
I need easy to make recipes for 8 oz. of 5 grain tempeh.
I have no clue what to do with it, so it is sitting in my freezer waiting to be enjoyed.


  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I like to saute it in a pan, without oil (tempeh has enough grams of fat) instead, I fry it in a pan with a couple tbsp of water, and when it soaks it up, I throw in some rice vinegar and my favorite seasonings. I usually cook it like you would with ground beef. If you're having a Mexican dish add cumin & chili powder, for Italian add basil, garlic & oregano, for Indian add curry etc etc... while it's cooking. When it turns a nice golden brown it's perfect for eating. It doesn't take long to toast at all.

    8oz is actually 2 servings so what I do is cut it in half (sometimes quarters) and cook it individually. I've never seen the 5 grain tempeh, only the 3 grain and the soy.
  • patriotmom2271
    patriotmom2271 Posts: 20 Member
    Got it at Whole Foods. So I can saute it and add spaghetti sauce and call it good?
    I'm totally tempeh and tofu ignorant on cooking it. I love Whole foods tofu dishes from the deli, but the one and only time I tried cooking it was a total FLOP.
  • RealChange31
    RealChange31 Posts: 36 Member
    I made this elegant tempeh bourguignon recipe (minus the dumplings), and it was TO DIE FOR!

  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You can grate it and use it anywhere non-vegetarians would use ground beef. I like to make it into tacos. I also will fry in a tiny bit of oil (in a non-stick pan with a light coating of oil from my misto) or broil it. I'll also cut it into little pieces and add it to stir fry.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    slice it thin and make tempeh bacon with it. Add some soy sauce and liquid smoke to it. Yum!
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    I just made Buffalo tempeh yesterday.

    I sliced it into small triangles than steamed it for 5 minutes. Than I marinated it in Frank's wing sauce for about a half hour.

    After that, I pulled it out of the marinade and "fried" it in a non-stick pan until it started to brown up a little bit. Dumped the marinade back on for a few minutes and let it simmer. Yum!

    It's great with either some vegan ranch or some vegan cole slaw (I got the recipe from "Appetite for Reduction").

    P.S. If you're going to marinade it, steaming it first lets the marinade really get in the nooks and crannies and soaks in.
  • kate_n_pjs
    kate_n_pjs Posts: 86 Member
    stuffed bell peppers with the Flax seed Tempeh

    I sauted an onion, tons of mushrooms and the tempeh (crumbled it into the pan), I added to it some Braggs and other seasonings (think taco flavors) then for color added some frozen peas... I stuffed that into two red bell peppers that I had hollowed out and baked for 15-20 minutes. I served them with homemade sweet potato fries.
  • patriotmom2271
    patriotmom2271 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you. For some odd reason it never came in that you had replied to this question. I just happened to be looking for something else and saw that there were several replies that I'd never seen listed.
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    ditto on the vegan chick bacon recipe. You can also pan fry with no fat cooking spray to keep it from sticking, and then throw it between some toast and guacamole, tomato, and lettuce its a good fill u up sandwich.
  • sammybey
    sammybey Posts: 72 Member
    I love tempeh! I have made Sprok Fed's ginger maple mustard tempeh, and most recently this recipe:

    BBQ-sauce tempeh is tasty as well.