Welcome to the Board! Bikini 2012 Challenge Sign Up here

Hi Everyone,

My name is Alexis and I created this group because my goal is to get into a bathing suit this summer and stay accountable while getting there! I'm creating a challenge, in which every day you post how you are moving forward with your goals:

Food- Are you on target?

Water- how many 8 oz glasses?

Exercise- are you keeping active?

Weight Loss: on your weigh-in day, post how you are doing!

Update often, look forward to meeting everyone!


  • Ok here is my check-in for today:

    Food- Yes on target, I'm on the Jenny Craig plan and I stayed within my calorie range today (even with the brownie I ate for lunch....whoops!)

    Water- I got 5 cups in, tommorow I'm shooting for 6!

    Exercise- Got it in! 70 minutes at the gym today :)

    Weigh In: Saturdays are my weigh-in, I was 140.8 at my JC center, can't wait to see that number come down my next weigh in!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    ^You did really well. I had a hibernation day yesterday with the snow that fell, so I plan on doing much better today. I'll post my updates later today.

    Keep up the awesome bikini-getting work ladies :o)
  • Welcome Karen! A hibernation day sounds relaxing! I was pondering if I should take one today, but I will probably drag my butt to the gym lol! Best of luck today!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    Thanks for the welcome.

    Food- On target, 8 Cals below my goal for the day :o)

    Water- 8 cups (I'll probably have more later on too)

    Exercise- Cleaning (OCD cleaning/organizing to the closet and dresser) and errands/shopping; not so great today

    Weight Loss: My official weigh day is Thursday, it was 145.6. lbs
  • Karen- you are rockin it girl! Keep up the great work!

    Here is my today:

    Food- I'm about 100 calories over my goal, but I needed the second cup of coffee for my sanity lol- I know I will need to address my caffeine addiction soon :-0

    Water- its getting better, today I had about 6 cups which is in my target range of 6-8 cups

    Exercise- one hour at the gym, yay!

    W/I: I'm looking forward to next Saturday :)
  • Righ ton the target so far:

    Have already lost my kg for the week, exercised every day: I usually power-walk back home from work from the main train station and try to include as many steep hills and stairs as possible and today's the first day I start being a bit better at it :-)

    Also modified my diet towards more lean protein and trying to cut out crabs. Only eat fat when I've done my bodyrock workout but I still drop weight.

    I know the bad days will come but so far so good. Last two days no alcohol as well.

    Hope to be in shape for that bikini summer!

    Weight for the day: 60.95

    water: 10-12 cups (excluding San Pellegrino I drink with meals)

    Just one coffee a day. YAY!
  • Great job audiophile! keep up the great work!
  • Updating tonight, work has been crazy!!!! Lol
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    Great job audiophile!

    Todays my weigh-in day:

    Food: I've been volatile this week, but still averaging around my target.

    Exercise: Monday and today will be my only real workouts. So below my goal.

    Water: 8-12 cups a day :o)

    Weight: 144.4 (down 1.2 lbs).

    Exercise is my weakness, but I stick to my food goals well enough to still keep on losing.

    And!! My bikini came in the mail yesterday! So now I have the motivation staring at me in the face. It doesn't look so bad already (much less scary then this time last year would have been), but I need to tone, so hopefully this helps me get my butt in gear to exercise more!
  • Great job Karen! 1.2 down is a great loss! I'm totally with you with the volatile eating, this week has been crazy for me as well...I'm going to try and atone for my bad habits today and tommorow, and hopefully I will have some good news on Saturday (my weigh-in day)....what style is your bikini? I need to order mine as well!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    Victorias Secret just had a big sale, so I snagged this triangle/halter bikini one (in a different green that's no longer an option), I've never worn one like it (I haven't been this small since I was 14-15, and briefly at 20, and I was very shy and self conscious then), I feel very unsupported/exposing, so it would be for tanning only LOL: unless theres some trick to tying it I'm missing. It was on sale so I can't feel bad, and it is a great motivator...

  • ^That bathing suit is soooo cute! Great pick!

    So I weighed in today at 139.4, which is a loss of 0.6 lbs- I was actually surprised though because I expected a gain! My eating was so chaotic at work (endless cookies, cakes, and chips to snack on) and because I'm working longer hours...there is less time for exercise. So today I decided to get more serious about my weight, I signed up for Weight Watchers and I'm dedicating at least one hour a day to exercise. Keep up all the great work ladies!!!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member

    A loss is a loss, great job!! And good luck with WW :o)
  • Ok so this week was a lot better....I weighed in today at 138.4, which is a total loss of 1.6! I know its going a bit slow but if I am consistent, I will be at goal by summer :))) Best of luck everyone!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    ^Great job!

    Last Thursday (my weigh-in day) I was down 2 lbs!! Now 142.4 lbs. It's coming off (and you can bet your *kitten* its gonna be staying that way too!)