OK! It is OK to just be me - with my own life experiences, background, opinions, etc - I just need to be the best "me" that I can be! And that's my goal.

By the end of 2012 I want to look back and feel very pleased with what I have achieved this year. I was happy last year because I had put things in motion, by leaving a job I hated, going self employed and starting my weight loss journey - so the goals above are just a continuation of what I started last year.


  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    Brilliant goals.

    Your post has prompted me to look at what I want for myself .

    I hopefully will be able to find the time to do a course which will allow me to change areas in my current job and do what I like doing. I started looking for the course already just need to discuss with my hubby about finances and time to study.

  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Great question as always...love reading your stuff. :)

    My goals:
    Grow my business enough to have my husband completely retire, pay off all our bills, send our daughter to college and buy some land in Cape Cod. (this is my 5 year plan)

    My short term personal goals are to do well at my upcoming Kuk Sool Tournament, earn my 2nd degree Black belt and another goal is to help at least 2 people lose 100 lbs this year.
  • tbraund111069
    tbraund111069 Posts: 16 Member
    So many goals it's hard to focus on them all. Going to trim it down to a manageable few.

    1. Grow my business to the point where my father can't ask "are you going to get a job?"!!!!!
    2. De-clutter my room/office & keep it that way. Can't focus well on ANYTHING surrounded by so much useless stuff! (this goal WILL be completed by the end of this week)
    3. Learn to cook more so that I have lots of options & don't get bored.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    So many goals it's hard to focus on them all. Going to trim it down to a manageable few.

    1. Grow my business to the point where my father can't ask "are you going to get a job?"!!!!!
    2. De-clutter my room/office & keep it that way. Can't focus well on ANYTHING surrounded by so much useless stuff! (this goal WILL be completed by the end of this week)
    3. Learn to cook more so that I have lots of options & don't get bored.
    I'm in the process of de-cluttering my office too. We are remodeling our basement so when that is done, some of this stuff can go back down there. I hate CLUTTER!
  • amyrllin
    My goal is to run a half marathon. I am looking at one in June.
    I would like to be more adventurous in the kitchen as I hate to cook and always stick with the same boring meals
    I would like to be happy in my own skin, not related to a number on the scale or the size of clothes I fit in, just accepting and happy with the way I am
    Great Post!!!
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    My main goal apart from weight loss right now is to learn Spanish. I've been learning for a while now but still feel like I can't have a conversation with Spanish speaking people. I can say quite a bit, read and write a little bit, but I really struggle to hear what people are saying.
    I'd like to become as near to fluent as possible so I'm not having to think about what I'm saying so much or asking people to repeat themselves.

    To do this:

    Do my Michel Thomas lessons each day
    Watch Spanish films without subtitles (see if I can understand a least some of it)
    Read Spanish magazines and children's books
    Get up the courage to talk to Spanish people more, and not be self conscious about getting it wrong!!
  • sdolan825
    This is a great post, really had to think about the important inner self as opposed to just the outer.

    My goals - finish up with my pre-requisites and get accpeted into the nursing "program" at school (applications due by feb 1st...fingers crossed)

    Organize and declutter my house (ie the closets and cabinets)

    Spend more time enjoying life, not focused on the worrying so much.
  • woodmetal
    I think you are an amazing woman!! I hope that I can be as successful as you! Our goal are similar! I am an artist- who has forgotten how to create! I want to be me and not care what others say! I need to find a job so I have an income to make life better for me and my kids! I have a wonderful man in my life but I need the self confidence of knowing that I contribute ego our financial well being! I want to be healthy and feel sexy for myself and to knock his socks off!
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Brilliant goals.

    Your post has prompted me to look at what I want for myself .

    I hopefully will be able to find the time to do a course which will allow me to change areas in my current job and do what I like doing. I started looking for the course already just need to discuss with my hubby about finances and time to study.


    Good for you. It is always good to take a holistic approach when focussing on our goals. Not just the weight and our general body image, but challenging ourselves to do things that we have always wanted to do.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Great question as always...love reading your stuff. :)

    My goals:
    Grow my business enough to have my husband completely retire, pay off all our bills, send our daughter to college and buy some land in Cape Cod. (this is my 5 year plan)

    My short term personal goals are to do well at my upcoming Kuk Sool Tournament, earn my 2nd degree Black belt and another goal is to help at least 2 people lose 100 lbs this year.

    Great goals. I wish you all the best.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I think you are an amazing woman!! I hope that I can be as successful as you! Our goal are similar! I am an artist- who has forgotten how to create! I want to be me and not care what others say! I need to find a job so I have an income to make life better for me and my kids! I have a wonderful man in my life but I need the self confidence of knowing that I contribute ego our financial well being! I want to be healthy and feel sexy for myself and to knock his socks off!

    I echo all that you say. We must never forget who we are.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    My goal is to run a half marathon. I am looking at one in June.
    I would like to be more adventurous in the kitchen as I hate to cook and always stick with the same boring meals
    I would like to be happy in my own skin, not related to a number on the scale or the size of clothes I fit in, just accepting and happy with the way I am
    Great Post!!!

    And great goals - good luck - you can do it!
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    This is a great post, really had to think about the important inner self as opposed to just the outer.

    My goals - finish up with my pre-requisites and get accpeted into the nursing "program" at school (applications due by feb 1st...fingers crossed)

    Organize and declutter my house (ie the closets and cabinets)

    Spend more time enjoying life, not focused on the worrying so much.

    Fantastic goals! Let's quit worrying and start planning!
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    2012 goals are...

    1) Get a job.
    2) Make a will.
    3) Have a few garage sales to rid my house of clutter.

    Those are my main goals. It may not seem like much but until I get a job I can't focus on anything further.
  • sarahthecamper
    sarahthecamper Posts: 45 Member
    There are a lot of "declutter" goals in here; do you girls know about Flylady.com? A little bit at a time, but manageable. I've gotten to the point that instead of hoarding stuff for the $100 I might make at a garage sale (for DAYS of work, mind you) I just bring everything to our neighborhood goodwill-type place. Gone and gone. Without all that stuff around my house and my mind are much freer.

    My goals:
    1) Go up a level in tennis and be a threat (I just started again)
    2) Increase my social network and get out of the house more
    3) Learn to play bridge
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    My goals (NOT resolutions!) besides weight loss for 2012 are:

    1. Pray & study my Bible more - work on my personal relationship with God
    2. Improve my finances by paying off my car & credit cards
    3. Find Mr. Right - not that having a man defines me but I would like to share my life with someone :)
    4. Grow with my position at work so if opportunity presents itself, I can be promoted
    4. Take kids on great family vacation
    5. Paint/redecorate both kids rooms
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Oh and I forgot one! I recently lost my dad on Dec. 21st. This reminded me how important family is so I'm working on my relationships with family & friends - better daughter, better mom, better sister, better friend :)

    OK - that's it!
  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    What .a great topic!

    I have some goals that I plan to achieve soonish like getting a working sewing machine set up and beginning to awaken my creative side again. I have been focused on work and kids. Also, it is my goal to do at least ten minutes of gardening or home improvement work a day. I have let that slide, and the garden used to give me so much joy! Longer term goals include some big home improvement projects, like floors and decks and stuff. I really want to travel and don't have the income for it so I thought if I could fix up this house, we could house swap for holidays!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    1)Choose something for my career (I've never chosen!) I have a job now, but I would like to get more in-depth in it, or do something else.

    2)Create a five-year plan. My husband and I need to come up with a strategy and also figure out where we want to be in five years. By then, our kids will be 1)finished with college and 2)halfway through college.

    So what do we want to do for the rest of our lives?

    I feel like taking better care of myself now, through eating better, exercising a bit more (not pushing it too hard yet), and just in general, I'm preparing myself for What Comes Next.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    One more thing: try more new recipes. I made a great black bean soup on Saturday, from the 400 Calorie Fix cookbook. I loved it, and it's really helped me this week, as I've eaten it for lunch a few times.