Day 22 - 1/28/12

Another day under the belt!!! Were getting into the home stretch ladies. :) I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Rachel have a fantastic time at the wedding today!!! :)

Stefanie, How are your abs today?


  • sarashleyj
    sarashleyj Posts: 85 Member
    Good morning! I did the Shred yesterday and today is a running day. It was cold this morning so I'm going to run later. So I did 25 min of Pilates this morning and them ill run when the temp gets above freezing! Lol
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    I hear ya! It's below freezing here with the wind chill anyway. We finally have a little more snow but not enough to snowmobile :( I cant remember Minnesota ever being this warm and this little snow ever!! My kids are sooo bored, not being able to get out and sled.

    I was going to take today off and rest, however I think I'm going to do my modified version of the 30DS anyway!! I am actually sore this morning from modifying it... I really pushed myself and did a lot more weight lifting instead of the abs.

    Abs are still sore, not much change. My hubby gave me a hug from behind last night and lifted me off my feet and it stretched and pulled my abs and I could barely stand up in an upright position, thankfully this morning it back to just sore and I can move around =) Whew.

    So today I will keep at it, modify by skipping the ab work and replacing it with weights and resistance!

    I love the way my clothes are fitting on me, they are actually getting "big" for me! This is the best motivational group ever, I have made it this far with the help of you all!! Just look at today- I wasn't going to do it until I logged in and saw how everyone is so dedicated! I'm with you all :)

    Have a great Saturday!!
  • djuniteus
    djuniteus Posts: 149
    Ladies Great job!! Any workout is what the 30 ds is all about.

    Its 71 degrees of lovely here in Florida!!! :bigsmile: Sorry to rub it in.

    Stefanie that sucks that your abs are still bad. It's probably going to take a couple of weeks to stop hurting. :( I do love your determination. I understand the loose clothes thing, all mine are falling off of me. LOL. Love it!!
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    It's 9:15PM I just finished Level 2 Day 7. Did awesome... all but abs however I think I'm burning more without the abs since I continue lifting and doing squats and such, my heart rate stays up there, as apposed to laying down doing abs.

    I'm pooped LOL

    On to Tomorrow!!
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    thanks...only just read this! The wedding was amazing!!!

    You are all doing just great, i am a bit jealous to be honest but its cicrcumstances and i am sure one day i will do the the shread from start to finish. Bit poorly today, i am hoping it doesnt get worse before it gets better :-(

    Moving house on Thursday too...woo hoo can get all excited about that now the wedding is over, bit busy though :-)
  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 142 Member
    So glad to hear the wedding was great!! You can still jump back on the shred girl!! I'm starting day 19 today and still have a ways to go... You can pick up where you left of, it's not been that long ;) 20 minutes, carve some time out for yourself... If you cant please come back, start where you left off, you'll still have your endurance!!

    Good luck on the move, that should burn some calories LOL Moving boxes, unpacking, the list goes on and on =)

    Have a wonderful Day!!