Weekly Goals!

Hey Future/Current/Present/Repeat Triathletes!
I thought this week we could share our training/food goals-maybe one thing we hope to change, or keep doing this week and check in and see how we did!
My goals: Add in weights in February, Make it to my morning swims and afternoon spins on Tues and Thurs (keep up the base training schedule I have established last month); Add one more minute to my runs and keep eating respectfully of my body and my hunger.
What are you aiming to do?
Whatever it is, I wish you the best and look forward to hearing how you have acheived it!


  • ImGonnaTri2012
    ImGonnaTri2012 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there -- last week I was a little off so this week I plan to get at least twice of each swim, bike, run -- planning spinning class a couple days because I can't ride outside here yet. For my swimming I just want to keep adding 50 yds with less stopping in between and hope to get up to 500 yards at a swim session with minimal rest between 50s. Had a nice run outside today and hope to do that again a couple of times this week.

    Lastly I need to increase my water -- gonna aim for 100 ml each day !

    Thanks for the motivation ! 4 months from this week I plan to do my first ever sprint triathlon.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Spin Tues/Thurs
    Walk/run Mon and Wed AM
    Weights Mon/Wed PM
    Fri Swim/weights (sometimes weights are deferred until Sat)

    I pick my activity on the weekends, be active at least 1 of 2 days

    Stick to my preplanned meals and snacks
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    Monday- Swim 75 mins (4500m), Weights and Core
    Tuesday- Bike 1 hour, Level 2-3 day, solid spin
    Wednesday- Swim 45 mins(~2000m) drilling, Weights and Core
    Thursday- Bike 70 mins, Run 45 mins, Both are interval workouts
    Friday-OFF DAY
    Saturday- Bike 4 hour, Run 45 mins
    Sunday- Run 1 hour, Swim 45 mins(~2300m)

    My net calories per day is 1690 to maintain a 1.5 lb/week loss. So far my results have been much better than 1.5 lbs a week. I should be under 200 lbs. in 2 weeks.
  • Leesseebee
    All these goals seem awesome and I look forward to hearing how you all achieved them next Sunday!
    Drudoo-I cannot wrap my mind around the continual pace/distance of your Monday swim-awesome!
    Do you bike outside?
    Best of luck everyone!
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I do a fair amount of my riding indoors at the moment. Being in the Middle of the US, the weather is too cold to rolling down the road. As boring as trainer rides are, it does allow for better interval sets, just without the scenic imagery.

    My Monday swims are not the most fun but they have led to a drastic reduction in my swim times. I have a feeling that today I will have to be carried out of the pool! :/

    What day this week is everyone looking forward to? I like my thursday because it is a threshold day and really pushed me out of my comfort zone. Those types of workouts are the most rewarding!